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Everything posted by Nicyx

  1. Hey Diana Welcome aboard.... :-) Congratulations, cant wait to hear all about it x
  2. HAHA, really laughed out loud to this.... As i have now decided to wear the ring on my right hand, I have just made a point of telling Stephen this and explaining the deatils to him in full so he understands.... SOOOOOOOOOOOO funny xxx Thanks hun, My wedding is Friday 6th May at 1PM Mexico time which will be 7PM UK time :-) xx
  3. After reading what you girls have put i think iwill do the same, was contemplating putting it in my bag until after the ceremony but at least with them being on my right hand i know they are safe too :-) Am going to have to find the internet when im away, i wana see the pix, im gana miss so much, good job i have a day or 2 off after we get back as i will need them to catch up on here :-) Probably not what ypiu want to hear : Although i do like the dress you have on, personally i perfer the one shoulder dress. But as the others have said try on both and see which one you feel the most lovely in and take it from there... :-) I went once with a friend and the other times i went i went on my own... (would have gone with mum and sis but they live MILES away from me so that wasnt an option) I liked it on my own to be honest, only thing is i would have loved a second opinion other than the ladies in the shop as they will always tell you, you look lovely... but im happy about the way i did things x
  4. Both dresses are beautiful :-) I love the back on the first one but definatly think the one you have gone with is more bridal.... Lovely details on the from, and that sunshine will make it sparkle!!! Gorgeous x Kerry, I agree with marley, if its the one you cant stop thinking of then yes, maybe it IS the one :-)
  5. As far as im aware Celeste it is four... going of the email Nancy sent, exactly what you said :-) I have one song.... Somewhere over the Rainbow - Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole for the sigining of the register/certificate SOOOO stuck of what to have for the others!!!! :-( I have today left of work so my hols begin at 5PM as soon as we close the doors at work!!! bet the next few days drag out.... Mind you, i need that to happen so we can get the music sorted!!! Haha x
  6. Thanks herbie :-) OMG fantastic idea.... I will have to stock up on the vino..... Definatly a great idea... Will be thinking of you all on our wedding day, as each and everyone of you have helped me along the way... i wish you could all be there with me to share the day as we shared so so much... but yes, thank god for piccy's xx Thanks alot x Yes, so excited... dont think it'll hit me til tomorrow though, then the excitement will really kick in x Thanks Char.... :-) I know finally... wedding dreams... Ive been waiting MONTHS & MONTHS for one :-) Haha..... x 4 more sleeps.... 4 more sleeps.....
  7. Hey welcome back Ashley :-) Join in at anytime, we dont mind... the more the merrier!!!! xxxxx
  8. Thanks everyone for ALL your lovely comments about Stephens gran xoxoxox
  9. I must have been sleepy this morn as i didnt even put all my (day)dream... Anyway i got to Mexico, and got my dress out to hang up, and it WASNT mine :-( It was some awful awful gypsey wedding thing, (sorry those of you who like/love thoses dresses) i was so so upset and ended up getting married in a Maxi dress borrowed of someone...... OMG!!! Can you imagine!!!!! Have a FAB FAB FAB weekend chick :-) Hopefully the weather will stay good for you x WHOOOOOOO Brilliant I picked up new tickets today..... it has our seat reservations on them :-) WHoo!!! Wedding dreams funny things, i have a feeling i will be having one or two more over the next week...... As far as im aware, you dont wear your Ering, my sister said she didnt when i asked her the same question!!!! xxxx
  10. Kind of had my first wedding dream (ish.... it was more a daydream, kind of thinking lay in bed half awake half asleep, does that count?).... as most of you know i havent had a wedding dream and feel slightly left out :-( anyway, i had to open my dress box on monday for a sneaky peek as it was running through my mind, i didnt actually see the woman put MY dress in MY box? I just had to make sure, i didnt get the dress out just opened and peeked.... PHEW mind at rest!!!! ITS MY DRESS!!! :-) x
  11. Got ya... did wonder for a sec who you were as i didnt recognise the name.... thank god your pic is the same as on here :-) xx
  12. We fly on Sunday, Cant believe its here already wishing today and tomorrow at work away... so the holiday mode can finally set in :-) GOOD LUCK EVERYONE..... OUR TIME HAS FINALLY ARRIVED :-)
  13. Thanks chick. x Never butting in at all hun :-) Will give you heads up when i get back when i post my review x Hopefully get a few pics tagged whilst in Mexico... Look for me on FB if you like? nicola bates xx Thanks sweetie xxx Yes we fly sunday..... YES 5 days!!!! WHOO.... THEN WE GET MARRIED A WEEK FRIDAY WHICH IS THE 6TH, We get back :-( on Monday 16th morning!!! But we do have AHR to lookforward to then on the 21st :-) x Im sooooooo excited, cant wait to get tomorrow and thurs at work out of the way!!!! :-) x
  14. ...............Hey ladies............ Thanks for the lovely words for Stephens gran, she passed away at 10.30am this morrning, Glad Stephen was there with her!!! xxx
  15. Everything inc brochures are fantastic, and i love those BM dresses if i was having bridesmaids i would want something like that i think in turquoise.... Its a lovely pink colour you have x
  16. Arrrrr, thanks Mel :-) Gosh it seems like forever ago when i was making those sandles!!! :-) £25 for 25 fans bargain!!! Not doing brochures sorry xxx
  17. OMG.... Stunning stunning stunning.... You look out of this world :-) You all look so so happy, I love the nose to nose pic with your bridesmaid x Really wonderful pictures, thanks for sharing xxx
  18. Just popping in to say hope you all had a lovely Easter :-) 3 day week this week!!! Yipee!!! We leave for Mexico in 5 days!!!! Just need to talk ladies....... We had a phone call on sunday, Stephens gran (90 years old) who has bone Cancer was taken to hospital, she has been very ill for some time now :-( I have just had a call from his mum who has had a call to say go into as she has deteriorated rapidly over night..... I have just called Stephen at work who will try to get his sister to pick him up as she is travelling down from Edinburgh to be by her side.... Stephens mum says it dosent look very good at all :-( I just dont know what to say or do really!!! I just want to comfort Stephen...... His mum will keep intouch with me through the day. Thanks for listening, I knkw no-one can say or do anything but just need to tell someone, I feel sick with worry, i wish i could make it all better xxxx
  19. Thanks Char.... Not long til i'll be doing my review!!! :-) This time next week i'll be sat in the sun, with a nice cocktail.... trying to take in that i get married on friday!!! LOL aaronlori i got my cake topper here : http://www.weddingcaketoppers.uk.com/80200/info.php?p=4 xox
  20. Here is a link to my planning thread lovely ladies :-) Just incase you want a look... if you havent seen it already!!! http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/thread/72253/nicyx-nicola-uk-bride-long-pic-heavy-planning-thread We have 6 days until we leave for Mexico..... I can officially say "we get married next week" ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xx
  21. Oooooo hello Bonnie, lucky you :-) Have a fab time chick!! Relax and enjoy x
  22. We arrive the smae day then :-) I cant wait to get into that mexicn sun. Are you all packed and ready? We just have one or two things to sort out nothing major just a bit of packing i cant do til sat... just last mins stuff. Cant believe how organised we are.... The only thing is we DONT have our wedding music yet :-( We will concerntrate on that this week......
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