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Everything posted by Nicyx

  1. These are a fab find :-) they are brilliant x Shame were not doing ties!!!!! x
  2. WHOO!!! WHOO!!! See you when you get back :-) ARGH!!!! Thanks for letting us share for the last 10 months.... Loving all my virtual friends :-) Dont know what i wuld have done without you all myself :-) x Good Luck, Thinking of you both on your special day x x
  3. OMG..... Thank god you and the kids are all ok, i know its a heafty cost replacing the boiler etc, but worth it knowing all will be safe and well with you, hubby (to be ) and the kids x Strange thing to say but thank god for the gas leak..... xox Arrrr, its really lovely :-) Very pretty, what a lovely gift from your mum.... arent mums fab :-) x Sorry Michelle i wouldnt have a clue what a 13 year old boy would like.... biys are bad anough at the best of times!!! I will have a think and keep an eye out though :-) xox xoxo
  4. Happy New Year Char...... Congratulations, Thats wonderful news and your doing whats right for you so thats brilliant :-) Definatly keep popping in and letting us know whats what etc... and we can keep you updated too :-) Im so happy for you, you sound 100% that its the right thing to do and thats the main thing... Mexico honeymoon on the cards or Mexico to celebrate your 1 year anniversary. So do you know where your having your wedding, venue, date... etc etc.... AND DONT FORGET to post some pix of where you having it :-) Im really made up for you and its fantastic that all your family and friends are chipping in and making it that little more special x
  5. Welcome to all the "new" brides :-) Cant believe our year is here already!!! its come round so quickly!!! WHOO!!!!!! Im a May bride and my FI hasnt decided yet what hes wearing... as alwyas he will leave it til last min, but im not worrying as its what he's like and always pulls it off :-) I was like you june11bride.... freaked me out a bit too... in a good way, I get married 4 months to the date on Thurs!!!! ARGH!!!!! xox
  6. Dont be sorry for the ramble... no wonder your hyper.... I cant believe it, its so so exciting :-) Glad to hear you friend is enjoying it already. its good you get the heads up b4 you go :-) Cant wait for your review (especially being a fellow RIU bride) and pix. Makes me nervous how quickly things are happening now x Good luck with everything, thank god the snow has disapeared!!! See you on the other side MRS. Savour every single moment lovely :-) Did the sixpence come in time? Hope so I posted it weeks ago!!!! xoxo
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by JB321 Happy New Years Ladies! This is our year! WHOO!!!!! SO SO EXCITED!!!! x
  8. Jo, Love the OOT bags they are fab :-) x Loads of thought gone into them.... brilliant x
  9. Brilliant Josie :-) They are fab... im still undecided about OOT.... yours are fab though x
  10. HAPPY NEW YEAR MY LOVELY LOVELY LADIES We fly to Mexico 4 months today!!! Whoo!!! This is the year i become MRS CREELY.... canny wait :-) We all become MRS this year.... YIPEE.... And a few of us THIS month!!!! This year will get better for you Michelle.... The worst is over and as you said its best to get it out the way now.... All refreshed for Mexico x WHOO!!!! x
  11. Happy New Year Ladies..... Whoo we get married "This" year!!!! Can you believe it!!!!!! Have a good one xox
  12. Happy New Year Ladies..... Whoo I get get married "This" year!!!! Can you believe it!!!!!! Have a good one xox
  13. Happy New Year Ladies..... Whoo we all get married "This" year!!!! Can you believe it!!!!!! Have a good one xox
  14. Flippin' eck.... tats a bargain and a half if i ever saw one :-) Brilliant buy.... Its beautiful x
  15. Welcome homw Jen.... Just had a look on FB.... WOW, WOW, WOW..... You look stunning :-) Looks like you all have loads of fun :-) The more i see the RPRM weddings the more i definatly know we have chosen the right resort..... You had loads of guests :-) Gana go look at more of you pix now..... Cant wait for review!!! CONGRATULATIONS MRS x
  16. Just wana say "MERRY CHRISTAMS EVERYONE" FI's bady today so just on my way out..... Enjoy the festivities girls Lots of love x
  17. Just stopping in to say "MERRY CHRISTAMS GIRLS" Have a lovely time with your friends and fam..... FI's bday today so going out shortly ;-) x Have fun over the weekend Lots of love x
  18. Jo.... Fantastic :-) Loving those shoes!!! and your dress is stunning, Cant believe its here for you already!!!! Its so so exciting x Everything you have done is brilliant and considering you say you have everything on a budget you have done brilliantly and never would tell the difference... Good Luck for you wedding and thank you for your comments in the "UK thread" you are definatly one of the funniest people i know.... always cracking me up actually making me Laugh Out Loud with some of your comments :-) Looking forward to knowing what the RIU's are like too. Cant wait to see your pics and read a review when you get back :-) xoxo
  19. I know... WHOO!!! I wrot this in FI's xmas card... LOL :-) x Merry Christmas to you too x o x
  20. Absolutly stunning :-) WOW x
  21. I will be saying i do on 6th May 2011 in Mexico :-) WHOO!!! 4 Months, 2 Weeks, 4 Days today!!!! x
  22. Fab... and what a lovely story of the proposal :-) Arrrrr.... Thanks for sharing x
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