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Everything posted by roxmysockz

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by 21aholden Hi Ladies -Just wanted to say hello. I am officially joining the 2011 Brides club. We are getting married at Dreams Riviera Cancun June 16th, 2011!! Welcome!! Hope you've started reading the many many pages of the dreams riviera cancun thread loads of useful info there, esp info that'll take you at least a month to get from Ana! Have you arranged anything else yet? xx
  2. When my FI's brother got married to his wife when they did family shots I wasnt included in those ( we wasnt engaged then & I dont *think* they hate me lol) I was included in the girlfriends of the bride shot tho and all the other "non" family ones. Although I will say I did feel slightly pushed out by not being invited into the family one considering we'd been together 6 years.. depends if you care about her feelings really and weather she'd cause a problem over it. (I didn't) xx
  3. Yes as long as everyone drinks it should be fine however FI's family arent as "party" animal as mine!!
  4. As before this isn't my original document I have only added two photographers kudos goes to RaychelRae for this. I have removed some annotations from the document. I found it very useful giving me an idea who was in my budget, even with the prices being out of date. xx Photographer Comparisons3.xls
  5. Here is the doc girls. Remember this isnt my original document so kudos goes to RaychelRae for this i've just added 2 on that werent originally listed. I also removed some annotations from the original poster. Found this very useful when looking for my photographer as the prices gave me an idea who was in my budget range Photographer Comparisons3.xls
  6. I'm from the UK too!! We booked with Carribean Warehouse who have been fantastic so far! Very knowledgable and easy to work with they also quoted alot earlier than high street TA's. I saw them at the London Olympia wedding show and know a few people who have used them and their parent company Blue Bay Travel. They came in about £200 pp less than cosmos! Do you guys worry about what guests will do after the dinner? I wonder if with 20 people it'll be hard to get a good atmosphere!? x
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 Also just started sending out e-mails to photographers on the Riviera Maya. We're working with a pretty tight budget, so I doubt I'll be able to afford any of them and will probably have to go with the resort photogs (lame!) but it doesn't hurt to try, right? Who have you looked at so far? theres some fairly affordable ones out there, We booked with Ivan Luckie and compared to most you get alot for your money and his pictures are fantastic!! One of the girls also posted a photographer comparision a while back with what you get for roughly what price which I found quite useful I still have the doc with a few additional that I added myself if you want to have a look? xx
  8. Well thought it was a good idea getting the rings sooner rather than later due to metal prices however now see the downside.. we both want to wear them NOW!!! Both rings - quite reflective lol if you look closely you can see my iphone reflection in his ring haha My rings on Sounds as if i'm lucky with my FI then, hes looking forward to wearing his ring he's a business analyst so no worries with him being electrocuted lol x
  9. peterpanpixiedust although it might not be right, it looks like a beautiful dress which will be even more beautiful with the few changes x
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by blondy I just want to introduce myself! After a lot of back-and-forth, I have confirmed my wedding date of April 8, 2011 Woop woop thats a fantastic date! And only 11 months today lol new brides!! Our wedding rings are ready to be collected today but I've got tonsillitis so the FI will be going to get them alone... I tried to tell him he couldnt look until he got back but he made a good point when he said he kind of needs to check them lol Nicyx - YAY it feels so fab when its a year to go!! feels more real!! x
