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Everything posted by simplnsweet

  1. i was wondering the same as diamondpooch. I think I might go to Walmart down there and grab a case or two of bottled water.
  2. i was wondering the same as diamondpooch. I think I might go to Walmart down there and grab a case or two of bottled water.
  3. thanks, i was at the own in my town last w/e and did not see any but i really was not looking for them at the time. I will keep my eye out for them.
  4. Hi, we are getting married there on Nov 17th, 2010 and we decided this was the place after spending 2 weeks there this past Nov. It is awesome. The resort and staff are wonderful. The food is Fantastic!!! We took so many pics of the food cuz we had to show our friends what it was like! We ate steaks with butter knives; we did not need any reservations for any of the restaurants and there are no wrist bands!!
  5. i wish i had enough points to be able to download the fonts that Tammy posted. I will check out dafont.com. and see if I have any success.
  6. I have long way to go on getting up to 150 points to view and download some files to help me with creating a monogram. I am trying to figure it out on ppt myself but not having too much success. I so want to make one that is like the many cute and creative monograms. I wish I could get points just for signing in every day. I am still at the stage of reading and learning more from all you ladies; I am so overwhelmed with all the info on here. So much to learn!
  7. where do all get the templates from? I see all of them and the sharing of them but where do you get them from the start? I looked on line and some places you need to have photoshop to create one.
  8. After spending a 2 week vacation at Dreams PV last Nov. we were definitely set on having our wedding there this coming Nov. We go away every Nov. and knew we wanted to get married somewhere hot but had specific criteria regarding our wedding. We knew once we were there, that was the place. It has a private beach, no wrist bands required, great drinks (too strong at times!), a kids program, and fantastic food! The staff was awesome. I have the wedding package info I can email you if you want to know more about the cost of things. Thanks Jenn
  9. I am wondering how necessary is the OOT bags? I was talking to some other gurls and they were under the impression that OOT bags were for weddings that have guests coming from out of town to attend a home based wedding in which case they are truly OOT guests. Meanwhile, for a destination wedding...all guests are OOtowners. Besides the token, inquite and personalized items you can add in a bad..from what I can tell..many of the items are a given to be packed by any vacationer...eg. advil, sunscreen...at least I would.
  10. Hi ladies, It is great to read and see all the OOT content ideas on this forum. I just wonder do you assemble the bags before at home and ship them to the resort or do you ship the supplies and assemble them there and give them out when?? please advise. I have no idea. I never even knew about OOT bags until I started surfing this site. I appreciate your time in replying, Jennifer
  11. Hi ladies, I have a few questions. My man has many friends that pretty much are controlled by their blackberry. He thinks it is fine to just send them a STD via our wedding website and then just an e-card invitation. I know for my family (short of my mum, dad, and sis) live in Europe and are quite traditional and don't use the internet. Now how bad is it to send e-invites to these friends of his? I don' t think they would think twice about it and probably open it before opening an post invitation plus they would likely not appreciate the time and stress that goes into making the paper invitations. How many of you are making your own vs. getting them through a website? If you are making them yourself, does anyone done them with silver as one of their colors? My colors will be silver, blue and white. I don't know how I could have silver on the invitation... I want it to look silver with shine and not look more like grey. Any help much appreciated.
  12. Hi there, I getting married Nov 2010 at the Dreams PV. Although I am Italian, I have decided to take the road less traveled by most Italian brides and I am sure my parents are happy about that , lol. I am pretty nervous about planning things even though I am using the resorts wedding planner. I hope to obtain valuable information from this site. I hope that once my day has come and gone, I too can share some tips and highlights to help other brides. Ciao or should I say, adios, for now. jenn
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