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Everything posted by Nicyx

  1. WHOOOOO Thats it now.... you think the last 18 months odd have gone fast.... these 30 days will fly in..... Trust me :-) Im so so so excited for you x OMG................. I GET MARRIED NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Thanks girls.... i cant believe its here.... one week today and we'll be in Mexico :-) Waybuloo... thanks chick, end of one era, start of another..... The shoe thing for me is definatly comfort over anything else!!! :-) Thanks murmel :-) and Thanks EVERYONE again for your kind comments x
  3. Brilliant planning thread Celeste :-) What date do you arrive in Mexico again? We leave a week today, This time next week we will be landing in Mexico in about half an hour.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xx
  4. OMG, Fantastic thread.... Those shoes are to die for!!! You have so many wonderful things :-) Your going to be one beautiful bride in that wedding dress its gorgeous!!!! See you in Mexico :-) x
  5. Whoo, this time next week.... We'll be on that plane to Mexico!!!!! OMG!!!!!! I have just pit pix on FB from last night!!!! Was such a good night.... suffered today though, only got out of bed at 3.30 ish..... Stephen had a fab time in Newcastle from what he can remember, he was litrally carried into the house from the mini bus, and dumped on the couch where he stayed til 10.30 am then got in bed and got up at same time as me!!!! I have no photographic evidence of their night!!!! x Good times!!!! xx
  6. Ah....Roberto... Ministers name.... Now im on the same page!!!! Whoops!!!!! x We have the Royal package and Nancy said we get a semiprivate cocktail hour at no extra charge so i dont know if we have appetizers anyway!!! xxx
  7. Thanks again Virginia :-) Love you profile pic on FB by the way, gorgeous x
  8. OMG that is creepy!!!!! Just showed this to Fi and he said whats it meant to be, a zombie?.... it looks like a dead body (head) LOL!!! He says we will definatly be having words about that!!! Haha, Where about is the cocktail hour? we have opted for this and was wondering? xx
  9. Thanks girls :-) Yeah i know what you mean herbie..... weve been through such a long journey would have been nice to actually see the end result..... Thank goodness for piccy's xxx
  10. What a gorgeous day!!! Had a really nice time, didnt buy anything i wanted, but hey hoe!!! Great day all the same, paella, beer and sun what more could a girl ask for :-) Oh yes, make up for the sunbathing in 2 weeks!!!! Mexico here we come!!!! xx Welcome along, Definatly a great website :-) Its been mine and the rest of the girls lifeline the last 18 months or so.... Where and when are you getting married? Tell us the goss, fill us in :-) xxx
  11. Ok guys here is a link to my planning thread :-) http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/thread/72253/nicyx-nicola-uk-bride-long-pic-heavy-planning-thread xoxox
  12. Arrrrrr, Thank you EVERYONE for your lovely and kind comments.... :-) Mexbride.... Its bloody tough the long distance thing wouldnt you agree.... But its what has played a massive part on getting us on our journey here!!!! :-) I just hope the hairdresser can tame my hair!!!! Thats my only worry now I think... (and FI's...LOL) Celestial..... Definatly see you in Mexico.... Not long now :-) VlynnW.... Yes my date twin.... Can you believe ITS HERE!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!! x Michelle... I know, I remember when we were counting down 300 + days and it seemed like forever away.. look at us now!!!! Thanks SO SO much for being there all the way {{{HUGS}}} xxxxx
  13. Thanks for the info Dana.... Yes we have to pay a 2% charge I think.... or 2.5%!!! May have to look at getting the cash then!!!! Wonder what mistakes they put on our "fake" cert!!! Whoops.... Cant believe I have to wait 6/8 months to legally change my name over here!!! Bah!!! xx
  14. Thanks Michelle :-) You have fun too chick.... Need the sun to shine more...... Hopefully it'll pick up through the day :-) xx
  15. Here is my planning thread girls..... http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/thread/72253/nicyx-nicola-uk-bride-long-pic-heavy-planning-thread#post_1587564 Im so so so sorry if i have missed your names of the start.... I have had this in a word document for AGES and i forgot to update before i posted and i dont know how to edit!!!!!!! OMG, I got myself all emotional doing that planning thread.... Cant believe its my time!!!!! Dafty Nic, LOL :-) x xxxxx
  16. OMG, I got myself all emotional doing that planning thread.... Cant believe its my time!!!!! Dafty Nic, LOL :-) x xxxxx
  17. http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/thread/72253/nicyx-nicola-uk-bride-long-pic-heavy-planning-thread#post_1587564 Here is my planning thread girls..... Im so so so sorry if i have missed your manes of the start.... I have had this in a word document for AGES and i forgot to update before i posted and i dont know how to edit!!!!!!! xxxxx
  18. AND NOW THE MOMENT YOU HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR : THE DRESS. A new shop opened up in the city i work in, I tried 4/5 dresses on. MY DRESS : Benjamin Roberts Tia 4017 (remember not had hair n make up done, this is on my lunch hour!!!!) I LOVE IT SO SO MUCH.... OMG thats me done!!!! Cant believe it finally here Anyway.... see you all on the other side :-)
  19. Stephens outfit ( he will be wearing long black trousers for the evening and a waistcoat instead of jacket, have no pix of this yet) Wedding rings, Gold for me to match my E ring, White gold for FI, not keen himself on yellow gold, originally i wanted a wedding ring with a diamond but when i tried it looked daft with my E ring and eternity ring as both have diamonds.. We have both opted for plain bands. BAG
  20. Perfume "G" Harajuku Girls Bouquet Jewell FLOWERS (pic from resort... white roses, will add my own aqua riccon to stems)
  21. Invites i did myself... these are the moc ones, Very very basic, used two designs as i liked one Stephen liked the other .. LOL, Neckless and earrings (thanks to Louise from uK thread) these were a bargain from TESCO DIRECT My garter is from ebay... again my colour...
