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Everything posted by simplnsweet

  1. Great post. I would also mention that All Inclusives does not mean the service staff get paid out tips from what you pay to stay there. I have observed some resort guest not tip at all thinking they already did so when paying for their accommodations. You may notice some servers working at one restaurant for the morning meal then 8 hrs later working the dinner meal at another restaurant, working more than 8 hrs a day, 6 days a week; at least at a resort we stayed in Mexico.
  2. Hi ladies, I am wondering what most of you ladies are planning when it comes to traveling with your engagement and wedding band rings. Are you wearing both to your destination or you carrying them in your carry on luggage? I just got my engagement ring professionally cleaned and have not worn it since as I want it to look as sparkly and pristine as my band (it has several diamonds too). Should I be concerned about bringing their receipts as proof of purchase as well? at least for our return home? Comments and recommendations welcomed. Thanks.
  3. great suggestions but I am finding many are very much country style which is far from our liking. Does any one have any suggestions that have a European origin?
  4. what beautiful ivory shoes! I would so love to have them but they are too small and I see already spoken for. I guess it was not meant to be.
  5. Hi Sheila, I checked her website out and packages. Are you getting package number 3? She does not have her prices listed, can you tell me what she wants for what you are planning to get? My FI is floored on how much pictures cost. I need evidence that it is not just one or two photographers that charge in the thousands but majority do.. the more proof I have the easier it is for him to accept the fact.
  6. looks like the pics may not show up. so i will try adding them to my photobucket and add them here. Â Â
  7. This is how I am going to have my hair. I want to have a flower or two in it but my hair is very fine and with this style I don't want a large flower. I am thinking of having tiny flowers in my hair. I got some fake silk flowers and attached them to bobby pins. The pictures are not that clear but I hope you get an idea of what I am looking for. I thought i could have maybe 5 or 6 around the back where they hair comes together. oh, and the flower has a nice sparkly rhinestone in it that I love cuz my dress will have alot of them . Â I would love your opinions. Ignore teh bobby pin that is showing through my hair.
  8. We are expecting 26 adults and 5 kids. I am getting place cards made up by a calligrapher from Etsy. I am not going to have table numbers since we are only having 4 tables. At first I was going to do special table names after wines since my FI is in the industry but then I figured it was not necessary. It is one less thing to worry about. People will be mingling around the tables during the cocktail hour and will likely find their spot before the reception starts.
  9. We are expecting 26 adults and 5 kids. I am getting place cards made up by a calligrapher from Etsy. I am not going to have table numbers since we are only having 4 tables. At first I was going to do special table names after wines since my FI is in the industry but then I figured it was not necessary. It is one less thing to worry about. People will be mingling around the tables during the cocktail hour and will likely find their spot before the reception starts.
  10. thanks for the info. I found something that I like that is a bit smaller than yours. I appreciate you time in replying.
  11. April- you can choose 8 or 10 to a round table . Rebeca said you can have either. We are going with 8 to ensure our guests sit comfortably.
  12. thanks ladies. We got the bubbas from a seller on Ebay since Canadian Tire did not have them any longer. I think all 14 came to about 100 bucks. As for personalizing them, the engraving store that does all the engraving for my FI work could not do them as the process would melt the plastic of the mug. We had to then get them to engrave the guys names on stainless steel labels that you peel and just stick on. They sure do stick..I think they are a 3M product. Oh, I also got one too ! We used Bubba Kegs the last 2 trips to Mexico..keeps your drinks soo cold and holds a lot so you don't have to keep on asking for another refill.
  13. wow those pics are still large. Sorry. so my last one is of fans we will have on the seats of the ceremony and the martini wine stopper will be in the bags. K that is it for now.
