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Everything posted by barbiegirl_27

  1. ooohhhh i love the DRC!! It looks so beautiful! Do you have your vacation package pricing yet just wondering if you're flying direct from Hali?
  2. lol, that is so true. My Fi likes to shop, so he's on board to start looking for his attire soon. Unfortunately the guys he's asked to be his groomsmen are all in the navy (so is he), so we're not sure if any of them will be able to come. Anyways we can't figure out their attire, and well like you said shorts won't be in the stores in oct....let alone Feb. We chose Mayan Riviera b/c we thought there seemed to be a lot of stuff for people to see outside the resorts, since a lot we're too thrilled with having to use their vacation time for our wedding. Dreams was a resort that I just fell in love with. It seemed pretty reasonably priced for 2010 (don't know yet about 2011) and yet so luxurious! If I'd been the only one making the decisions we would be getting married in Jamaica! So I'm a little jealous of you Sweetluna! I'm hoping the time flies! We were originally supposed to be getting married in November too, but had too many complaints that people already had their vacations planned (we just got engaged on boxing day!) Good luck with the shopping for you FI!
  3. now that we've chosen the resort and are soooo happy with our choice, I would have to say that the stress has now changed to all the negativety we're getting for our choice....and well having a destination wedding in general. I had no idea that people felt that their opinions counted more than ours! I can say I wish I was prepared for it, but I don't think anyone can.....at the end of the day i know the important people will be there!
  4. lol, we are just winging it.....our TA has taken forever to get back to us (i've been waiting for 2 1/2 weeks now to hear back from her) and we just really wanted the resort chosen so we just picked one! It's been a bit stressful since b/c now all our relatives are freaking out about prices even though we don't even have any yet! I'm going to give guests the option of booking through the TA (i hope she's better at getting back to them than she has been with me!) or individually and just let them know if they go on their own I can't guarantee their room won't be in the same area. If I hadn't managed to secure a wedding date I would have been heading down to Maritime Travel.....they were highly recommended to me AFTER we got with this TA (who is a friend of the family!)
  5. oh i totally agree...I read all these posts and see all these pictures and think "i must have that" but in reality i want it simple!
  6. My best friend got married a couple years ago and she's quite busty.....and has always had issues with strapless bras ie: constantly tugging them up! She wanted to avoid that for her wedding, so she had one of her bras sewn into the dress. with the structure of her dress and the bra for that extra support her girls looked fabulous and she wasn't fussy with it all night long!
  7. Margret, you are following me! That's cool! maybe we can help each other out! I love your resort btw! I had wanted to go there, but our TA came back with outrageous prices for it.....although I did go ahead with Dreams without having a clue about the prices for packages. Is everyone looking for group rates? or do you think it might be a better deal to book through red tag, selloffvacations, or itravel2000 I'm worried we'll get people locked into a group rate only to find it A LOT cheaper through one of those companies!
  8. We started with Flight Centre and I was not happy with them. We went in Jan. and were originally looking for Nov 2010, and they indicated that we'd left it a little late. We were still new to the process and got a little freaked out by that. They passed all our info the the group department, which yes, they only contact you by email. She kept going MIA on us. We ended up changing our dates to Feb 2011, to which she told us that the packages weren't available until summer, to let our guests know they'll need to pay a deposit then, and full payment by november. That was it. Period. No mention of even trying to secure a wedding date. She seemed to be focused strictly on group travel, and not anything to do with the fact that it was a wedding we were trying to organize. From that we found someone else to work with. Again we're doing it all by email. I would love to recommend someone to you, but don't know what's out in Toronto. Do you have Maritime Travel? They were highly recommended to us.
  9. Great review! Thanks for sharing your experience and for all the tips. We just secured our date at DT and I started second guessing myself b/c of all the negative comments we've had from family members. Your review has made me feel confident in my choice! Thanks a bunch!
  10. Yeah Atlantic Canada! I'm in Halifax! We've finally just secured our date for Dreams Tulum Feb 2, 2011. Now we're just waiting to find out about pricing! -Anita
  11. wow, that's a great rate for Jamaica! I really wanted to do it there, but was discouraged by the pricing! I'm so jealous but so happy for you that you were able to get such a great rate! Congrats!! Our TA is currently MIA, so we're still waiting to hear about pricing for our resort, which I just went ahead and secured the date for since I just couldn't wait for the TA anymore! Fingers crossed it's not too costly!
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