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Everything posted by USSI

  1. USSI

    Aruba Wedding

    So do you mean we would need to get our marriage license AND certificate in Aruba in order to get fully married there? I'm seriously contemplating getting the license here and certificate here (meaning I'd need to pay a visit to our City Hall a few weeks prior to Aruba departure to complete the necessary paper work. I don't prefer this since we'd actually be already 'legally' married at that point prior to Aruba but in the long run, I prefer being registered in Canada vs. Aruba. I wish we could get married there and still be registered in Canada. Ahhhhhh! Oh well. Thanks for your insight TAMaureen.
  2. USSI

    Aruba Wedding

    Hi, We haven't booked anything yet either. We are hoping to book in June for January. Prices are outrageous right now. We are also contemplating the Holiday Inn Sunspree. We've been - we enjoyed it - and the prices are affordable which means we'll most likely get a lot more guests to come out. I'm a little weary about your challenges - they soon can be mine too. I'll keep you apprised on any developments. Cheers. USSI
  3. USSI

    Aruba Wedding

    Interesting. I sent an email to Aruba's Town Hall but no one has responded. In Canada I've been told that we will be legally married but not registered in Canada. I read somewhere online that we could get our certificate translated and registered in Canada but I only found that on one site. I'm so very confused. I'll keep researching. Thanks!!! Ussi
  4. USSI

    Aruba Wedding

    Hi there - can anyone (Canadian) explain the procedure to getting married in Aruba and obtaining a marriage license and certificate? I've been told if I get my license and certificate in Aruba that I can't be registered in Canada. I'll be legally married but won't be registered. I'm reading a lot off the internet and I'm getting mixed messages. I know that if I were to get married in Mexico I could bring the Mexican marriage certificate to Canada and have someone translate it for $200 and be registered in Canada. This unfortunately doesn't apply to every country. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks, USSI
  5. USSI

    Aruba Wedding

    WE LOVE MADAME JEANTTE'S. We stayed at the Holiday Inn Sunspree a few years back and ate out most nights. This was our favourite restaurant (lobster tortellini). We actually thought about doing our wedding at the Holiday Inn and taking our guests for dinner at MJ's. But now we're seriously contemplating the RIU. Unfortunately, it's very expensive. I'm pleased to hear that the 'beds' was the only concern you had re the RIU. That's great news consdering some of the reviews I find online. My plan is to send 'Save a Dates' in March and the actual invites in August for a January 2011 wedding. It should all work out. Thanks again. USSI
  6. USSI

    Aruba Wedding

    WOW! You guys are super thoughful. Thanks so much for your greetings and advice. I feel so new to this world of weddings as I've never dreamed of getting married. I've never been one of those girls who had their wedding planned since they were a little girl. So this next year should be quite the adventure. Thanks again everyone and I look forward to browsing for info. USSI
  7. USSI

    Aruba Wedding

    Hi Everyone, Voila - my 'newbie' message! I am planning on getting married in Aruba in January, 2011 - the weather seems quite consistent in January compared to a lot of other places. My fiance and I are really interested in doing it at the RIU Palace and would love to hear from anyone who has had their wedding there or at another all-inclusive resort in Aruba. We haven't booked a date yet because the prices are way too expensive. We're hoping that if we wait a bit (i.e. by this summer) the prices may come down - here's hoping. Any advice is good advice. My engagement is in two weeks and there after begin the plans. I don't even know what to plan. Don't have sisters or anyone close who has gotten married. I'll just have to wing it. Ussi
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