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Everything posted by Nicyx

  1. V..... Thanks for the info on the layout of the hotel by the way, yes it made sense x
  2. WOW, fantastic planning thread... Thanks for sharing :-) Everything looks wonderful!!! Cant believe its here already!!!!! :-) You have done everything so lovely, your dress is beautiful, and i love your shoes!!!! xox
  3. Got my second hen do on sat.... will [post one or two pix on sun/mon My dress came home with me today!!! WHOO WHOO!!!!! xx
  4. Whoo Whoo... Got my dress home today :-) Like a millions tons have dropped of my shoulders..... One less thing to think about!!! Its bloody PERFECT!!!!! wana put it on now!!! LOL x
  5. Beautiful dresses, cant wait to see them in the your colours.... They are stunning x I got did a CD for my hens and got them a wine charm each and a thank you card :-) Lovely gesture to show how much we appriciate them :-) xx Bet you cant wait now x Thanks Mel, I hope to get planning thread up this weekend, to be honest i have wrote most of it on a word document, i need to copy and paste and then add pix, that will take me the longest so hope to do it sun or mon.... I am off tomorrow but out with my friends shopping... make most of bank hol and nice weather then im back in work sat :-( BUT have my 2nd hen do on sat night in Carlisle.... So whilst im recovering sun i will try to get thread up for you girls and some pix of my hen :-) WHOO WHOO, got my dress home today!!! :-) Like a million weights have dropped of my shoulder.... A massive thing i dont have to think about!!!! Just off to order my helium for my balloons for my AHR :-) xx
  6. Just popping in before work.... Will catch up properly tonight :-) @Char.... hugs to your brother and g/friend Must be such an awful time for them both..... xxxxxxxxxxx @Michelle.... that bloody MIL, BAH!!!!! :-( @Lyndsey.... Yes, SOOOOOOO excited now, the last 18 months odd have flown, this last few weeks are dragging now though, just wana get there :-) You must be sooooo excited too x @Sam.... the dresses sound beautiful, cant wait to see pix I will try to get my planning thread up this weekend :-) x Dress fitting at 11 today!!!! ARGH!!!! Cant wait , booked our seats together on plane yesterday too..... we ususally wouldnt bother but as its free, why the heck not!!! haha x
  7. Sam hit the nail on the head, i was knackered reading it to, let alone doing it!!! Got my dress fitting on thurs morn at 11am, hopefully its perfect from the last time i went for my 1st fitting and nothing else needs doing so hopefully i can bring it home :-) Not bad, just a week before we leave (nearly) Haha!!!! Have fun tomorrow Sam, im not having bridesmaids :-( But if was it would be aqua as thats my wedding colour :-) x
  8. Do any of the room have an ocean view do you know? What kind of view did you have? do you recommend and block etc etc? :-) Thanks x
  9. Congratulations V & Welcome back, Saw some of you pictures on FB, WOW.... What can I say, If I look as half as good as you i'll be happy :-) You look like you all had a wonderful time... Im so glad to have shared this time of your life with you :-) Thank you. Looking forward to your review too :-) We leave a week on Sunday, Im so so excited, I will try to get my planning thread done this weekend... (ARGH..... Already!!!!) Wont be anything in comparsison to you girls ones but i'll give it a go :-) Once again welcome back chick x
  10. Michelle, Nails look lovely hun, really really nice :-) Heart breaking about all your wedding stuff :-( I can only imagine how you feel!! Be worth giving it a go what herbie siad :-) You never know, it might work.... x
  11. Were flying with Thomson :-) Kerry my dress was £695 Waybuloo, really is a lovely thing for your friend to do!!! Something else for you to look forward to :-) xx
  12. Just a wee bit of info... looking through our ticket "booklet" today.... From the 1st May (the day we fly) our hotel is not only a premium hotel but a premium a la carte hotel, therefore we now get free entry to the VIP lounge at Glasgow airport, with free food and drink for 3 hours :-) Use of a VIP lounge in the hotel?! A free taxi ride to the resort from the airport instead of the coach and we can choose the seats we want on the flight for no extra charge which usually costs £50!!! (except extra leg room) :-) Bargain!!!! xx
  13. 2 weeks today until i leave and 19 days until our wedding!!! WHOO WHOO!!!! How fast has this year gone!!!! IM SOOOOOOO EXCITED :-) x