  11. Think I got bumped off the list at some point so readding Jennifer & Michael - 5/7/2010 Jessica & Robbie - 5/15/2010 Margaret & Matthew - 5/15/2010 Alison & Mike - 5/20/2010 Megan & Jason - 5/21/2010 LeAnn and Matt- 5/24/2010 Ashley & ? - 5/30/2010 Rachelle & Randal - 6/3/2010 Nancy & Bruce - 6/11/2010 aperkins7- 6/12/2010 Diana & David- 6/13/2010 Erica & John – 6/19/2010 carlychristine - 6/22/2010 Evelilna & Phil - 6/25/2010 Aleka & Maka- 7/7/2010 Leah & Chris- 7/9/2010 Allison & ? – 7/24/2010 Cathy & Chin – 7/29/2010 Kelvin & Leydi – 7/30/2010 John & Lili – 8/1/2010 Alison & Jimmy 8/8/2010 Thao & Triet: 9/3/2010 Nikki & Tyler- 9/17/2010 Casey & Ron - 9/18/2010 Sarah & Joe – 9/18/2010 Mindy & Joe - /10/4/2010 Toni & Jake – 10/8/2010 Vix1383 – 10/16/2010 Adrian & Peter 10/17/2010 Kym & Brian – 10/19/2010 Emma & ? - 10/23/2010 Robyn and Chris- 10/24/2010 Reagan & Brent – 10/26/2010 wisconsionbride - 10/28/2010 Rachael & Alex - 10/31/2010 Chelsey & Travis- 11/5/2010 April & Reggie – 11/6/2010 Jannine & Pete- 11/11/2010 Ashley & Mark- 11/15/2010 Kate and Cam - 11/19/2010 Tracy & ? -11/26/2010 lnf_munchkin - 11/27/2010 Lori and Jason- 11/29/2010 t1219 – 11/30/2010 Heather & Braden- 12/6/2010 Angela & Craig - 12/8/2010 allegraapple – 12/12/2010 majimart – 12/17/2010 volosikj-1/15/2011 Tara & Andy 2/10/2011 rscherle- 2/19/2011 saymyname74- 3/5/2011 roxmysockz - 4/8/2011 Melissa & Nathanael 5/8/11 Leanne & Adam 5/14/2011 Ashley & Jeremy 6/16/2011
  12. Thanks for the review. Makes me even more excited!! x
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by cougs diva, not sure there will be enough time since you'd be mailing it to canada, and because steph isn't sure of her wedding or travel dates yet. to be fair, we have to give her first priority on the clear starfish bc she asked first, kwim? there is no official list keeper, but i'll add you to hold your spot, conditionally! dc22173's CLEAR starfish line-up: 1 ) ebredhawk - April 28 - Dreams Punta Cana 2 ) ldeavila - May 10 - Las Caletas, Puerto Vallarta 3 ) butterfly4kathy2 - May 11 - Las Caletas, Puerto Vallarta 4 ) future mrs. kt ellis - June 5 - Scottsdale, AZ 5 ) *kerin28* - June 19 - Worcester, MA 6 ) Bahiabride2010 - July 3 - Punta Cana 7 ) jackie_c - traveling 8/12 - 8/21 - Cancun 8 ) breeze616 - December 10 - Iberostar Rose Hall Beach, Montego Bay 9 ) diva - 3/14/2011 (traveling 11-20) - Punta Cana 10 ) StephyD - 3/26(?)/2011 - Riviera Maya Please could I be added for this list! think this is a fantastic idea and would love to be a part of it. Riviera Maya 4/3/2011 - 4/17/2011 Perhaps if Stephy is still in riviera maya she could pass to me somewhere there
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Nicyx OH MY GOSH, IVE BOOKED, IM OFFICIALLY A RPRM BRIDE TO BE...... ARGH!!!!! IM SO SO EXCITED...... xoxo woop woop!!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle2011 Nicy!!!!!!!!!! YAH!!!!! So excited and happy for you! Tomorrow you lucky thing! I am busting to book ours (.... Not long though! Then the count down really begins! Whoop!! Well the bridesmaids dresses come but they were to pale a pink. Lovely dress though and they are so light and cool the girls loved them. They looked lovely on too. But i did notice in the broucher they sent they do them in fucshia but they are not on the website so i phoned them up and they said fushia is out of stock and they only have 3 left in stock! OMG i nearly fell over when it turned out they were my 3 girls sizes!!! So fingers x'd they come this week and I'll love the colour and it will be another thing crossed off the list... Here is the link to the dress but in Red as Fushia is not on the site...So you can see. When the pink ones arrive i will post a picture, if they are OK... Ivy Dress Red, FEVER SPRING SUMMER 10, IVDR_Red Fever Designs London OMG - Love this dress!!! Gorgeous!!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by rscherle Hello Ladies, Not such a fun topic but I need some help. I've been trying to get my deposit to Ana for the last month and a half. I faxed it 6 weeks ago only to hear that she didn't receive it 4wks after the fact. I reluctantly faxed it a second time after having an extremely rare email back and forth with Ana on Thursday. I asked her to please contact me immediately when she received my info. (011.52.998.848.7001 is the fax I used) It is now Sunday...no reply. How did you all submit your deposits? How long did it take for confirmation? Do I have the correct fax? I called the Dreams Corp and that is what they gave me. Sooooooo frustrated....any help is appreciated! Thx Hey, I booked mine just after xmas this year and it took her around 2 weeks to send the details to pay the deposit then another week after sending to confirm the reciept! Then the contract the following week! x
