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Everything posted by asbarret

  1. You don't need to have your birth certificates translated. The cost of getting the marriage certificate, I believe was around 70, and well worth it for ease back at home.
  2. You don't need to have your birth certificates translated. The cost of getting the marriage certificate, I believe was around 70, and well worth it for ease back at home.
  3. well, my planning thread is up! http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/thread/64893/asbarret-s-moon-palace-planning-thread-with-pictures#post_1464682 We leave tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Well, I have 24 hours before we get on our flight. I was up a 4 this morning...too excited to sleep. This whole week has been very surreal! I think it's going to feel like a bomb went off in my stomach when we finally get there. All these months of planning and its time. Its finally here! Wow. Well, I couldn't have planned this wedding without yall. Thanks for everything and here is my planning thread (from a self proclaimed bridechilla): This are our welcome bags! My Mom and I hand painted the bags we got from cheaptotes.com (love em!) using this technique: http://howaboutorange.blogspot.com/2009/11/how-to-stencil-with-freezer-paper.html I wanted a unique bag, that didn't have our names splayed all over it, so people would want to use them again. I must say, for one or two bags, this would have been great. But for 18, the process was TEDIOUS. Unless you are the DIY ruler of the world, I do not recommend this technique for mass production. I do, however, love my bags! This is our family recipe for party mix. I even added little crab shapped crackers =) I know it seems a little silly, since we are going to an all inclusive, but whatever. The sticker says "homemade late night munchies....when room service is just too slow" The stickers on everything are from vistaprint, whom I love! Got the target .99 first aid kits...supplemented by stuff from work since I am an RN. shhh. My "Oh Sh*t kits" contain: extra strength tylenol-dollar store immodium-dollar store off wipes-target family pack chapstick- 3 for $1 at target crystal light on the go, energy/vit c winterfresh gum I used clear plastic party favor bags from target, punched holes in the top and tied them up with jute string. My "keep it clean" kits contain: after sun lotion- $1 at the dollar store bath pouf_ 5/$1 at the dollar store nail files hand wipes-cheap, at the dollar store hand gel- 3/$1 at the dollar store kleenex-3/$1 target flossing picks-dirt cheap Our stadium cups from discountfavors.com. I wanted the insulated mugs, but it was too expensive. These are cute and they were cheap! These are the monogrammed cooler bags for the groomsmen. The hold a 12 pack and have a bottle opener on the strap. Got em cheap at the knotshop.com We also got them two monogrammed low ball glasses. Let me tell you, all this stuff is a B to pack. (I also packed gift bags for every gift. We are handing them out at our rehearsal dinner). Monogrammed totes for the bridesmaids I got from the knotshop! Sterling silver starfish necklaces from target.com for bridesmaids. Pic doesn't do them justice, they are really pretty, and the perfect size. Parents gifts: Each got a double frame (hobby lobby) with a picture on one side, and a letter on the other that I printed on gold scrapbooking paper. I love them! This is the gift for my grandmother who is 88 and will be at the wedding!! Its filled with pictures of us, and very touching quotes about grandparents. I made it online at mixbook.com which I give 10 stars to!! I am obsessed with mixbook now. The book is great, and everyone that reads it, cries. I can't wait to give it to her. This is our wedding guest book also from mixbook.com. Every page has a different question like, "how do you know the bride and groom," "How many kids will they have" and even a blank page that says "draw a picture of the bride and groom." I love it!! These are my DIY bridesmaids bouquets. I was going to order real touch, but I saw these callas at hobby lobby, and basically thought "these are good enough." ha! I spent a total of $30 for all three!! This was just not something I was willing to spend a lot on, and well, they are good enough! These are my starfish from oriental trading co. to scatter on tables at the reception. They are a little on the small side, but whatev. Good enough! These are my runners and bows in "taffeta crinkle" from tableclothsfactory.com. bows are pink and runners will be double orange with a pink in the midde. I heart them. cute napkins I got from the knotshop.com. they were $19 for 100 i think...? The basket that my MOM's flower girl used at my parents wedding. AWWW. (my ringbearer is carrying those rings down in their boxes! the thought of him precariously balancing our rings on a little seashell while we are stading on sand did not sit well with me lol) My engagement ring and my wedding bands! We got them from a non-chain boutique in Dallas. The bands aren't attached....I didn't line it up perfectly in this pic. (ps, notice my nail....i had just gotten my AXXIUM gel manicure. Its my real nail (i hate fake nails), but with a gel laquer on top...supposed to last for up to a month, so i got it for the wedding. I'll let you know how that goes...but so far so good.) FI's ring in tungsten. He's so cute and wears it around the house "to practice" Itinerary for the welcome bags. Also have a welcome letter but the pics didn't really come out. My dress from jcrew. Very wearable, but had to get a size up for the bust. The bust is very small in their dresses. this is the closest pic of my shoe that I could find. Mine are off white, matching the dress perfectly...and I think with a higher heel. FI's suit came from stuidiosuits.com and we love it!! Ill post pics after the wedding. One of our gm had a little trouble though...the first pair were like 3 sizes too small, and the second pair he got are apparently the wrong color. I haven't seen them yet...eek. not really sure if the mistakes were on his part, or their part. eh. I guess thats all I really have for now. Look forward to a nice long review when I get back!!
