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  1. St. Maarten is amazing!!! Oh my the food! There is I believe Temptations and I can't remember the name then across on the other side at St. Martin the marina has lovely restaurants!
  2. I'm getting married on 17th August, in our twin island Tobago, the beaches are beautiful and Tobago hold a serenity that does not exist in Trinidad. Anyone else out there?? We're currently working out our details at the moment, a beach wedding and we'll have a mini reception after!
  3. oh gosh! I just realised the vendor rules how do I edit a post can I? for some reason I can edit this post but not the other one!
  4. hope you found what you were looking for! I'm a 'Trini' if anyone needs any help let me know I'd be happy to help out! I'm actually a makeup artist! I end up on here looking at dreams Tulum hehe and well now I may be able to actually help out a few brides so why not!
  5. Hi Everyone! FI and I got engaged on September 27th, 2009, our 4th year anni of being together. At first we just said 2-3years from now was when we'd get married, after talking we decided on April 3rd, 2010(as we're going to Barbados) then decided maybe we'll wait until 2011 so that we have some more time to save. At this point the possibilities are endless as to what's going on because we're trying to decide amongst ourselves whether we can afford to spend $2600us or not (in our currency this is $17,000). Plans are 27th April, 2011 at Dreams Tulum. I was very excited to find this website, because it's great that it's wedding specific versus trying to guess from trip advisor what hotel to choose! So many thoughts are going through my head right now, do we get married first in home country then go to destination, I'm still considering if we could pull off a very simple ceremony in Barbados this year. Honestly, the more complicated things get the less excited I am. I really was very excited for April this year, but with new rent(just moved into our own place) to pay I just don't see how it'll happen! Any advice?
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