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Everything posted by PrincessGinger

  1. Oh no! So sorry to hear all of that! If its sunny today, then the storm is gone and you should be set for beautiful weather for your wedding! Enjoy your day!
  2. Thanks Jan, glad you liked the pics! Thats awesome your mom and sis want to make the bows! I just didn't want to hassle with bringing many decorations bc I knew I already had a lot of gift bag stuff to bring. Looking back one large cost was the $85 centerpieces for the 10 tables, while the aqua overlay was only $25 for each table and created more of a color impact than the centerpieces. If you could come up with an awesome centerpiece that was easy to transport, it would save you big time! Aren't those bridemaid dresses awesome! They are really flattering and I know the girls all really liked them, espcially bc they have pockets . I liked that since they weren't strapless, the bridemaids weren't shimmying their dress up all night, free to dance uninhibited! Regarding the legal ceremony, we did not advertise to everyone that it wasn't going to be "legal". If people asked we would explain how we didn't think it was worth the delay waiting for the certificate, translation issues, blood tests, specific wording of the ceremony, extra $, etc. We did wait until after the wedding to get it legally done back here, something for me didn't feel right being married prior to our ceremony. All in all, very few people actually asked, but I felt I should be honest if they did. So excited for you, happy planning!
  3. Ahh, I forgot to say most importantly, CONGRATULATIONS to all of you ladies getting married at NOW Sapphire, enjoy your time planning, and of course enjoy the wedding! Also, try not to stress too much. I know lack of response from the resort can get frustrating, but remember they do so many weddings a year and really do know what they are doing. About a month out I was getting better responses and was able to figure it all out in that time. I mean from the time I started I went through four wedding planners at the resort (Cecilia, Alexandria, Daniela and Sandra), the hotel was sold, renamed and packages changed, and our airline went bankrupt so that my husband and I along with 25% of our guests had to rebook flights, YET everything turned out perfect and was better than what either of us had dreamed. Stay positive, get as much done ahead of time as you can, and ENJOY everything! Ginger
  4. Sorry about some of the repetition on here, it wasn't letting me post for a bit there, so I tried a couple of different ways. I am surprised there is a difference between the tequila terrace and beach terrace, there was only one terrace at the hotel. Looking back over my info Sandra had me down for the tequila terrace, so maybe the beach is just further down the terrace, but you would still be able to see and hear people at the other location if there were two receptions going on. As for the cost, it definitely adds up, but I honestly think the colored bows, overlays and centerpieces made everything look so much more beautiful. Looking back over the budget it cost $5 for white covered ceremony chair above the 25 included with packages, $5 for each colored bow on ceremony chairs (none included with packages), $5 for each colored bow on reception chairs (none included), $25 per table for colored overlays (none included), and the centerpieces we chose were from the eternity packages and were $85 per table (one included)--and don't forget to add the 11% tax for everything too. We had 55 people, so the extras really added up over the 25 included for most things (like additional champagne toast, hor douvres and meals), but nothing was a surprise, we knew what the cost would be before we got there and even made some adjustments once we were there with things we no longer wanted and an extra guest that came last minute, so they are definitely flexible. Below is a link to the blog for our photographers, and on there they have a link to their facebook page where you can check out some of our pics, and there is one that shows the ceremony set up and one with the reception area/set up. Until I can figure out how to get more of pics on here, this is best I can do. http://momentsthatmatterphotography.com/blog/ Hope all of this is helpful! Ginger
  5. Ugh, being a noob on here is really annoying, it let me post the review, but now won't let me post more things I thought of. I don't think I can post pics bc I'm a noob, but I'll find a way for you guys to see them if you are interested. As for your questions: 1) I believe the beach terrace is the same as the tequila terrace, when it was Paradisus it was called tequila terrace, now beach. It used to have a covering and now its open, which I didn't think I would like at first, but I def enjoyed having the openness. 2) The colors were yellow and aqua, so the bridesmaid dresses, flowers and guys shirts were yellow, then we had aqua bows on the ceremony and reception chairs, aqua and white on the ceremony canopy, aqua overlays on the reception tables, yellow flower centerpieces on the guests tables and a couple of sand centerpieces on the head table. The only extra lighting we added were the tiki torches by the lounge set up. The terrace has ample lighting for dinner and dancing. 3) There is a discoteca open like thurs-sat late night, so the party just transferred to there. There is also a lobby bar that stays open until midnight I believe. I wrote a bit more about our gift bags for guests and other ceremony items were brought, so I will try and get that posted soon. If they let this noob.