  22. My first wedding purchase from a wedding fayre in Oct 2009 @ the NEC in Birmingham As we are getting married on the beach i want to go barefoot then wear shoes afterwards for the reception diner, whilst googling beach wedding shoes i came across barefoot sandles.. LOVE them loads so decided to make my own, and do them in my wedding colours (Aqua & White) These are my shoes for the reception... Plain and simple & low enough for me to not get sore feet, Im not like most of you girls on here... I DO NOT have a passion for shoes o this just wasnt an important factor for me. Thanks to Kerry in the UK thread i got my fans as she had spare ones and sent them on to me (THANKS KERRY) I decorated them myself :-) For the women
  23. ARGHHHHHHHHH.... Its my turn, never thought it would arrive but here we are : 10 days til we fly & 15 days til we get married......... Massive massive Thank You to the UK, RPRM and 2011 brides... Michelle, Josie, Jo, Kerry, Lisa, Maria, herbie, char, Bonnie, Virginia, Jen, Adrianne, murmel, nan, celestial,there are just SO SO many more that i cant name everyone, BUT YOU ALL KNOW WHO YOU ARE :-) And ofcourse Tammy and the other mods who have made all this possible x HOW WE MET: (long story short) Stephen and I met online in July 2001. I had just come home from working in Tenerife and went online with my friend and she took me on to a chat room and that was where Stephen & I got talking.... ONE MAJOR PROBLEM, He lived in Scotland and me an annoyingly 270 miles away down in England.... Anyway he invited me to his friends 21st birthday but my parents we having none of it so i got him to come to my home town first.... The most nerve wrecking day of my life..... Luckily he wasnt some weird physco guy!! Ok the traveling was a right pain in the butt, but we got used to it. ENGAGEMENT: November of the same year (2001), we went for a meal.... I knew I was going to ask him to marry me from the day i met him so i took it upon myself to ask him over our candle lit meal... Much to my joy he said yes and the rest as they say is history. Engagement ring & Eternity ring (I just wanted eternity ring so FI got me one!!! LOL!!!) BIT OF BACKGROUND: We have had a very long engagement and strangely lived apart for the next 7 years... wasnt ideal but it worked for us.... Eventually we saved enough deposit for our first home together in May 2008. From the day we got engaged we knew when our time came to get married we would do it abroad, there wasnt any question about it, luckily it was something we had both always wanted to do. Ok so we lived together for about 12 months and managed to get a nice savings account going and this was when we decided to start looking and booking for May 2011... We had to wait 12 months though before 2011 prices came out but that was ok as it gave more time to save and to find our Perfect resort, We always new our hearts belonged in Mexico (neither one of us have ever been.... but we just new) Resort : RIU PALACE RIVIERA MAYA We booked through Thomas Cook holidays although flying with Thomson airlines. Luckily from May 1ST 2011 our resort will be a Premium a la carte hotel (instead of just premium) I dont know how or if this differs in the U.S, Canada etc but here are the extras we get now the upgrade will be taking place and we travel on 1st May :-) Book seats together on plane free of charge instead of £50, private taxi from airport to resort free of charge, VIP passes to the VIP lounge at Glasgow airport.... Ok so now you have the background : Now for the good stuff :-)
  24. @ Virginia / Dana.... Did you use the resort photog? Do you know if they accept Credit cards for payment? Thanks x
  25. Hope the wether stays nice this weekend and next week.... get me right into the holiday mode!!! Stephens stag do this weekend in Newcastle :-) I hope they dont leave tied up naked to a lamp post!!! LOL, Thats my worst nightmare.... & his :-) Stephen wont take a camera or fone so hopefully his mates will.... I will steal some from FB to put on here if they do :-) Looking forward to shopping tomorrow, need an outfit for sat night, and going to get the last of the holiday things :-) Hopefully of for a beer garden lunxh and drink in the afternoon :-) I cant believe this time next week, it will have been my last day in work as a single lady!!!! Glad its a 3 day week... need to get last min things oragnised!!! Looking forward to getting my nails and hair done next Sat :-) 10 days and counting til we fly ladies!!!!!! 15 days and counting til we get married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds better now i can say it in days!!!!!! xoxox
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