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Everything posted by barbiegirl_27

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Nicyx I said to FI today when i got back from work.... I think it "finally" hit me today that we have booked our wedding... (only 6 weeks late) OMG!!! We've ACTUALLY booked our wedding, i cant believe it!!! x LOL xox LOL that's too funny! I can't wait till we've got our vacation packages booked but we're trying to wait to see if prices are going to drop....I'm trying my best to keep my cool!
  2. I just ordered business cards from Vistaprint to make into luggage tags (this will be our favor)....figured since it's 250 cards, I'm going to have lots of extras regardless, so why not order now. I may make up 10 just to start b/c I'm itching so bad to make something, and we know we'll have at least 10 people joining us! I'll post some pics once I get them done....the business cards won't arrive till early July!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 Yep, this is a major peeve of mine, too. There's so much I want to do and buy and get ready, but most of it I can't do until I know how many people are coming...and I doubt I know how many people are coming until, like, December or something. Nobody has booked except my immediate family, and only 5 other people have RSVPd. Grrr. I'm in the same boat! After getting excited about doing our invitations I really just wanted to continue with all the ideas I had, but until we know numbers I don't think there's any point. So far we've only had 8 RSVP (no one has booked yet) so I thought maybe I could make a few things as we get people RSVP'ing.....waiting till Christmas time seems so far away to start projects!!
  4. Sean William Scott= American Pie
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 I have one too! Although he's always saying..."I am NOT a ginger! I don't have freckles!". Yes, he does. We're totally gonna have little red-headed babies (I was a red-head when I was little, too...I don't actually know what my hair color is now!) lol, that's awesome! Yep, I think we'll have red-headed babies too....I don't think my blonde recessive genes stand a chance against those red ones!
  6. Ah Gingerlover36......Glad to know I'm not the only one out there with a ginger!!! We should form a club!
  7. [You may remember a few months ago i told you my sister was pregnant again, well she found out today that she is having a wee girl :-) So she will have 1 of each... so so exciting :-) x Just thought id share xoxo That's super exciting! As much fun as it is shopping for boys, it's just that much more fun shopping for girls! Congrats Auntie!
  8. resisting all the bad food= almost impossible
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by angelov321 Oops...I meant Night at the Museum. My bad :/ lol, I had a feeling that's where you were going with it! Gerard Butler= The Ugly Truth
  10. Justin Bartha= Failure to Lauch ps- I don't think Owen Wilson was in National Treasure....
  11. Thanks for all the great advice! We're definitely trying to keep within a small budget. I just recently talked myself out of a really expensive pair of sandals, for a pair that's only $35. I eventually didn't see the point in spending $200 for a pair of sandals no one is going to see anyways! We just got the FI a pair of linen pants from Banana that were $20 off, plus I had a coupon for 35% off. In the end his pants were less than $50!!! There are deals to be had everywhere!
  12. Christopher Walken = Wedding Crashers
  13. I've not been able to do this since Thursday due to a horrible cold!!! I can't believe just a few days in and now this! I'm hoping to get back to it as soon as I feel better....i just hope the first day isn't going to be as bad as the initial first day! lol
  14. We're not doing OOT bags....I had never heard of them before I found this forum. I think the cost for it all, and plus the luggage space needed isn't worth it, at least not for us. We do want to put together hangover kits, as more of a joke than anything. I'm hoping this won't take up too much space in our luggage though! Sure it's a nice gesture but in the end, people aren't coming b/c they are expecting a bag of goodies....things they most likely already brought themselves!
  15. relocation= 2 more years (I seriously cannot wait!!!)
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by 2Blessed2Stress See, that's fair. You get a nice ring....he gets a nice laptop. My girl should read this post, lol. lol, You know, it really is fair.....I got the idea from a friend of his who's wife had bought him a tv for his "engagement" gift.
  17. We paid for both out of the wedding budget.....I had already bought him a Mac laptop for his engagement present.
  18. Oh that's awesome that it all worked out! Congrats!
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