  6. Congrats, planning a destination wedding can be stressful, but it was totally worth it! Good luck!
  7. Alright, looks like I will add a little more. Just kept thinking of things I should have added : ) Forgot to mention the gift bags. We brought everything for the gift bags down there with us in one giant suitcase, customs will question it, just explain what its for and say you only spent a couple hundred dollars. We used reuasable bags from Bath and Body Works (got them for like $2 each, great deal) for the gift bags, which was perfect bc then many people used them as beach/pool bags all week. We included a welcome letter, a stamped postcard addressed to us that we explained in the letter was meant to be our guest book with everyone's fav memory, personalized koozies, personalized deck of cards, beach ball/frisbee, underwater camera (many people commented on how excited they were for these--esp for the pool or snorkling), first aid kit, mini sunscreen, mini hand santizer, mini advil, mini tums (another hit--too much drinking, ha!), and snacks (chips, cookies and gum). We went to Puerto Morles, like 10 min cab ride, to get the snacks, kind of a pain, but worth it since there aren't any snacks at the hotel except to purchase at the gift shop. We handed the bags out ourself, partly bc I didn't want to pay the $4 a bag the hotel charges, but mostly to get face time in with each guest. Bc of the gift bags I did not do a favor at the wedding, everything I wanted to give people I put in the bag, plus most wedding favors are ridiculously useless. We did not really bring any decorations with us. Our colors were yellow and aqua, yellow bridesmaid dresses, flowers, and shirts for groomsmen, then we had aqua bows on the chairs (ceremony and reception), aqua overlays on the tables, aqua and white on the ceremony canopy and chose centerpieces from the packet. The head table we had these sand centerpieces that were really pretty, then the other tables had yellow and white flowers that matched me and the bridesmaids bouquets. I had personalized napkins made for them to hand out during the cocktail hour (cheap, easy to pack, and nice way to personalize something), our programs were fan programs which I def saw people using as it got a lil hot, other things we brought with us were the sand ceremony set with yellow and aqua sand, cake topper and cake serving set. Note: DO NOT pack your cake knife and server in your carry on bag! Seems quite obvious, but it didn't even cross my mind, the knife was so long its considered a weapon and they should have filed a police report, but they just let us check the bag instead. This still upset me though bc every ceremony item, jewelry, shoes, etc. for the wedding were in that bag. Sorry I am a little all over the place with this review, but I just want to note everything as I think of it. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions, I am happy to help. I am going to try and figure out how to post pics since I know those are just as helpful as what I write. Anyone know how?? Ginger
  8. Let me try and break it up..... Alright, looks like I will add a little more. Just kept thinking of things I should have added : ) Forgot to mention the gift bags. We brought everything for the gift bags down there with us in one giant suitcase, customs will question it, just explain what its for and say you only spent a couple hundred dollars. We used reuasable bags from Bath and Body Works (got them for like $2 each, great deal) for the gift bags, which was perfect bc then many people used them as beach/pool bags all week. We included a welcome letter, a stamped postcard addressed to us that we explained in the letter was meant to be our guest book with everyone's fav memory, personalized koozies, personalized deck of cards, beach ball/frisbee, underwater camera (many people commented on how excited they were for these--esp for the pool or snorkling), first aid kit, mini sunscreen, mini hand santizer, mini advil, mini tums (another hit--too much drinking, ha!), and snacks (chips, cookies and gum). We went to Puerto Morles, like 10 min cab ride, to get the snacks, kind of a pain, but worth it since there aren't any snacks at the hotel except to purchase at the gift shop. We handed the bags out ourself, partly bc I didn't want to pay the $4 a bag the hotel charges, but mostly to get face time in with each guest. Bc of the gift bags I did not do a favor at the wedding, everything I wanted to give people I put in the bag, plus most wedding favors are ridiculously useless.
  9. Well I tried to add more to my review, but I apparently haven't wrote enough so they are holding it, hopefully it shows up soon.
