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Everything posted by roxmysockz

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by ashley1316 my "barbie" shoes...i cant wait for the sun to hit these.!!!!!!!!! loveeee theseeeee!!! where from
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by josietoms I dont mean to be the bearer of bad news with regards to the wedding date - but i wouldnt hold your breath about getting the date as quick as they say as its mainly dependent on the hotel and not the TA. We were told we would be given our date within 4 weeks - 6 months later we are still waiting as it takes so much longer if you are having a legal ceremony as they have to wait on the registras availability. The way it seems to work is they request a date for you and then its down to the Mexican authourities to confirm it and then the hotel - it just seems a bit of a waiting game. My date doesnt get confirmed until August. Come Aug1st i will be straight on the phone - lol!! But this does seem to be norm across the board having spoken to other UK brides as most of the Americans and Canadians dont go for the whole legal thing for this reason. Hope you get yours confirmed soon tho. xx That still doesnt make sense - I booked the wedding direct with the hotel and it was confirmed very quickly!! Dont see why it'd take longer with a travel agent confirming than an individual! Michelle - Have CW been more forthcoming with the WC conversation now?x
  3. this is the hair flower I got, going to use for TTD, the centre bit has like sparkly bits (didnt really photograph though) x
  4. Arghhhh my dress is taking forever - stupid bank holiday!! Looks like my dress hasnt moved since Friday Still saying opened inbound in London
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Lolita29 Hi ladies i am soo excited i just purchased me wedding dress yesterday. Sottero and Midgley Wedding Dresses - Style VSM7012 gorgeous!! x
  6. They have loads of hair flowers about at the moment, the company I work for stocks most of the high street shops with their jewellery - I got one that is being stocked in Matalan at the moment.. its quite cute not as big/blingy though x
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by barbiegirl_27 Just wanted to share that I received my wedding dress last night (bought off oncewed.com)....my sis-in-law is coming over hopefully tonight and we'll try to take some pics, although the dress is quite a bit too bit at the moment! I'm going to wait till the end of the year to get it altered! Yipee!! hope you love this one!! xx
  8. Im still looking for bridesmaid dresses - my BM's are polar opposites! One is skinny as a rake (size 6 or smaller) with no chest (she's 15) the other is the same age as me hugeee boobs and is a size 14. I want matching dresses so its gonna be interesting to find one that suits both!
  9. 8 months!!! IM JEALOUS!!!! although saying that it does feel like time is flying by!! woop woop!!! Quote: Originally Posted by michelle2011 Well we are being messed around a bit at the mo. None of the TA's know what they are doing. Absolutely useless idiots. We have been given good prices flying on 24th May with TCook from Caribbean Warehouse. But we were originally told the flights were on the 22nd. (fits in perfect with the wedding on 28th) now they are saying they may have made a mistake and the flights might be on the 22nd after all! Arrrrgghhh - we are having a nightmare! cosmos have even advertised 24th flights on their website and are unsure when they actually are. So we are now waiting for confirmation when we can ACTUALLY fly! Vent over, lol....... Jeez - Sorry to hear this!!! If i were you if the flights were wrong and it was their mistake i'd push Carribean Warehouse to give the original price! They told us a rate we emailed all of our guests saying this is the price the next day it went up by 300+ ( because of flights) so we told them we wouldnt pay that and to bare in mind they would get well over 25k out of our wedding party they did in the end agree to hold the prices at the lower rate. Luckily all my guests were scared by the price going up so soon and everyone booked in those 4 days! lol x
  10. Ahhhh excited!!! My dress shipped from gianinarbridal 3 days ago the status on the shipping says its now in London! Hopefully get it tomorrow!! x
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by JD Hall Wedding Kerry, What room did you end up going with for you and your FI Master Suite - We booked a lower room but our TA had a free upgrade for if we booked by a certain date x
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by rach2011 We are getting married in Feb 2011, so we are within the 10-11 month timeframe. We have received room pricing, but the 2011 pricing for the wedding packages and options has not been released. We have been told that there could be some variation, but it shouldn't be substantial. Thats weird cuz i've booked my wedding package for 2011 and contracts show the costings!
  13. SDbeachgirl - Congratulations on being a Mrs now!! Thanks so much for the review glad you enjoyed it even with some issues. Cant wait to see any pictures x
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Nicyx I know what you mean.. i want a date twin!!!! :-) Love your siggy pic by the way xox Thanks! xx
  15. God I wasted 6 years on this show for the most predicted ending ever!!! Nicky -They are all dead and in some form of waiting place before going to heaven the flash sideways to an alternate life was them all finding happiness before going to heaven!
  16. I love love love love LOVE the forum! Whats everyones favorite threads/sections? I love the 2011 thread(s)/knock off dresses and love reading everyones reviews/planning threads!
  17. Awww what a lovely story!!! (apart from the yelling part haha) x
  18. Has everyone thats getting married in Mexico actually been to Mexico? We haven't! lol!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach Hi Ladies! I'm and Newbie and just joined this site about 3 days ago and have been lurking around trying to find my place, not to mention this whole forum and thread thing is confusing to navigate and familarize yourself with. Hope you enjoy the forum as much as we all do!! xxx
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by CaraW Hi ladies, I just wanted to let you all know that we just got back last night from our wedding, and we had Ivan as our photographer, and I am so so glad that we chose him to photograph our wedding. He is the nicest guy and really has an eye for photography. He spent the whole day with us photographing me getting ready, took some photos of my husband and our groomsmen, and hen onto our ceremony & reception. The next day we did a TTD session where he took photos of us on the beach, then in the resort, and then he drove us to a cenote. I can't wait to see the photos, I know they are going to be amazing. He showed me a few on the screen of his camera and they looked so good! As soon as I get them, I will share. I will HIGHLY recommend Ivan to any one that i know that is getting married in the Riviera Maya. Cara Congratulations mrs!! Thats great to hear cant wait to see the pictures!! x
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