MrsC: for the free bouquets you have your choice of roses or lilies and I know for the roses you have your choice of color (not sure about lily colors). You can also make requests as far as greenery and ribbon colors.
Nolabride: you can spend as little or as much as you want at MP...really. they offer free wedding packages with a dinner reservation. or you can choose a free wedding package and add a la carte items like decor, horse and carriage, live music, a private reception, fireworks etc. Or you can choose a color themed pre-set package for around 1000-2000, that come with predetermined extras, but not swapping or substituting.
basically you can spend anywhere from just your travel costs, to 10,000. we are spending around 3000
tlgnhci: the three sides are sunrise, which is for a more outgoing crowd...lots of activities, music and the childrens area. there is moon grand, the newest, most modern and quiet area. and there is nizuc, which is somewhere in between the other two...
there have been LOTS of beach weddings. read the reviews on the forum.