  10. Alright, looks like I will add a little more. Just kept thinking of things I should have added : ) Forgot to mention the gift bags. We brought everything for the gift bags down there with us in one giant suitcase, customs will question it, just explain what its for and say you only spent a couple hundred dollars. We used reuasable bags from Bath and Body Works (got them for like $2 each, great deal) for the gift bags, which was perfect bc then many people used them as beach/pool bags all week. We included a welcome letter, a stamped postcard addressed to us that we explained in the letter was meant to be our guest book with everyone's fav memory, personalized koozies, personalized deck of cards, beach ball/frisbee, underwater camera (many people commented on how excited they were for these--esp for the pool or snorkling), first aid kit, mini sunscreen, mini hand santizer, mini advil, mini tums (another hit--too much drinking, ha!), and snacks (chips, cookies and gum). We went to Puerto Morles, like 10 min cab ride, to get the snacks, kind of a pain, but worth it since there aren't any snacks at the hotel except to purchase at the gift shop. We handed the bags out ourself, partly bc I didn't want to pay the $4 a bag the hotel charges, but mostly to get face time in with each guest. Bc of the gift bags I did not do a favor at the wedding, everything I wanted to give people I put in the bag, plus most wedding favors are ridiculously useless. We did not really bring any decorations with us. Our colors were yellow and aqua, yellow bridesmaid dresses, flowers, and shirts for groomsmen, then we had aqua bows on the chairs (ceremony and reception), aqua overlays on the tables, aqua and white on the ceremony canopy and chose centerpieces from the packet. The head table we had these sand centerpieces that were really pretty, then the other tables had yellow and white flowers that matched me and the bridesmaids bouquets. I had personalized napkins made for them to hand out during the cocktail hour (cheap, easy to pack, and nice way to personalize something), our programs were fan programs which I def saw people using as it got a lil hot, other things we brought with us were the sand ceremony set with yellow and aqua sand, cake topper and cake serving set. Note: DO NOT pack your cake knife and server in your carry on bag! Seems quite obvious, but it didn't even cross my mind, the knife was so long its considered a weapon and they should have filed a police report, but they just let us check the bag instead. This still upset me though bc every ceremony item, jewelry, shoes, etc. for the wedding were in that bag. Sorry I am a little all over the place with this review, but I just want to note everything as I think of it. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions, I am happy to help. I am going to try and figure out how to post pics since I know those are just as helpful as what I write. Anyone know how?? Ginger
  11. Alright, looks like I will add a little more. Just kept thinking of things I should have added : ) Forgot to mention the gift bags. We brought everything for the gift bags down there with us in one giant suitcase, customs will question it, just explain what its for and say you only spent a couple hundred dollars. We used reuasable bags from Bath and Body Works (got them for like $2 each, great deal) for the gift bags, which was perfect bc then many people used them as beach/pool bags all week. We included a welcome letter, a stamped postcard addressed to us that we explained in the letter was meant to be our guest book with everyone's fav memory, personalized koozies, personalized deck of cards, beach ball/frisbee, underwater camera (many people commented on how excited they were for these--esp for the pool or snorkling), first aid kit, mini sunscreen, mini hand santizer, mini advil, mini tums (another hit--too much drinking, ha!), and snacks (chips, cookies and gum). We went to Puerto Morles, like 10 min cab ride, to get the snacks, kind of a pain, but worth it since there aren't any snacks at the hotel except to purchase at the gift shop. We handed the bags out ourself, partly bc I didn't want to pay the $4 a bag the hotel charges, but mostly to get face time in with each guest. Bc of the gift bags I did not do a favor at the wedding, everything I wanted to give people I put in the bag, plus most wedding favors are ridiculously useless. We did not really bring any decorations with us. Our colors were yellow and aqua, yellow bridesmaid dresses, flowers, and shirts for groomsmen, then we had aqua bows on the chairs (ceremony and reception), aqua overlays on the tables, aqua and white on the ceremony canopy and chose centerpieces from the packet. The head table we had these sand centerpieces that were really pretty, then the other tables had yellow and white flowers that matched me and the bridesmaids bouquets. I had personalized napkins made for them to hand out during the cocktail hour (cheap, easy to pack, and nice way to personalize something), our programs were fan programs which I def saw people using as it got a lil hot, other things we brought with us were the sand ceremony set with yellow and aqua sand, cake topper and cake serving set. Note: DO NOT pack your cake knife and server in your carry on bag! Seems quite obvious, but it didn't even cross my mind, the knife was so long its considered a weapon and they should have filed a police report, but they just let us check the bag instead. This still upset me though bc every ceremony item, jewelry, shoes, etc. for the wedding were in that bag. Sorry I am a little all over the place with this review, but I just want to note everything as I think of it. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions, I am happy to help. I am going to try and figure out how to post pics since I know those are just as helpful as what I write. Anyone know how?? Ginger
