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Everything posted by barbiegirl_27

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Hopelesslyblissful I just bought my shoes this weekend. I don't have a picture of them, but I do have the link to them on the website. My FI is only about 2 inches taller than me, and my dress (which I bought used) is altered to the height I am now so heels isn't really an option for me. I opted for some really nice flat sandals..I LOVE them! I have been wearing them around the house during the day while FI is at work hehehe!! REVE - women's fashion flats sandals for sale at ALDO Shoes. These are super cute! I got mine at aldo too! Great find! I think I should start wearing them around the house to "break" them in!!!
  2. I've got books 3 and 4 waiting for me to read! Just need to finish the book I'm currently reading! I had no idea there were SO many books in the series! I can't wait to dive in!
  3. eat whatever I want=not fitting into my dress
  4. Oh I'm totally intrigued by all these characters you've all been talking about....I think I'll be picking up the next couple books in the series as soon as I'm done the book I'm reading!
  5. My confession is extremely selfish, but my Fi has been sick since Feb, and they still can't figure out what's wrong.....so exercising is out of the question, meanwhile I've been busting my butt at the gym and various workouts, while he sits on the couch playing video games. It really pisses me off some nights when all I want is to go for a walk with him and enjoy the beautiful weather, but if we do he suffers the rest of the night b/c of it. *sigh* I know it's selfish.
  6. Oh Krista! I think all FMIL and MIL do this at some point! Confession: my parents are coming to visit for a week and staying with me for the first time ever....I'm not looking forward to this as my mum has a tendency to nit-pick everything about our place!
  7. I need to do a lot= clean the house
  8. Haley Joel Osment = Pay it Forward
  9. we're not having an AHR either, this is it for us too. Just remember its your wedding, not theirs.....and you're never going to be able to please everyone, so just be sure you're doing what YOU and your FI want to do!
  10. We've gotten the same reaction....and I keep telling people to hold tight that the prices will hopefully drop, but I'm getting tired of having to defend our decision to have a DW, and then defend our choice of resort. I spent a lot of time researching and fell in love with this one....I know it's not for everyone but it's our wedding and we want the best for our wedding. We did waver a bit in the beginning b/c of all the complaining, but in the end we've stuck by our decisions, and we're happy if people come, and if they can't well, that's their loss. Your guests still have plenty of time to book! I wouldn't let it stress you out too much! it's just not worth it!
  11. watched it last night....I find I'm waiting in anticipation during the last few minutes, b/c now I know it's going to end on a cliff hanger! FI and I were both doing this last night! Oh my...I think Eric really needs a bigger part....and should be at least shirtless for most of it! Love him!!!
  12. Mischa Barton= The Sixth Sense
  13. Hi Ladies, I'm a Feb 2, 2011 Bride....we've not got anyone booked as we're still hoping the prices are going to go down. At this point I actually can't find a direct flight from Halifax, so I'm not sure if connecting may be best, or change the dates just slightly to allow for direct flights! I have my dress, and shoes, and FI has his clothes. We sent out our STD's when we first got engaged to get word out and give people time to save up if needed!
  14. Bruce Willis- Assassination of a High School President
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by angelov321 Confession: I cant stand the best man! Im secretly waiting for him to do something to make me mad so I can kick him out the wedding. I know its evil, but he doesnt deserve to come. Barbiegirl-the best man did the exact samething to us. Only he booked his DW 3 weeks after ours in the Riviera also. He and FH both share the same friends and now they are forced to choose sides bc they all cant afford to go to both weddings. Omg that's awful! I couldn't imagine it coming down to friends having to choose sides! Your poor FI! I have to confess that I'm very happy that FI best man and wife aren't coming to the wedding. They decided that us choosing a DW was a personal attack on them b/c they have a baby ( we specifically chose a family friendly resort, and have mentioned how many children and babies will be coming!). Personally I've never been a fan of the wife, so I'm glad she won't be there, as she won't be happy unless the attention is on her!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by krista.baird Oh Anita! You should be pissed about that! She's a total copier! My confession is I have my final dress fitting tonight and I'm having nightmares about being too fat for it. I hope it fits!!! Thanks Krista! I have been very guarded about our wedding details b/c I knew stuff like this would happen, but got so excited about my dress I couldn't help but share with my best friend. I should have known better. I'm trying my best to let it go...lol. I'm sure the fitting was fine! I can't believe your wedding is so soon!
  17. Confession of the day: I hate (but still love) my best friend. She got engaged 2 weeks before I did, and announced that she was going to have a DW (I've always said I wanted a beach wedding, she always said she wanted traditional). She changed her mind eventually....BUT now she's just bought a dress that's SO similar to mine...I kind of just want to rip her head off!!!!
  18. I find it hard to motivate myself....I'll usually clock watch and say at (blank) time I'll go exercise, i say it so much that I finally get off the couch and go to it. my FI also asks me constantly if I'm going to go work out (would be much easier if he were doing it with me!)...I eventually feel so guilty I go! I make sure to have a playlist of upbeat music playing too! Once you get into a routine you won't have to think about motivating yourself so much! Good luck!
  19. my dreams = to travel and travel and travel...
  20. Cindy I love your shoes! If I could have convinced my FI to let me buy them I would have rearranged our whole wedding so I could wear heels! Gorgeous!
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