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Everything posted by Nicyx

  1. Hey Michelle... Yes definatly a wobble day!!! I dont know whats wrong with me!!! Although im trying to calm myself down... I know everything will be alright on the day..... BUT i have broke out in spots across my forehead.... I NEVER get spots, well i have my sress spots which are on my chin to the left which always come out when im under pressure but thses on my head... WTF!!!! God im a right moaner today, sorry ladies.... On a plus note ive sent my hair and make up request of to the spa at our hotel along with mum's and FSIL's requests... hopefully get back to me in 48 hours??? xx
  2. OK ladies, Im starting to worry now.... I think its finally hit me this week, that i am actually getting married in 4 n half weeks, we leave 4 weeks today and now im panicing..... 1.) WC hasnt been intouch and they say 2-3 months before you go they do. I emailed her last Sun, still no reply. 2.) Make up, was going to do it myself, woke up dreaming of make up, had to phone my mum to have a wobble... SO im just going to get the resort to do it now... one less thing to think about ( i was worried the type of make up to buy, colour to buy as my face will be a different colour on wedding day, and scared id look no different and cant apply it propery and id panic which would get me hot which would cause my hair to frizz) 3.) We have NO music :-( I dont know where to start, EVERYTHING i like Stephen hates and vise versa AND we dont have "A SONG" like most people. 4.) What if Stephen hates the dress and he has something in his mind of how he wants me to kinda look and its nothing like it. 5.) Still got rsvp's for AHR outstanding, more need to reply than that have replied (if that makes sense) 6.) I havent managed to loose the weight i wanted There is prob more which i will think of as soon as ive pressed submit no doubt, but im sure thats enough for now!!! Haha!!!! Sorry I think i just needed to get it of my chest... Thanks for being here girls, I HONESTLY DO NOT KNOW what i would have done with out EACH AND EVERYONE of you over all this process... I wish i could have you all at my wedding, We have all been through lots together and would be nice to share it all with you.... At least you have the pix to look at :-) xxxxxxxx
  3. Char. Thanks for the comment on the dress. Really the pic does it no justice what-so-ever!!!! We originally wanted to get married at the Iberostar Grand, its stunning and very new, I think it only opened in March last year, so i also imagine the palce will be imaculate aswel, we have stayed in iberostars before in Dom Rep & Cuba, and absolutly loved them :-) The 2 reasons we didnt opt for this in the end were because it adults only and we have a baby coming to the wedding and originally when my sis may have been coming she has kiddies too..... Also we wanted to get married in a chain we'd never been to as much as we love the iberostar resorts they are kind of all the same so we wanted the wedding experience to be unique :-) Let us know what you choose :-) I personally would do the Grand if we ever go to Mexico again :-) x
  4. Fab, bet you cant wait for your fittings :-) All coming together now. The cake is so so pretty :-) Its really nice, What a lovely thing for your mum and dad to do xxx
  5. Thanks seaflowers :-) I remember a while back someone had a list of Nancy of the songs/music you can choose from, does anyone remember this or have a copy, i thought i did but i cant seem to find it??? We are so so stuck with music, is driving me crazy :-( I just want to see what there is and then use them as a starting point!!! xxx
  6. Arrrrrrr, Thank you very much :-) AND those shoes are to die for... Im not really a shoe person but they are lush lush lush xxxx
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by prettypigpig Nicola, Those are sand fleas or sea humms...very common in Cuba (small tiny tiny bugs that eat u alive)! I guess u got them when u were sitting on a chair, because the blood tend to stuck in the legs...ouch ouch...You can avoid them by ...stay away from the sands or put citronelle spray. The citrus smell spray made by Biotherm does the same thing. I use an electric device (thermal cell) all the time at night. It depends on the skin type/ skin odors, between me and my mom...all bugs would pick my mom as their main course, and between me and my FI, the bugs would pick me! So unless I got my mom next to me, I would bring thermal cell with me! Nan, if ur resort is in Playa Del Carmen (in the town), then it is ok! No mosquitos! If your resort is next to a wood/bushy area...or laguna...then good luck! Mexican Muzzies are strong and aggressive, our OFF spray is not strong enough! It depends on the season and of course...how attractive u are to the bugs! Spring-Summer after rain..is the WORST time. Thanks ladies :-) I will look online now and order some of the citronelle spray, Thanks bonnie :-) I will go on the hunt for the electric one too, i remember you saying about that last year, now were talking about it again!! Glad this subject came up again..... Going on the hunt now Thanks again xx
  8. I have never been to Mexico, so hopefully they are not as bad there as they were in Cuba or Dom Rep when we have been there this was day 4 in Cuba (and i had them on my body and arms but not quite as bad thank god!!!) They were so so itchy!!! :-( I hope and prey this isnt going to be the case in Mexico ............ (sorry i know its minging) I have packed my bug spray already and also my anticeptic cream.... Luckliy we met a couple in cuba & the woman had the same prob as me, they were going home the next day so she gave me all her anticeptic which helped me loads... They were so so bad a night... i was in tears :-( It just looked awful walking around with these legs, i was soooo embarrassed Stephen, the bugar had one... yes ONE bite on the back of his arm!!!! Lucky sod!!!!! :-)
  9. Thanks for the comments on the dress girls :-) Arrrr, Michelle, you poor thing you, just what you dont need on top of everything else, Hopefully now the docs are getting closer to finding a cure for you, sooner rather than later and then you can enjoy the rest of the run up to your wedding.... I hope you feel pain free soon chick xx Waybuloo, your daughter looks sooooo cute :-) And definatly a bargain.... cant beat a good bargain !!! Leasexy, we are just using our resort photog, im not sure on the price its roughly £400 I think for the basic package, just waiting on my WC to get intouch to i can confirm these things.... Starting to panic now, 5 weeks today we get married and she aint been intouch yet!!!!! Some of the other girls are using outside vendors i think, they will prob help you more x xxx
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by marleydog Nicy, You look absolutely fantastic in your dress. Truly stunning. Loving the veil too. Thanks very much lovely ladies xxx
  11. I hope i hear from Nancy soon, just to acknowledge me if anything.... i understand thay are busy but i need my mind put to rest!!! LOL :-) I didnt realise there was more than 1 wedding a day.... OK with this pic, bear in mind i was up at 6am to get ready for work, and it is now 2.30 in the afternoon, stressful day..... Excuse the hair & make up.... (god i hate having my pic taken) pix do not do the dress any justice!!! I look so tense.... Hope this dosent happen on the wedding day with photo.... i need to learn to relax in front of a camera!!!!