  12. Alright, looks like I will add a little more. Just kept thinking of things I should have added : ) Forgot to mention the gift bags. We brought everything for the gift bags down there with us in one giant suitcase, customs will question it, just explain what its for and say you only spent a couple hundred dollars. We used reuasable bags from Bath and Body Works (got them for like $2 each, great deal) for the gift bags, which was perfect bc then many people used them as beach/pool bags all week. We included a welcome letter, a stamped postcard addressed to us that we explained in the letter was meant to be our guest book with everyone's fav memory, personalized koozies, personalized deck of cards, beach ball/frisbee, underwater camera (many people commented on how excited they were for these--esp for the pool or snorkling), first aid kit, mini sunscreen, mini hand santizer, mini advil, mini tums (another hit--too much drinking, ha!), and snacks (chips, cookies and gum). We went to Puerto Morles, like 10 min cab ride, to get the snacks, kind of a pain, but worth it since there aren't any snacks at the hotel except to purchase at the gift shop. We handed the bags out ourself, partly bc I didn't want to pay the $4 a bag the hotel charges, but mostly to get face time in with each guest. Bc of the gift bags I did not do a favor at the wedding, everything I wanted to give people I put in the bag, plus most wedding favors are ridiculously useless. We did not really bring any decorations with us. Our colors were yellow and aqua, yellow bridesmaid dresses, flowers, and shirts for groomsmen, then we had aqua bows on the chairs (ceremony and reception), aqua overlays on the tables, aqua and white on the ceremony canopy and chose centerpieces from the packet. The head table we had these sand centerpieces that were really pretty, then the other tables had yellow and white flowers that matched me and the bridesmaids bouquets. I had personalized napkins made for them to hand out during the cocktail hour (cheap, easy to pack, and nice way to personalize something), our programs were fan programs which I def saw people using as it got a lil hot, other things we brought with us were the sand ceremony set with yellow and aqua sand, cake topper and cake serving set. Note: DO NOT pack your cake knife and server in your carry on bag! Seems quite obvious, but it didn't even cross my mind, the knife was so long its considered a weapon and they should have filed a police report, but they just let us check the bag instead. This still upset me though bc every ceremony item, jewelry, shoes, etc. for the wedding were in that bag. Sorry I am a little all over the place with this review, but I just want to note everything as I think of it. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions, I am happy to help. I am going to try and figure out how to post pics since I know those are just as helpful as what I write. Anyone know how?? Ginger
  13. Hey ladies! I haven't been very active on the board lately (was too busy planning the wedding:), but I just got married at this resort on Oct. 1 and I know how important writing a review is as that is how I chose this resort from reading a happy bride's review. I would 100% recommend this place to anyone, even just for a vacation, the place was wonderful, staff was phenomenal and the wedding was amazing. I'm at work now so I don't have time to write a full review, but I will try and hit some highlights, then let me know if you have any specific questions. I meet with Sandra the Tuesday before (we got married on a Friday--highly recommend this as well since most guest leave Sunday, so you have Sat to hang out with everyone), meeting was easy as we had most things worked out the couple weeks prior--we did the Divine package. Only thing I realized we didn't go over was the cake, and it wasn't exactly as I had pictured, but honestly didn't really care about the cake anyway. Thursday they took my dress and his suit to be pressed and returned it that day. Rehearsal (Thursday night)--did a quick rehearsal at the site at 4:00, then had a section blocked off in the buffet for the rehearsal dinner at 6:00. Worked out perfect and was free, so I would definitely recommend doing this if you plan on doing a rehearsal dinner. THE WEDDING DAY (Friday) Timeline--We got married at 4:00 this went until like 4:30, then group/family pics 4:30-5:00, cocktail hour 5:00-6:00, then reception 6:00-10:30 (we paid for an extra 2 hours of reception as it would have otherwise ended at 8:30). Salon--I had a friend do everyones hair and make up, so I can't say anything about those services at the salon, but I did get a mani pedi done the day of the wedding, and I wasn't too impressed. It was fine bc I got it for free as I swapped the hair and make-up, but I wouldnt have wanted to pay for it. Ceremony--The ceremony was on the beach by the open terrace and was absolutely beautiful! We hired a violinest for the ceremony and she was great, even learned Bittersweet Symphony days before the wedding as we wanted that for our processional. The minister was good too, we did not do a legal ceremony, so I think that would be different, but I liked what he read. We did not provide as passages or readings. Cocktail hour--We paid for the lounge set up, which is expensive, but everyone really enjoyed it and it looked really cool. We were not around for this as we were off taking pictures, but I heard the apps were good, I think we did a sushi roll, tempura veg., some ham thing, and I don't remember the other. Reception--The ceremony was on the open terrace and was so