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Everything posted by roxmysockz

  1. Ahhh Josie I love them!!! really lovely Girls check out my DIY from today lol http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...2/#post1356809
  2. So, I looked at some character type cake toppers online and decided I would have a go myself at making one. Let me first say I generally am not a patient person nor am I crafty but hey ho... So I managed to get FI to have a go and make a groom for me. If they look a little "Toasty" its because FI told me the wrong oven temp and they got a little burned we set off the fire alarm and ended up having the alarm company call us to check the house wasnt burning down LOL! Don't think their too bad but think i'll be getting a pro to make one for us for the real thing lol Oh and FI's groom seems to be doing a bit of a smooth criminal style lean....
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Nicyx Sorry i just had to laugh!!! Im going to do thoses little battery hand held fans for the men, just buy a few of those, after speaking to my men they dont want a "girlie" fan :-) x Yes i think i will go withut the bows, ive had more feedback on those so that wins, may have a play today and see if i can come up with anything else x xox Ahhh see, I dont care what they want! They'll get what their given lol x
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle2011 Personally i think they are lovely and i prefer without the bows. I think it looks cute with just the small one and the ribbon! Well done you they are great. (i'm not doing fans for the men either, ha ha) x I AM doing fans for the men! I have one.... lets say LARGE guest and I dont want his sweaty face bein even worse than normal lol
  5. Fans look lovely!!!! beautiful xx
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by sorord1 What do you guys think about this shoe? I found it for $35. I see those LOVE them!!! Would have bought them but not in my size! x
  7. I am so so so sorry to hear this. How awful for you. Try to keep strong we're all thinking of you and your family. Hope they catch whoever has done this. You wont ever get over this but hopefully in time it will get easier xx
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Nicyx THANK YOU SO MUCH, got the fans through today... Your a huge star, i love them just perfect x Fab! that was so fast! Enjoy x
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by svetayasofiya Well... I wish I was still planning my wedding, because my pregnancy didn't last. I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks. :s Seems like starting a family is such an uphill battle. After you have everything in place, you actually manage to conceive, then your body fails you. I hope none of you have to go through this. It's very traumatic, but I am doing much better. It's been 10 days now and my HCG levels are almost back to zero. *sigh Awww so sorry to hear this! one of my close friends went through this last year it was very traumatic for her and she's slowly getting over it. Keep strong xx
  10. Thanks for the update, I wish you both all the happiness in the world and hope you can both work through this xx
  11. Holy cow! I asked Ana for details of any prices for extras, she sent me details on the packages for 2011 and the price is showing as $500 more than what it says on my contract surely they cant charge us this??
  12. Oh wait.. i need to confirm mine now just seen that my WC sent me a doc recently showing the wedding price as £2799 when the contract said £2260!!!!!!!!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle2011 Nicy it's such good news!! really happy for ya... xx let me know if you find any nice shot glasses!! CW emailed today with the new 2011 wedding package price for our hotel and it's a little higher than we want to pay. Only around £250 but i'm gonna email the WC at the hotel direct and see if she can do it any cheaper.. Worth a try a suppose. Every little helps doesn't it? Then hopefully we will confirm and get a contract signed! So exciting!! Oh that sucks!! Maybe try and play it that you "booked" in 2010 so therefore you budgeted based on those prices n that it was never mentioned before? I found out today that my resort wants $5 PER CHAIR to put a bow on! So thats $100 just to decorate some chairs u gotta be kidding me!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Nicyx Whoo Our wedding date has been confirmed today, Its the date we requested May 6th, BUT we couldnt get the 4pm time we wanted so we are now getting married at 1PM... Im not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing?!? 1.) Wanted to sunbathe AM.... (gana have to master getting ready pronto) 2.) Ages to wait for reception diner.... (always stay at the bar before hand for longer) 3.) Will it be too hot.... (have now got fans... THANKS KERRY) Ooooooooo look @ that, The good outweighs the bad.... I think it will be ALL good :-) Argh it feels even more real now :-) Wedding pack should be through in a week or so (not holding breath though) xox Woop woop thats fab news!!! Their on their way to you today! Yeah 1pm is quite early but least you'll have time to freshen up etc and lots of time to take fabulous pictures!! xx
  15. Oh oh oh I would have been married 42 minutes this time in 9 months hahaha! love the idea of shot glasses! altho I wonder about weight tho! its hard to think of favours for people... wonder if any would get broken too.. x
  16. Thanks both! Bit of a "tree" hat pic haha Just as I said in the PM Nicy no problem i'd be excatly the same! xx
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Nicyx Gorgeous, do you have 7/8 spare? If your giving em away free, i'll jave some as these are the ones im wanting.... That will be a start to something of my long list? You have made a great job dressing them up :-) xo Love your colour x No problem would rather someone else make use of them than sit in my cuboard! PM me the address to send them to x
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle2011 Aww what cute fans!! Where did you get the flower to decorate? so cute. I was thinking of doing the pink silk fans! I got the one in the picture from a small fake flower shop in wickford, essex. But I got some gerberas for the pink fans from the £1 shop too! Quote: Originally Posted by Woodsylou that's the one! she can't afford Mexico, so she's booked two weeks all inclusive at a 5 star hotel in Dominican Republic.... go figure! haha! Dominican is a bit cheaper than mexico but even so if she was any real friend she'd be paying the extra to come with u rather than bullshitting you !!!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Woodsylou get em get em! my BM has just booked her holiday to a destination which isn't mexico!!! I might just be thinking of the wrong person here but is this the one that said she couldnt afford mexico?? x
  20. After Ana said I was left with the options of beach or pool terrace I searched for ages to find those pics, hopefully they'll help someone else! x
  21. I found the pictures from earlier in the thread x Quote: Originally Posted by chirorach POOL TERRACE DESIRES TERRACE
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