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Everything posted by simplnsweet

  1. thanks God that things worked out for you. My FI loves the sun and strives to get as dark as possible when we go on vacation. i on the otherhand used to be a bit more laxed about wearing sunscreen until i learned i had developed melasma. I now wear 55 on my face and wear a hat. This is one thing that I am not going to budge on. My FI just doesn't understand how serious and high risk I (and he) are when it comes to developing skin cancer. On a more vanity level..we both are fortunate to be blessed to look younger than our true age, i don't want that to change and sun damage just fast forwards the aging process. Thank goodness for bronzers!
  2. boy, there are sooo many wonderful songs listed so far... i think i will have more songs that I want to play than time to play them!
  3. i love viewing the large photos... I am so glad I get updates on new postings under this thread... I don't want to miss viewing all the beautiful dresses and brides to be!!
  4. I think you should invite her for your FIB sake. You don't have to explain why... It likely will be difficult to have her negative energy around at a special event but it sounds like she is not social/friendly type so will probably stay away. So long as you continue to be polite then she can't won't have anything to use to create more lies. It sounds like she has some personal issues that she needs to work on. Hopefully this experience will shed some light on how disrespectful, shellfish and negative person she is and maybe realize being like this to others who treat her with kindness and respect don't deserve this. As far as it stands, she is not going away and future family functions can become very very stressful if she and her husband don't come to the wedding... what goes around comes around.
  5. our resort-dreams pv offer the service of a cigar roller so check with the resort to see if they do it...
  6. how about just googlin 'beach theme RSVP" you may get some ideas. There was another post on this site for DIY monograms. How To Design Your Own Monogram In Microsoft Word - Project Wedding good luck, jenn btw, I got my rsvps from a kit i bought at Staples.
  7. wow, this could be the universe working its magic for you! i really hope it works out in your favor. This like getting speeding ticket and the police officer screws up on filling out the ticket.....it is then considered void!! it is their mistake!
  8. Autjo - how did you like your hair and make up that was done by the Dreams folks? You look beautiful in the pics btw but i just want to know if you had trouble. You mentioned you booked your appts before getting to the resort..how far in advance? did you do this through Rebeca? I think it will only be me and maybe my sis getting our hair and makeup done at the resort...so I don' t know if I will need 4 hours leeway time.
  9. THANK YOU SO MUCH SARAH!!! I will share this info with my man. jenn ps. thanks for the pm msg as well.
  10. I would like to know who used the Dreams photographer and their experience. How well did they do in capturing every moment of your wedding you wanted... how many photos did you get? did you get the video ? is it worth it? I appreciate taking the time to reply. I am getting worried about reading how many brides get outside photographers but don't know if they are doing this cuz they read bad reviews about the dreams photographer. I can't seem to find good or bad posts on them.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by PVBride2010 okay again! It's actually the first dress I tried on! Who makes that dress:? it is gorgeous!!!
  12. i took home an daily activity sheet and will check out what time the Rendez vous closes at. i just have to find the sheet. I will let you know.i have a feeling though it was 1 am it closes.
  13. when i first read your message i was thinking...she should sell it and buy another...end the torture. i see others on this site agree.
  14. i am in the exact same position. We are having our wedding at Dreams PV and just sent out a reminder to get people to put down some money to secure the deal. We too have the full payment deadline of March 18th. I really hope we can offer payment plans for our guests. I hate this money thing.
  15. Get a good travel agent that has experience in booking destination weddings. They will know how to get the best deal for all your invites.
  16. Sarah, it looks like you sure put alot of love, sweat and time into pursing this dream. Great job, all the best!
  17. thank you for taking the time to let us know where you are at. it is important to set limits/time line for this sort of thing. i wish you the best of luck and hope to hear good news by the end of the 4 mos trial.
  18. sooo many beautiful dresses!!! i am getting mine made and meeting with the seamstress this w/e. I can't wait to create my dream dress.!
  19. this is a great thread. i hope others post their mother's dresses on here so I can see. my MIL to be asked me what my mom was planning to wear. I don't think it even crossed her mind yet. It certainly did not cross mine.
  20. congrats! sounds like a great place to have your wedding. you will become addicted to this site, it is soo great!
  21. nice work! this is very inspiring. I never knew of this and well... I am certainly going to look into it. How are you liking the Olympics my fellow Canuck!
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