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Everything posted by asbarret

  1. Evaleen posted this in another thread but I am also curious....anyone have info about cigar rolling/tequila stations??
  2. orion: do you remember which trips you can use the promotion dollars for, and which you have to pay for out of pocket? do you remember if deep sea fishing was available?? also, i know you can use 300 at the spa, but what about the salon?? im super paranoid about people not getting to do spa/excursions due to overbooking. i dont want anyone to be disappointed. im hoping that since we will be there in october, things might be a little slower...
  3. Thanks for the great review!!what was included in the Mayan ceremony and at what cost? Also, how did your hair do on the beach??
  4. I got mine from wedding paper divas. Invitations weren't high on my importance list.... I skipped save the dates and just sent invites with our website at the bottom about 9 months in advance. I spent around 100. There are a lot of diy invite threads if you search the forums.
  5. omg. fantastic!!!!! im reeeally looking forward to your review/pics when you get back. you're wedding is going to be stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. where are your pics mrs D!!?? also, do you think its too windy for hair down on the beach?
  7. thank you so much. ive really been wanting to see pictures of restaurants!! i am going to do my best to remember to take pictures of things like restaurants, grounds etc. for future brides. im always hunting the web for good candid pics (i call it my wedding porn LOL!)
  8. i would love a review/video also. we booked the harpist. my w/c sent me a pretty sorry list of songs they will play for you, so we picked our own songs and sent her the sheet music. the harpist said they would learn all the songs. hope they do a good job! eek i have seen a few people briefly mention that the harpist/trio etc sounded nice and ive seen a few glimpses in some wedding pictures. i know cutie rosie had like a full blown orchestra at her beach wedding, so that might be a good place to look.
  9. left messages on everyones room phones?? will they give you some sort of print out of everyones rooms when you get there, so you know where the whole group is? that would be nice
  10. allison, i agree about the rehearsal. i think it would give me peace of mind. we can do it in a jif before our "welcome dinner" the night before. i guess now we can actually call it a rehearsal dinner! my order from tcf came reeeally quickly. in about a week. i dont know my final count either, but i was in a really go getter kind of mood and i just want to start checking stuff off my list, so i ordered some extra. i figure better more than less =) ill look into this eco confetti...that sounds nice. also, im in a quandary over the tucan terrace or rooftop carribean terrace...so my WC said i can pick when i get there. LOVE HER!
  11. Thank you for the words of wisdom! I will try not to freak out about the beach anymore! I know it will be lovely no matter what...I will be marrying my best friend that day. Is anyone going to do a "rehearsal"?? I know a few brides have requested them. I'm just wondering how everyone will know where to go and when if we dont do one. we are having a flower girl, ring bearer, bm's and groomsmen...they will be lost!! Also, any cute ideas about an alternative to flowers for the flower girl?? i dont want to shell out the cash for the freeze dried ones or the expensive ones at MP haha! Also! I've received my chair bows and runners from tableclothesfactory.com in fuschia and orange coral and they are gorgeous! exactly what i wanted!
  12. MrsC: for the free bouquets you have your choice of roses or lilies and I know for the roses you have your choice of color (not sure about lily colors). You can also make requests as far as greenery and ribbon colors. Nolabride: you can spend as little or as much as you want at MP...really. they offer free wedding packages with a dinner reservation. or you can choose a free wedding package and add a la carte items like decor, horse and carriage, live music, a private reception, fireworks etc. Or you can choose a color themed pre-set package for around 1000-2000, that come with predetermined extras, but not swapping or substituting. basically you can spend anywhere from just your travel costs, to 10,000. we are spending around 3000 tlgnhci: the three sides are sunrise, which is for a more outgoing crowd...lots of activities, music and the childrens area. there is moon grand, the newest, most modern and quiet area. and there is nizuc, which is somewhere in between the other two... there have been LOTS of beach weddings. read the reviews on the forum.
  13. are yall as addicted to trip advisor as i am?? its making me so paranoid reading all the horrific reviews (i no i shouldn't read ...but there is no stopping me) im getting so worried about the beach/ocean being so nasty, and im having a BEACH wedding and wondering...."what am i thinking" im actually considering shuttling everyone over to sun/beach/cancun palace for the ceremony. thoughts??
  14. Yea Leigh! Can't wait to hear all about your trip. I am also curious about how to book in advance....I want to do that for me and BMs
  15. Wow. Amazing review, so detailed! I'm so happy for you that I had the wedding of your dreams! Questions: was the beach as bad as everyone thinks?? I'm just picturing it being really hideous and it's making me sooooo nervous. Which menu did u choose for your reception? Can't wait to see pics!!
  16. Lenny + Yana | Cancun Highlights on Vimeo really cool wedding video at mp
  17. thank you so much for your wonderful review that put me at ease. i occasionally have doubts also (doesn't everyone??) about the location etc. and your review just reconfirmed that i need to relax!! glad you had such a beautiful wedding!
  18. same question as jodimichelle about the ipod with speakers but no DJ....
  19. awesome!! thanks so much for your review..and posting it so quickly! glad you had your dream wedding
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