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Everything posted by barbiegirl_27

  1. ugh! What was up with Eric's hair last night I do not like him as a brunette! But you know, I still LOVE him. Last nights show was good, although I am so bad at taking in details, that FI was explaining something that happened last season with Goderick (sp?) and Eric, and I totally don't remember, but apparently it all ties in with the Viking scene last night.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by MissSimone At the end of the day it's your wedding. Where do you want to go? (You and FH of course?) If you guys wanna get married on Mars so be it. Whoever doesn't like it, too bad. You took the words right out of my mouth! Seriously go where you want to go!
  3. The Wedding Date= Dermot Mulroney (I used to love him sooo much!!!)
  4. Thanks Ladies! I have promised FI that I needed just a day to be sad about it all, and then I'll stop dwelling on it. Thanks for the words of encouragement....you're so right, in the end it's about me and my FI. At least I'm finding out now and not right before the wedding!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by bsf&jpg sorry to hear that. Thats just so not fair. This seems to happen A LOT around here. I would be a child and say "Fine! Im not going to make it to yours either! AND MY wedding will be much more awesome! hmph!" jk, lol. lol, trust me it's crossed my mind! Double whammy, my other best friend, told me this morning that she can't commit b/c she's looking to get pregnant, and she's just changed jobs which meant taking a pay cut.....i know its selfish, but i'm seriously disappointed and considering not forking out the money to fly home to the other friends wedding.
  6. I have to confess that I finally came out and asked my best friend, who is also planning a wedding, if she was even thinking of coming to my wedding.....and although all along, since she hasn't expressed wanting to come, I had already thought the answer was no, I'm still super disappointed to find out that her answer is pretty much no. I totally get that she's planning a wedding, but for me to fly home for her wedding will cost almost the same as what it's going to cost for a week at an AI. *sigh*
  7. Orlando Bloom= Pirates of the Caribbean
  8. Glad to hear you're healing well! The gel drops are amazing when it comes to that extra dryness....but they make your vision a little blurry at first, that's why they say to use them right before bed so you don't have to worry about the blurriness!
  9. try using a gel eye drop right before bed, it should help with the dryness
  10. well i think they did an awesome job with the Debbie Pelt character, she's just as I pictured from reading the book! I hate having to wait a week before the next new episode!!!! Oh I love Alcide....and shirtless doesn't hurt either. That dream of Eric's was hot! At first I thought it was really happening. I was so hoping it was Sookie having the dream!
  11. I'm confused....I haven't had it done yet, haven't had a chance to try it, but I was under the impression that you don't get fake nails, that it's applied directly to your nail?!?!?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Oryx I don't think there is anything forcing you to change your name and passport before you leave -- why not just do that when you come back? I was thinking the same thing....you can change your name at any stage of the game I believe....I know I wasn't planning on changing anything until after our trip b/c I don't feel like getting a new passport but we'll be officially married a couple months before!
  13. You could search a weather website to see what the average temps are like....I'm not too worried about it being really chilly, but most people will come prepared with a shawl or cover-up I'm sure!
  14. wow your photos came out so beautiful! You really looked like you were having a great time too!
  15. lol....I totally think taking your dog for a walk counts! If I had a dog I'd much rather be walking him, than doing a work out video!
  16. well I didn't do the shred tonight, I just couldn't face Jillian...BUT i did do the Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga (with Bob). It's an hour long, and I have to admit I liked it a lot better. I'm going to try to alternate to keep some variety to save me from getting bored!
  17. well ladies i'm about 1/4 of the way into the third book, and oh my word...I'm not sure that Eric is doing it for me right now....Alcide has definitely got me hot! lol so glad I started reading the books again!!!
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