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by ladebug577 Hey girls! I am a April 8 2011 bride! I will getting married at Our Lucaya in Grand bahamas island! I will also have started dress shopping and I really thought it was going to be a painful experience...but I have loved every second of it so far! I am going again when my girls from our of town get down here in two weeks. Cant wait!!!! Have a great weekend everyone!!! Lauren I'm April 8th too!! Quote: Originally Posted by Tifuhhknee I went in April 8-12 in 2007 and it rained maybe twice. But it is basically a quick rain shower for 5-10 minutes then it blew away and you would have never known it rained. The weather was amazing, not too hot yet and the water was just the right temperature to be refreshing when you snorkel or swim (I don't get in cold water). Oh ok thanks as long as it isnt an all day thing thats my worry! x
  18. sunrize_79 what a beautiful wedding!!!! Did you enjoy your special day?? hope your going to write a review!! x
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by rosieposie phew! i thought I was ordering stuff too early! photographer: deposited resort (wedding date): deposited gown - appt to order in 2 weeks real touch flowers: deposited AHR venue: deposited now just hoping the travel rates will drop from what I recently received. my family has been telling me that i'm too early and to not go crazy (just yet), but compared to the savvy ladies here, i'm behind! I dont think its too early its not like your buying the small items its the big important ones!! So far i've put a deposit on; Photographer Resort Rings (the price of metal wont get any better!) Knock off dress (early incase I don't like and have to go looking for another dress I like which was impossible to begin with)
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Nicyx Hey, ive just been reading another thread on here about "The night before!" Are you ladies spending it with your FI? or are you going to stay in seperate rooms and "try" to avoid each other until the wedding... Im not sure what were doing with this... I wouldnt mind doing the "traditional" thing but i also think it would be kinda nice to spend our last single night together.... I just dont know.... think i might leave this one upto FI to decide :-) Im just curious as to what you ladies are doing? xox I wasnt too fussed about keeping apart until my friend got married recently and it was so sweet when they said goodbye to each other and the thought that they would see each other again for the first time when she walked down the aisle really got me and made me all teary .... so I think I'm gonna do the traditional thing makes it a little more special I think when he sets eyes on you!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle2011 OMG i'm so excited. I've ordered some bridesmaid dresses!!! Whoop!! I see them in a magazine and looked them up online. Mailed them to my girls and all three loved them!! So i've ordered. If they are any good i will post a pic.... My only concern is the colour stated 'nude' but they look more pink. So we'll have to see when they get here! Fingers x'd they are pink or pinkish. I did want a definate pink for the girls but this dress was to pretty to pass up looking at and easy on the budget too )... Ooh where they from? show us a pic!! I ordered my knock off wedding dress because it wasnt avaliable over here until june, seems like every may edition wedding mag now has it in there not sure if thats a good thing or not?!
  22. Those from the UK looking for shoes try :- Upper Street - HOME you can design your own, not cheap but like the idea!
  23. thought I wouldnt care about the wait for my dress but seems as though i'm counting down now lol 27 days until the estimated date given!! the dress i couldnt find over here is now being splashed all over mags!!
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