  14. WELL DONE YOU!!!!! THATS BRILLIANT :-) I gave up on my diet ageeeeessss ago, i love food too much, BUT i am doing cabbage soup diet now for the nest two weeks, not really to losse weight but to my my tummy look flat!!! 5 weeks.... this really is exciting times now... things start to come together nicely x im with you on the dress front, i love love love my dress, i knew i loved it the day i saw it but to get that reasurance when you go back and see/try it on is overwhelming :-) Well done to your brothers in the marathon, thats fantastic :-) Beautiful weather for it too!! Good luck to them today x Looking forward to your pix hun :-) Be lovely to see them all together xx Ooooooo..... Fab :-) xx I visited 3 shops, tried on 7 dresses in total... firstly i thought id found my dress (2nd id tried on) then had it in my head to get that one , i loved it so so much.... and was just putting of ordering it dont know why but im SO SO glad i did as new wedding dress shop opened nr my work so i went in one day and then i found it.... MY DRESS :-) It was the 4th one i tried on in the new shop :-) Its just stunning... im so so glad i waited and didnt order the first dress.... maybe deep down i just knew.... i would say as silly as it sounds you really really will know when its the one!!! try on as many as you can... but then you might find you will only need to try one or two on, i think its different for everyone but i would suggest dont rush into buying it unless your absolutly sure!!!! And trust me when you buy you will be 100% :-) xxx
  15. Thanks Kerry.... Im going to try to savour every moment!!! Its just so so scary how fast its come round though i know ive said it a million times but it really has, so you wont have to be jealous for long :-) xxx OMG yeah.... :-) Wierd as unless i can get on FB when were in Mexico i wont even be able to know about your hen until i get back!!! IM going to have to get on line and see.... even write a sneaky poet on here :-) xxx
  16. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Collected my tickets today!!!!! ITs Bloody Real, Really Bloody Real!!!!! Had my conformation of everything we have requested from our WC aswel... So it really is just my dress now :-) SOOOOOOOOOO Excited!!!!
  17. Oooooo, 3 of us there on 1 or 2 sames dates... Lobby bar girls.... LOL!!!! :-) x
  18. Thanks ladies.... :-) I tell you it was fantastic, brilliant and funny, My hen oart two is a week on sat, so more pix to follow!!!!! xxx
  19. OK, so Maccy D's 4 my brekie before work in the morning, and not a bit of guilt!!!! Haha :-) x Enjoy your night hun :-) x OMG... I know.... 3 weeks today and I'll be a married woman, I just cant believe it!!!! I really do NOT know where the last 2 years have gone... I certainly wouldnt have gotton through the last 16 months so sanely (or close to being sane) without any of you.... The hen was fantastic Char!!!! I have my second hen a week on sat, so more pix to follow!!! LOL :-) Char, I know what you mean... about your worries, Ive been there and i think the rest of the girls have too.... this must be normal?!??!?!?!?! Im its all so frightening wondering about the unknown..... Great news on the Best Man.... :-) Wayne must be so happy, and yes definatly his brothers loss... silly man!!! xxx OK so we fly to Mexico 2 weeks on Sunday, Im hoping my dress comes in this week for my final fitting!!! Nothing like leaving it to last min :-) Haha.... starting to panic again a wee bit AND i really hope TA calls me to say tickets are in!!!! The last 2 days ive been feeling really anxious, really sick, and really nervous!!! Wierd feeling really!!! Not scared about getting married so dont know why!!!! xoxox
  20. Definatly a great idea about the limo, will add that extra special touch for you :-) xx
  21. I Know, how scary!!!! Haha!!! Im a bit nervous at the mo, not about getting married but about everything being perfect!!! LOL, I have so so many mixed emotions at the moment!!!!! xx Its so wierd at the moment, lately im an emotional wreck... but today its very wierd feels like its all happening to someone else and im just watching from the outside in!!! 26 weeks really really will fly... it'll be here before you know it.... xx
  22. Ladies have a look in the UK thread or the 2011 brides thread, i have put 1 or 2 pix from my "hen" weekend on there xxx
  23. I read the ones in the travel forum section about RPM... hopefully we wont have the same problem x We are there from 1st - 15th :-) xx
  24. Hey lovely, we are doing it legal in Mexico..... just having a AHR here on our return.... What about you? x I LOVE TA but to be honest thats the first one i have read about cockroaches.. i am not going to worry!!! I lived in Tenerife for 18 months when i was younger and whether its because that island was infested i dont know but seriously i wouldnt worry!!!! xxx
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