beautiful! The food really was amazing, we got lots of compliments on how good the food was--added bonus bc most wedding food stinks. We had seared tuna, lobster bisque soup, surf and turf--steak and shrimp, then fruit something for dessert. I would recommend bringing a few things of bug spray to the reception or have someone do this, as it does get a little buggy at night and we had someone run to the gift shop to get some. We did not have the DJ just used our iPhones, since we picked every song already and the order, didn't feel it was worth the $, just put someone in charge of MC-ing everything and changing the songs for the events like first dance, garter toss, etc. They provided a sound system and it worked perfectly, I highly recommend this as another way to save $. The staff for the night was awesome, and we made sure to give them a nice tip at the end of the night. Photogs--We hired Moments That Matter Photography--I believe they have a thread on here which I will be writing a review for as well. They are a Canadian couple who moved here in 2009, so they speak English perfectly, which was a nice perk. I researched a handful of photogs and found they were a great price as well. We hired them from 12:30-8:30, they were on time and even stayed late. They were so much fun, great to work with, def check them out. Video--Originally I was not planning to buy or have a wedding videographer, but after the change from the Paradisus to NOW, a 30 min wedding video was included in our package and it was so nice! Definitely an added bonus for something I thought would be just ok. So glad we have that now! Other than that the hotel itself was amazing. The pool is huge, this time of year they were only 30-40% full, which was awesome bc we had 55 people, so we had the run of the place. The staff is great, pool bartenders and entertainment staff especially. I can't think of anything specific right now, but let me know if you have any questions. Ginger
  14. Hello ladies! I have not kept up on here nearly as much as I had hoped, the dang website doesn't work on my work computer, ugh. Anyway, so glad to hear your wedding went so well Amy as I know everyone is pretty concerned since the sale. My specialist from destination weddings suggested changing hotels, but I really would prefer to stay here, so I am glad to hear how well your wedding went. I have been working with cecilia and cannot seem to get a response from her for anything, we would like to plan a trip down there in Aug to finalize our wedding details, but she won't respond. Is it better to try and call? I don't even know a phone number, so if someone has that handy please let me know. I am four months away now so I am going to try and participate on this forum more often here on out. Hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend!
  15. Hey ladies! I haven't posted in awhile, was waiting for confirmation back for my date and everything. After much begging Cecilia FINALLY sent the receipts, still have to fill out the contract and get them to fill it out, but I couldn't wait anymore and sent out my STDs! Going dress shopping this weekend, really excited/nervous for that! Anyone else have their dress yet? Well just catching up on everyones post, I can't check this at work for some reason, but I will start posting more now that I have things more finalized.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by jaccat15 wow! such a popular date! Paradisus is amazing and I looked at Iberostar too but I wasn't so sure of their wedding packages. What wedding specialist are you working with? We were going to work with Luxe but honestly, as long as the hotel as a wedding coordinating dept, you can really do it yourself and save the $$$ I also heard from a friend that they upcharge you for everything bc they get kickbacks - you should be getting the most from your $$ - especially in this economy! The wedding specialist through destination weddings is actually free, but you are right, I will need to pay attention to the prices she gives me in case of kickbacks. We will just have to let each other know what kind of prices we are all getting to keep them honest! Good luck to everyone!
  17. Well thanks for all of the helpful info that you all are finding out about the resort and various wedding costs. I am working with a destination wedding specialist, and frankly, she has not been that helpful up to this point, hopefully it gets better. Sounds like I need to check with her if there is another wedding the same day as me because all she told me was that we book it, but no further details before she went out of town. Funny thing is I originally wanted Nov. 13, glad I decided against that, looks like it is plenty full!
  18. Hello all! I am new to the forum but just booked my wedding for Oct. 1 at the Paradisus, so I am excited to chat with you all! I am working with a wedding specialist from Destination Weddings and I know she was having a difficult time getting ahold of anyone at the Paradisus this past week. I am hoping that isn't an indication of things to come! Hopefully you were able to get a hold of someone.
  19. I was referred by a colleague to this site as she used it to plan her dw. I am very excited and hope to marry my best friend in September or October 2010 at a Riviera Maya location. Unfortunately nothing has been finalized yet and I am getting anxious to book a date and hotel, but hopefully we will get that done soon. We are leaning toward the Paradisus Riviera Maya, so if anyone knows anything about this resort, please pass along! I am sure this forum will be very helpful the further along in planning I get, and I am excited to hopefully help other brides as well! Thanks!!!!
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