  14. I am very pleased with my creations and favor ideas for the female and male guests of our wedding. I resized the pictures so I hope they are not too small to view. First my OOT bags. I did not want to spend alot of $ on the bags themselves. I did not want them to be embroidered with our names on it as I know our guests would not use beach type bags again if our names were on it. I thought then about nice gift bags. Well, all the ones I found either were cheezy or did not have my color I was looking for. I then came up with the idea of creating bags using plain gift bags. I found my color and I was so excited to go at it. Â I bought the pearls, silver ribbon and the sparkly cardstock paper and the bag at the dollar store. I think a bag with all the goodies came out to maybe $2 each. I just used a glue gun to place everything and I used our extra monogram stickers and will be writing each person's name on the inside of the tag. Â Â The contents of the bags are as follows. I did not feel each guest would need things like hand sanitizer or advil etc. as most guests bring that themselves and the resort has suntan lotion etc in the rooms. Â Â Each guy will get one of these personalized bubba kegs. These are a must! Â For the kids, I will have bags of their favorite character eg. Hanna, Spiderman, Lightening McQueen...and enclosed I will have coloring books and games as well as these! love these! Â Â I also am going to give crytal nail files and I made some matchstick packages from a template of one of the lovies on this site. We will be having a cigar roller during the reception and I will have these on the table next to the Roller. Â one more I think
  15. Hi all, I can't remember where I got this idea but I am sure it was from somewhere in the forum. Anyways, I just spent the last 2 hrs setting up our "new" scanner to scan photos of my FI and myself. We are going to have the digital frame at our guest book table. Throughout the reception we will have photos of my guy and me growing up from birth to when we met to the day he proposed to me. Of course many of our early days were taken with poloroids lol. We got the scanner from www.usedvictoria.com for $20 bucks! I was going to just take the pics to London Drugs and get them to scan them onto a cd but they charge 2 bucks for the cd and $2 for each photo!!! I am so excited to get it all together and test it out. I still need to get the digital frame. Any one had any great success with this idea?
  16. Hi there, I searched this forum already and searched Etsy for some hair flowers but really would rather not have to buy a brand new flower if I can avoid it. My resort sells real flowers for brides' hair for 20 bucks . I was planning to go that route but figured I should try to see what is out there as well. If anyone has a hair flower, preferably a lily then let me know. Thanks,
  17. Hi there, I work in the renal area but in pre-dialysis. Now, knowing the standards that exist at the unit at the hospital that I work in, I would imagine that these professional standards of practice would be applied internationally. I know we had patients who traveled to India for holidays and they had runs their and they are also a third world country so I would suggest your dad just make sure he brings his dialysis perscription and speak to his nephrologist about traveling to Mexico and getting runs their while he is on holidays. I hope he does not have a strict potassium restriction..that would be really tough down in Mexico, oh! and the sodium! I don' t think you have to worry. Jenn
  18. Hi there Marie, How would you rank your photographer from Bridgecolor. What was their name? Marissa? What kind of price did you pay for what you got? Also did you have to pay an outsider vendor fee ? Our hotels wants to charge $500 and that is what is happening at most places. I have been in contact with Marissa and she is working hard to sell her service. Any info would be appreciated..do you have any pics to share? Thanks Jenn
  19. April, two months tomorrow is your day!!!! Â That is crzy, $200 for basically 2 bottles of wine since the dinner is part of the all inclusive right? As for the theme nights, I have 2 daily activity sheets that I kept from last year but it was I think it was for a Friday Sunday. We too asked what show would be happening on our night and Rebecca could not tell us as she said it changes but that was a few months ago when we asked. I am sure by now they should have it mapped out as to what is going on. I may try to email the hotel via their website contact to see what answer I get. I will ask about Tuesday and Wed. nights. I will let you know if I hear anything and also share it will teh BDW ladies.
  20. April, two months tomorrow is your day!!!! Â That is crzy, $200 for basically 2 bottles of wine since the dinner is part of the all inclusive right? As for the theme nights, I have 2 daily activity sheets that I kept from last year but it was I think it was for a Friday Sunday. We too asked what show would be happening on our night and Rebecca could not tell us as she said it changes but that was a few months ago when we asked. I am sure by now they should have it mapped out as to what is going on. I may try to email the hotel via their website contact to see what answer I get. I will ask about Tuesday and Wed. nights. I will let you know if I hear anything and also share it will teh BDW ladies.
  21. Hi Angela and welcome! Take a read of some of the reviews eg. Jess and Autumn had their weddings there last year and I think Kat just had hers this past May. I actually was there on holiday when Jess was getting married but we were leaving that very day. We went to Dreams last Nov. just for a vacation. We had not yet decided on a location for our destination but after spending two weeks there and saw some weddings, had fantastic food and delicious drinks we decided to book our wedding there. The food at the resort was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good. We are going for the fish and chicken for entree choices and calamari and soup. I read the soup was such a great hit. There are vegetarian and kids choices available too. I think if you guests are super picky well ...you can't please everyone. There is 24 hr room service and it is awesome as well. Hope this helps.
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