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Everything posted by simplnsweet

  1. congrats on your wedding. We stayed at the Rui Palace Nov. 08 and loved it but are getting married in PV, where we vacationed last Nov. How was the wedding? All went well? The hotel is soooo rich and glamorous. The name Palace is so fitting.
  2. Cardstock looks like a great company but unfortunately is only ships within the USA so us Canadians are out of luck.
  3. great suggestions! I'm going to have a hard time now deciding.... music makes my soul sing....my first dance song...is going to have to ring true to every feeling I have about the love of my life. I want to be able to sing to it as if I wrote it.
  4. I love the Color My World. Chicago has sooo many awesome songs.
  5. Good Luck. I am thankful that my boyfriend works at a place where he knows a commissioner to can do the legal service for us. I downloaded the marriage certificate application from BC Vital Sats... It only takes 15 days to get it so that is the easy part. Can you imagine trying to get legally married in Mexico...
  6. Hi everyone, We have been to the DREAMS PV last Nov. and loved it so much we decided this was the place to have our wedding. The food is fantastic, the resort is wonderful with its beautiful private beach, no wrist bands, no rezos for meals..staff is great... Now we are thinking of going elsewhere for one week after our wedding. We are thinking somewhere else in PV as flying to the other coast or further south would cost sooo much more. Does anyone have any resort suggestions for us. My guy does not mind staying another week at Dreams cuz the beach is so wonderful and part of the resort. I frankly would like to go and explore a new hotel. Thanks. jenn oops, i just noticed I spelled comparable incorrectly and I can't edit the title so here is my correction attempt.
  7. We are also getting married several months ahead in Victoria to avoid the trouble. We agree that we will celebrate our marriage on the day we will be getting married in Mexico not when we sign a piece of paper. It really comes down to what you define as meaningful and significant. All the best.
  8. They probably make money from all the items that they show just as you are about to check out.... They present you with items that go with your idea/color...almost already to just add to your card. I guess it is like impulse buying at the grocery or clothing store. lol.
  9. i just clicked on the link and was soooo excited to see some beautiful flip flops with sparklies!!! i had to immediately return back to this site to post a big Thank you! if i did not do this now, i think i would have been sucked into the website and escape into flip flop land. off i go!
  10. Has anyone seen this dress! it is gorgeous. I hope to be able to try it one this w/e. Has anyone purchased it and worn it and dare to sell it? would it be suitable for a beach wedding? I have no idea how much it would cost new but I guess I will find out.
  11. I may be interested in them. how much do you think you want them for and shipping to Canada, postal code V8N 5Y3. QUOTE=jerzygirl85;1145237]I ordered 50 turquoise organza sashes from wedding linens direct. If anyone wants to buy them after my wedding, let me know.
  12. i am not sure what a 'reed diffusser" is but I love my diffusser. like/dislike pizza crust
  13. Hi Jess, Remember me, I was at the Dreams when you got married. We are getting married there this coming Nov. We are right now wondering about practical honeymoon options. We were first thinking of jumping on a cruise from teh marina but we found out that it is only a port and not an embarkment location. We are now thinking of going to anohter resort in the area. Which one did you go to? and how did it compare to Dreams ? I think we were spoiled with the no wrist bands, no rezos, a la carte dining that others seem not to have. We don't want to end up downgrading for our honeymoon. Thanks, Jenn
  14. we just met with our travel agent yesterday. She had some really high quotes from Air Canada ( we went with them last year when we went to Dreams PV and decided to have the wedding there this year) BUT she was strongly favoring WestJet. They had a significant difference in price. It was based on a rate for Oct. We are going in Nov so she thought it would be close to that. She even said that West Jet would give you a cheaper price if it so happens the price drops after the fact you have already booked and paid.
  15. I am so glad to read the posts here. I think I asked this question in the DIY section. I never heard of OOT bags before until I signed up on this site but then again, I have never been to a destination wedding or one out of my town. I could not understand the concept of OOT- we are all out of towers ; unless you have never gone a vacation before to a hot place, you would not forget to pack many of the OOT bag items. I agree with putting energy and money towards a nice favor. The resort we are staying at has complementary toothbrush, sunscreen, cards, toothpaste... Now I just need to learn how to make a logo on stickers to be able to place on my favor.
  16. wow, there are so many things I have seen users add to their profile and i am slowly learning how to do it. THis is a great thread!
  17. we are in the same boat. You have to earn it; you have to get to 150 posts to be able to view the attachments.
  18. Congrats! this site is fantastic.! We are going to Dreams PV for our wedding.
  19. I clicked on the link and tried to access the bottle label templates but it just takes me to the "fileden.com". I don't know where to go from there. I would love to be able to open some of the templates here on BWD site but I don't have enough points yet. Quote: Originally Posted by MayaLove I haven't tried them yet myself but here is a link: DIY Wedding: crafts, templates and Links - Windows Live Scroll down to the Paper Crafts section to see the templates.
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