  5. a few ladies requested seeing my wedding document. it isn't anything fancy(like cutierosies), but ill go ahead and attach it here. Wedding Documen1.docx
  6. haven't heard back from WC about the BS fees. ill keep you posted. glad to hear word from the inside allison! cant wait to hear more scorpio, we are getting legally married in mexico
  7. Mrsc2b you have a choice of lilies roses or both in white, light pink, hot pink orange and red. I've asked for hot pink roses and orange lilies and my wc said that was fine
  8. I sent my WC my wedding document, with every confirmation and all the details outlined. I got one surpirise when she sent it back to me with her answers. She said since i am bringing my own linens (which we have talked about before), she said there would be a $55 charge for the ceremony AND one for the reception. WTF. I called her on the BS, and I haven't heard back. First of all, I have NEVER heard of a bride having to do this before. And furthermore, we are already paying a $270 set up fee because of the difficulty of setting up on the rooftop terrace. Thoughts?
  9. Smart ladies! I'm just using my complimentary bouquet and got real touchish flowers from hobby lobby for bms because it just wasn't high on my priority list, but way to be resourceful! Btw, I'm keeping my free cocktail hour and just paying for the reception. But wc said I don't have to pay for another table of 10 since I just have 22
  10. Im having my private reception either way. The question is whether to add a free cocktail hour, or get a discount on my reception and not have a cocktail hour...
  11. Scorpio... I forgot, are we going to be there at the same time? I am there oct 25-31 then at sun palace
  12. Yea Allison! You are so close. I am 5 weeks out and I cannot believe it. I'm trying to not stress but I have been unsuccessful. Just wrapping up the loose ends...eek. We are going with the iPod package, I just don't have it in the budget and I don't really think I need it for 25 people. So, my TA just converted us to s group so that we could get benefits, and went to set up my free cocktail hour with WC. She said I could have it OR convert it into a discounted reception for 15 pp. Anyone else encounter this? I really want thecocktail hour to give guests something to do while we take pics...but sVing money does sound nice. Thoughts? This
  13. hmm...I don't know why that posted so weird, but since there is no EDIT button, i can't fix it
  14. Wow, I hope all the crying I just did didn't ruin the chemical peel I had this morning! Thank you everyone...the following is what I have stolen from you: Ceremony Script JOP: On behalf of George and Ashley, would like to thank everybody for having traveled to this beautiful location here in Mexico to witness the ceremony of union between them, to surround them with our love, and to share in their joy. JOP: Who gives this woman away in marriage? FATHER/MOTHER OF BRIDE: We do JOP:. It is in this beautiful place, with all of you gathered here, that these two people have chosen to make their vows of commitment. We would like to acknowledge those friends and family members who were unable to attend, or have passed on, but whose spirit remains alive and strong in all our hearts.. George and Ashley would also like to thank their parents for the wonderful lives they have given them, for the hard work and guidance they have provided, for their everlasting love, support, and encouragement. It is from them that they have learned the true meaning of love, friendship and family. JOP: For George and Ashley, marriage is an affirmation of life, an undying commitment, a spiritual, emotional, and intellectual bond between two people. It is created from the purest of friendship, respect and love. The institution of marriage is not entered into lightly, because it symbolizes commitment on every level. Together you will continue to meet the challenges and obstacles of life head on. JOP: You have chosen to walk through life together. There is no truer statement of love. The choice was not made by any one moment, but by being together you grew to realize that you belonged together and that you fulfilled each other’s needs. You have come to thrive upon each other’s presence, loyalty and wisdom. The foundation of your love is profound friendship. A friendship you have nurtured until at last you realized that you could never be apart. The commitment you make today will be the foundation on which you will build your life together. JOP: George, take Ashley’s hands and repeat