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Everything posted by simplnsweet

  1. thanks BrideMichele. I can see there are some options to purchase 3 vs 1 bottle. How long does one bottle last you? How long does the tan last before you need to re-apply? Would it be worth it to purchase 3 bottles or not?
  2. hey ladies...any matchmaker addicts? i love this show. Patti is the quintessential tell it like it is queen. Sometimes I think she is a bit harsh or quick to judge. She finally found herself a man but i just learned that she called off the engagement. She is keepign the 4 ct ring. He does not want children as a 49 yr old she wants them. I really hopes she finds love..
  3. hi ladies...i ordered some from Amols and just got them last week. I was disappointed thou as I had one where the handle was broken and the other had some paint that was peeled off and the "mexico" was not complete..missing the "me" Anyone have a similar experience? I wrote them and I am waiting to hear back from them.
  4. I am now a big proponent of not going in the sun...at least my face while away in Mexico. I have sun spots and melasma now. from my past mild tanning days...yes..mild. When i tan now(or before) my face would look dirty with brown blotches on my forhead and cheekbones...i now use a lightening serum to manage it and must stay out of the direct sun if I want to keep is from developing. Â My FI on the otherhand is blond and blued eyed just like me but you would never really know when you see his pic.(profile). He is sooo dark and he strives to get that way when on holidays. After all the education on the damage and CA risk, I just can't sway away from my stance on this matter. I am willing to wear bronzers, do spray tan etc..I really appreciate the product recommendations. I think I am going to check out the St. Moriz (or should it be Moritz?) on Ebay.
  5. Hi Dilara and co. We got legally married in a church in June. Only our immediate family and two friends of mine and the best man. No other friends or anyone else knows of the service. We always knew that we were going to get legally married at home since it is such a hassel with blood tests etc. to have it done in Mexico. I wanted a church wedding so I got that so that in our eyes is our legal date and we will have our destination date...so I guess we will have to celebrate twice every year! We will celebrate our union every June and reflect on our memories of our day every Nov. We will likely tell our guests when we really got married as we will not be signing a wedding certificate at the resort but maybe a symbolic certificate of service.
  6. This sounds like a great contest but it is unfortunate for us post Sept brides Will there be another contest after this one ends so us Oct, Nov, Dec brides can take part?
  7. there are usually a huge number of taxis that are all ready to take you away. Many of them are van size so I am so certain you will not have any problem getting 3 vans to transport you all. From my memory, it seemed that there were more taxis than regular cars.
  8. I am in contact with Daniel and only want 12 and he has not said anything about a minimum order. He wants me to email him my credit card number but i am worried. I may try to see if I can phone him and place an order. Any tips?
  9. Cherazi, congrats on your engagement. I see this is your first post. Welcome to the site, you will become addicted to it. There is soo much info. Where are you writing from? You may find some help from some of the B2B regarding travel agents if you indicate on your profile where you are at. Also, I just noticed at the top of the page there is an ad for DW Travel Agents. cheers, Jenn
  10. No and I can tell you that their answer to that question would also be no as they come in a package shown on their website-mixed colors. I first was planning to have all turqoise (my color) but then since I was finding it hard to get them ...eg. have to order from the States and even on Ebay one seller that came close to the size of maracas I was looking for does not even ship to Canada I decided just to go with the mixed colors. I think it might give a bit of color to the tables without clashing greatly. Good luck, Jenn
  11. Ladies, I checked out the Cdn party place website and called them to inquire about the maracas they have. You get 24 per package. Est. cost including shipping and taxes to the West Coast is about 49.00. For 48 (2 pkg) it is about $90. Shipping time ~ 7 days. I think I am going to get the 24 even though that would not give each quest a maraca but my solution is to have 6 maracas per table (will be having 4 tables of 8). They may not have stock in right at this moment but plan to get more in about a week. I hope this helps...it is certainly a better solution than being surprised about the total when UPS comes to your door asking for more money to cover duty and broker fees if it is being imported from the States.
  12. jess, you got to let us know when the fall magazine is out so we can check it out. I am not sure if we get the magazine u p here in Canada but if you know it is on their website please post the link so we can all check it out! I can say that I was fortunate to have seen some of your wedding..set up only as it was the day we were leaving the resort...but we are going back in a few months for our turn at it!
  13. Carolina...great job! so pretty. How many glass vases do you need to transport? lots of bubble pack and clothing helps. You may need to bring a couple extra just incase. I am using acrylic bowls but that is what I would do if I were taking glass down. I am sure you will get some recommendations from recently married brides.
  14. if the senor and senora signs purchase does not go...I sooooooooooooooooooo would love them. if I am out of luck can you tell me where you got them?
  15. Tammy- you have done an amazing job! Along the way you have had to make changes to the site and some may had not welcomed the change well but you would not have created the fantastic site it is to date. The new changes to come will only further improve the site as it is your goal to work through/around troubled areas on the site. We should all be patient and grateful to have this FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE service. Thank you for your time, dedication, commitment and professionalism.
  16. do you ladies know how you are going to hang them at the resort?
  17. wow that sux! i was planning to get them from them..but did not expect it to cost that much...and there is not much on ebay but I might end up having to go to ebay.ca and look for some that may not be exactly what I want but won't cost sooo much.
  18. allyson779, I am planning to do the same but I don't imagine there would be a problem if you packed them in your suitcase..there would be a problem if you packed them in your carry one, so I think.
  19. anyone know of a coupon code for ordering at www.wholesalepashminas.com?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by miss_delerium *slowing backing out of this thread*....do not make any sudden movements... love it! I think I am going to do the same...set away from the keyboard... I am actually pleased to have received many perspectives and think I have become more relaxed about the issue...my FI has advised the BM and I guess it is what it is...it's gonna a be a big party!!!!
  21. Nmurch- how are you planning to hang them? wire or are you getting the resort to help you out with it and you jsut bring down the lanterns and the LED lights? I would love to know the Ebay seller you got them from. PM me pweez
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by simplnsweet ok....so my FI's best man is a great guy. He has come with his gf with us on our last two vacations to Mexico. He has now been together with his gf for about 1.5. This is the longest serious relationship he has been in and just this past jan he and her moved in together...another HUGE thing for him. He told my FI that he wants to propose to his gf the first or second night we are in Mexico. We are getting married on the third night and plan to have a welcome dinner the second night ( we arrive late on the first night so we moved the dinner). Jason told me this info but I am not suppose to know. Well, I was not cool with the idea at all. It is my wedding and really I don't ask for much but I really don't want him to do it. I am a Leo and well...am not afraid of attention. When I got engaged, I was soooooooooooooooooooooo happy. I shared my proposal story to my close friends and family and was so proud of my man. Jason had a feeling I was not going to be too pleased about this plan. He told his BM of how I may feel about this idea. The BM thought I would not have a problem with it. ..some people with congratulate him and then everyone will remember why they are there.... I think not! I know if it was the reverse, his gf would flip! I just think it inappropriate. I told my guy to suggest he do it after the wedding...at the very least. What do you all think? The more I think about it, the more I am peeved! Maybe at his wedding..(likely will be a DW) I should announce I am preggers... As you can read...I am ok with having him proprosed after the wedding...I am reading many comments suggesting that I don't want him to propose at all. We have the wedding rehersal dinner the night before and the day before that our welcome bon fire. The BM was thinking of doing it one of those days. I did not expect to have so many people make me out to be such as high maintainance self centred person. Also most of the guests DO know the couple really well.
  23. thanks everyone for your comments and suggestions. I am happy to read that my opinion is not only felt by me but others as well....I will use this as my literature review LOL! and show my FI that I am not asking for much.
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