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Everything posted by barbiegirl_27

  1. I've just bought a dress!!! I actually got it off the website oncewed.com....the lady was a dream to deal with....she was selling her dress brand new b/c her FI had mentioned that he didn't like mermaid style, and she'd already purchased a mermaid style dress! I'll be obsessively checking the tracking now until it gets here! I'll post pics as soon as it arrives and I can tee up with my MOH! After the debacle with my "knock-off" dress, FI has said no more dresses, so this had better be the one! Very excited! I am in LOVE with this dress!
  2. that's awesome news! Don't you feel better now!?!?!? lol
  3. This is great! Thanks for sharing! Printing off 50 copies first try is so something I would do too!
  4. Wow sounds like you're super organized! we're not going to bother with official invites, as we sent out the STD and made a website. Everyone is pretty much being kept in the loop as things progress with pricing for packages! I just bought my dress!!! One more box checked off. I'll be much happier once we have the vacation booked...and then have an idea of how many people actually will be joining us!
  5. wow, i'd have to agree that the second dress is much more simple than the first. With all the rouching, and then the split with the flowers around it seems to be much more complicated, although I'm not an expert by any means! For the record the second dress is gorgeous! I love it much more than the Tornai!
  6. Kerry, I think they did a wonderful job! I would definitely inquire about the pockets though, as that was one of my favorite features! I can't wait to see it on you and hear what you think!
  7. Diane, I was just thinking about you, figuring you must be leaving soon! Hope you have an amazing time! My mum is coming to visit at the end of June, so we're going to test out the OPI Axxium together then! Looking forward to it!
  8. Andrew McCarthy= Weekend at Bernie's
  9. Congrats on booking your date! Thats such a load of your shoulders! We're going back and forth about using a TA. The first few "group quotes" we've received have been really high, so then we thought we'd just people to book on their own, and now my FI's co-workers wife is working on a quote for us, and has offered to not take a commission to give us a better price.....she's just hoping to get her name in with our friends and family. Honestly it'll come down to what the best rate for our guests is! We registered ages ago, just wanted to get it out of the way. I've done far too much dress shopping....I'm hoping that I'm getting closer. There are some DIY projects I want to do but am holding off until we have a better idea of what our numbers look like!
  10. Wow, so far we're all Dreams brides! That's kind of weird! When I requested a date at Dreams Tulum, i just went through their website, under weddings, and there is a form you can fill in and email to the wedding coordinators. I heard back from them right away with a couple choices of dates around what I'd requested. From there they sent me a complete package with various forms to fill out, plus the wedding guide. If you want to send me your email, I can pass it along to you. we're going to have a symbolic ceremony to make it easier and much less complicated. We'll legally get married here probably by the end of the year!
  11. I was super jealous of all these lovely logos that everyone seemed to have. I found a thread on here that gave instructions on how to make your own through powerpoint. That's how I made mine....it's not the greatest but I know we won't be using it too much throughout our wedding either! It was fun to try to figure out though! Killed many hours at work!
  12. Michelle Trachtenberg = Ice Princess
  13. Just thought I'd see if there was a thread out there for Feb 2011 brides and was lucky enough to find this one! I'm getting married Feb 2, 2011 at Dreams Tulum! Feb really does seem so far away!! Congrats to both you ladies!
  14. Same reason for us really....we would have to arrive 4 days early, which would have us leaving basically the day after we got married (we can only stay for 1 week), the blood work is an extra cost, plus you have to wait for your wedding certificate to arrive and we'd have to have it translated.....it just seemed easier to do it here at home and then we know we're legally married! FI wants to start wearing our rings when we make it official, which we'll do later this year, also for tax purposes. But we'll celebrate our anniversary on the date of our Mexican "wedding" since it'll be the one everyone else will recognize!
  15. High School Musical= Zac Efron
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by nmurch wish we had coach outlets in canada.. boooo I feel your pain! no outlets near me.....not even a regular store....although I heard through the rumour mill that one is coming soon!!!
  17. Brittany Murphy= Little Black Book
  18. Congrats and Happy planning!
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