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Everything posted by barbiegirl_27

  1. Jessica Biel= I now pronouce you Chuck and Larry
  2. Riding the bus with my sister= Andie MacDowell
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Melaina I confess that I knew when my hubby was going to pop the question. I'll take that one to the grave with me... he thought he was verrry sneaky! lol me too! He told me one day that he had a special appointment while I was at work....and then called me to say don't check the credit card. Then when we had a dinner with my brother and SIL he pulled them aside to show them the ring. A couple days later SIL called to see when he was planning to do it b/c it was driving her crazy that she knew....but I was hugging him while he was talking on the phone, and could hear the entire thing. He still has no idea HOW much I knew, I just tell him I suspected b/c he's not good at being sneaky!
  4. ah welcome home Krista! I was thinking about you the other day and wondering when we'd hear from you!! I can't wait to read your review!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by TheFutureWagners Hang in there BarbieGirl!! You don't need the negativity right now.. I just went through another similar situation. I just talked to my Mama, who is also usually negative but she (for once!) helped me see the silver lining... like she said, Focus on your dress, your hair, your shoes, your fiance... all the good things. I think sometimes we get wrapped up in this without realizing that this is still going to be beautiful and perfect, just the way we want it to be. Go have a glass of wine! It helped me out of my tears last night!!! Thanks! I think I'll take your advice and grab a glass of wine when I get home from work! My mum has been amazing through all this too and keeps reassuring me of all the people that will be there. I'm just glad to have this done now, and not a month before the wedding. Time to start looking foward to all the good things!
  6. I really appreciate this thread also. The last couple days have been hellish for me. My two best friends have been fighting with me about the wedding....and just this morning the one told me that my expectations were too high, that we're not irresponsible 18 y/o's anymore and that they have responsibilities and to expect them to WANT to come is apparently too much. And that expressing that I was disappointed that they probably wouldn't be making it was really unfair of me to say. I'm done, I'm exhausted. I can't be friends with someone like this anymore. ahh...sorry for venting but I've spent the morning in tears. Thanks for listening!
  7. Eurotrip= Michelle Trachtenburg
  8. I'm so angry I want to punch my friend in the face! She wrote me a couple days ago to tell me she didn't think she'd be able to make it to my wedding, and claimed costs to be the issue. I let her know that I was disappointed that this was the situation. She wrote me back a pretty harsh email stating....but in amongst the harshness was a whole pile of things that were going on that she had never bothered to tell me. She makes me so angry that she gets mad at me b/c I didn't know any of this!!! I'm not a mind reader! But if she'd actually explained to me in a nice manner what's been going on, I would have understood why she's not able to come! F***!!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by miss_delerium I know!!! That's what I keep saying...it's not $1500 just for a wedding...you get to spend a WEEK in sunny Mexico during the coldest month of the year!! Sheesh...quit complaining. I'll be thinking of you shoveling 10 feet of snow in -40 C while I'm on the beach! Oh I love this! I think this is going to be my new phrase when people complain!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by hat0112 So am I! I had a friend WISH rain on my Aruba wedding! She was serious and said it right to my face. Isn't that nice? Thank goodness is doesn't rain alot there. Oh wow, that's horrible! I'm so sorry you had to deal with that! I can't even imagine how I would have dealt with that being said to my face! We had a couple say to another friend of ours that they felt our choice to have a DW was a personal attack on them b/c they have a baby. I'm pretty sure when I was planning this I really only had my and my FI in mind!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by nessa0308 wouldnt you like to hear....JUST ONCE.... It's your wedding, do what makes YOU happy? you can call my mum, she'll tell you. She's been amazing through this whole process with me, in fact I think she's more excited about going away than I am right now! I was amazed at how many people will decide to rain on your parade! It's terrible!
  12. Mission Impossible= Tom Cruise
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by *Rachel* Goderick is Eric's maker and I think after Eric's family all died, he was turned... but I cant remember the details either. I thought it was because they were both lonely so Goderick turned him so they could have each other. Was the part in the books about Eric discovering the king killed his family? I don't remember that. And Sookie's "power" came a little early, no? So far there's been no mention of Sookie "power" in the books, as far as book 3.....and nothing about Eric discovering the king killed his family....as far as I remember, as I'm super sketchy on details already!
  14. Fried Green Tomatoes= Mary Louise Parker
  15. I just finished the third book and the story is similar, but not really at the same time...so far.
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