  12. Thanks Michelle :-) The pix really dont do the dress any favours, its a thousand times better in real life :-) Hopefully with hair and make up and a nice tan i will look a million dollars!!! Yeah, and for the AHR definalty agree... friends and family together.... no matter how big or small the venue :-) Im looking dead forward to it my AHR, been talking about it in work today!!! So much going on my brain just cant take anymore, lol, Need songs.... We are so so so stuck!!!! Eva Cassidy has such a beautiful voice Michelle, no wonder you chose that :-) xx xx
  13. Yeah, pretty much the same, not nervous about getting married just getting everything done!!! :-) When did Nancy get intouch with you, we get married 5 weeks 2moz, i emaailed her sunday gone but had no mail yet??? x
  14. OK with this pic, bear in mind i was up at 6am to get ready for work, and it is now 2.30 in the afternoon, stressful day..... Excuse the hair & make up.... (god i hate having my pic taken) pix do not do the dress any justice!!! I look so tense.... Hope this dosent happen on the wedding day with photo.... i need to learn to relax in front of a camera!!!!
  15. Ok so here is my veil : it had diamonds at the ends..... dont know if you can see the detail quite as well in the pic, when i get it home, i will take better pics :-)
  16. My dress is a slim dress.... post pix shortly.... watch this space....... and mine will deffo fit, the box to me looks massive, im scared its to big.... night have to measure it to put my mind at rest!!! LOL :-) Were not doing food food, just a finger buffet really. Our DJ is £150 & Cake from M&S for £63 :-) Feel like a right scrooge compared to you lot, but we just simply cant afford it!!! xx
  17. Whoo, Whoo, Thats good to hear, cant wait :-) Are you nervous yet? xox
  18. I like the idea of a sand ceremony, FI hates the idea.... Were not doing one. I dont think we would even if FI liked the idea..... but yeah, i think its kinda cute x Awwwww, Lyndsey, hope you hear something soon!!! :-(
  19. Virginia.... Fantastic planning thread :-) Everything have been given so so much thought, i love the proposal story... Thats sooooo cute.... Good on ya sister, lol :-) Your dress is stunning and cant wait to see it on, I love the idea of your BM's having different style dresses too.... Makes it more unique to the BM's and to your wedding day!!!! Your invites are fab 2, so well finished............ EVERYTHING is just wonderful, Thank you so so much for sharing with us Enjoy every second lady, and dont dont dont forget to take time out with your hubby at regular intervals!!! Will be nice to see each other on your wedding day....... xx
  20. http://www.lifememoriesbox.co.uk/delivery-4-w.asp Yeah, Israel Kam...... Version is beautiful :-) Thanks to waybuloo :-) They are fab fab fab :-) VERY VERY excited :-) Gosh, it seems like 5 mins ago when i was in your position :-) May 2011 seemed like a million years away...... We have hired out our local football club which has cost £17 (for a yearly membership) and a £25 deposit, which we get back at the end of the night!!! OK so its not a nice big posh hotel or venue but it has tables and chairs and cheap drinks. I will take over balloons to decorate the tables, which have cost me a few quid on ebay..... Dont get me wrong i would LOVE to hire out a big nice venue but we just can not afford it, and to be honest at least i get my fam and friends together, so im happy :-) xx Im stuck with songs :-( ARGH!!!!! I saw on FB about Scarlett, That is the cutest cutest thing :-) Brought a tear to my eye aswel xx
  21. Thanks very much :-) I will try and get some sneaky pix tomorrow, when im back at the shop x Thanks Bonnie :-) Whoo.... not long now then.... til your in FULL wedding mode, lucky you getting a bonus, could do with that right now :-) x Welcome along, What hotel are you getting married at? The only thinbg i worry abou tis the mozzies as i get painfully bitten all over same as my mum, rest of the group say they are fine :-( We must have good blood!!! LOL xx
  22. Haha, A woman after my own heart... I was just saying that to Stephen last night!!! Haha!!! Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh ;-p x
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