after me *Ashley, I choose you to be my wife * I promise to be true and faithful to you from this day forward in all of lifes circumstances as we face them together. *In the joys and sorrows, good times and bad, in sickness and in health I will always be there for you. *Before us lies an open road filled with adventure and love and I choose to spend today and all of my tomorrows together with you. JOP: Ashley, do you accept? ASHLEY: I do JOP: Ashley, repeat after me *George, I choose you to be my husband. *I promise to be true and faithful to you from this day forward in all of life’s circumstances as we face them together. *In the joys and sorrows, good times and bad, in sickness and in health I will always be there for you. *Before us lies an open road filled with adventure and love and I choose to spend today and all of my tomorrows together with you. JOP: George, do you accept? GEORGE: I do. JOP: May I have the rings please? JOP: George, place this ring on Ashley’s finger and repeat after me *Whenever you look at this ring, remember our vows and know that I love you now, always and forever JOP: Ashley, place this ring of Georges finger and repeat after me *Whenever you look at this ring, remember our vows and know that I love you now, always and forever JOP: Now look at one another and remember this moment in time. Before this moment you have been many things to one another - acquaintance, friend, companion, partner, and even teacher, for you have learned much from one another in the time you have spent together. (Signing of the official documents) JOP: Ashley and George, may the gentle spirit of love move in you. May your years fulfill the beauty of the feelings expressed today. May your lives together be joyful and content, And may your love be as bright as the stars, Warm as the sun, accepting as the ocean, And enduring as the mountains. And may you always put these vows above the things that make life smaller. JOP: The following reading is taken from the traditional Apache wedding blessing: Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be shelter for the other. Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other. Now there will be no loneliness, for each of you will be companion to the other. Now you are two persons, but there is only one life before you. May beauty surround you both in the journey ahead and through all the years. May happiness be your companion and your days together be good and long upon the earth." JOP: George and Ashley, as you have consented together in the union of matrimony and have pledged your faith to each other in the presence of this company, I now, pronounce you HUSBAND AND WIFE. JOP: George, you may now kiss the bride JOP: Ladies and Gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to present to you for the first time as husband and wife
  15. We are staying at sun palace for our honeymoon. It's just down the road from mp, and adults only! Beach looks gorgeous too. I am also passing on the horse. I'm just going to request the the golf cart stop kinda far back, so I'm won't be getting dropped off right on the aisle in the thing
  16. congrats slapsappyhappy!!! hope the salon works out for you! alison..my wc is claudia. she has been brilliant. if i was having the trouble you are having, i would CALL! and if you can't reach your wc via phone, talk to whomever you can and tell them you are having an issue. i know a lot of brides (futuremrsmoulton most recently) said they had a ton of communication issues and were so frustrated in the months leading up to the wedding BUT when you get there, they are amazing and have all your info in a file
  17. jackie i know that have hair/makeup artists that will come to your hotel if the price is right =) i dont know what your budget is...but do a google search for cancun hair/makeup artists. you could also try bribing them into making a teeny exception for you and open the salon a little early
  18. no i mean a cigar rolling station....there is a man that comes and rolls fresh cigars/teaches people how to make cigars. ive seen him in a few brides pics....
  19. Chanel... I know for a fact that people have mixed and matched before. I think if you are persistent, you can basically get anything u want....especially once your actually at the resort. I have weasled my wc into tons of stuff ( like the fact that she is holding TWO reception locations for me so that I can see them in person before I pick;) just be polite and persist! Good luck!
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