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Everything posted by simplnsweet

  1. Hope your day is one you have dreamed it to be and more. Looking forward to your review and pics.
  2. how elegant yet sexy! the universe provided! when a door closes...another one opens...you know the saying i am trying to say. lol
  3. I think you see the detailing more if you keep it uncut. It is a beautiful dress!
  4. lovely! you must be getting really excited! it's just around the corner!
  5. so let me get this straight.... he want him to be his best man but he wants to ask him in person? if i am correct then get him off his butt and go visit him if he is not wanting to asking over the phone. The best man has a few responsibilities and it would be considerate to have the best man aware and prepared to plan.
  6. what a beautiful illustration of love and happiness!
  7. Welcome. I am going to have my wedding at Dreams but in PV. Can't help you with your questions but good luck. I am so sure you will get some answers or ideas from this website.
  8. i think the first one is very delicate and romantic looking but when you look at the back...wow...you have the sexy appeal. I really like the bead work on the second one and you look great in both. try making a list of what you like about both..then try find out what you don't like.. you find something you don't like then the other is THE ONE ..so i think.
  9. I thought it was my connection that was responsible for the sllllloooooooooow loading of the page. I am glad it is corrected! Thanks so much for putting your time and effort in making this such a wonderful place to visit daily!
  10. Island Bride, i like your sneekiness...it is ok to hide this from him cuz it is a surprise! not something that is bad you want to keep from him! he will be sooo glad you did. The problem is now..you have to keep is under wraps for another 3 months!
  11. this is a terrible event. i hope her family and friends are there to support here and she is leaning on them right now....and not having to go to the internet for find support...although we are all here for her.
  12. we are getting married legally in June but only having very close family friends attend the church service. i won't be wearing any fancy attire. it is more so for me being catholic and wanting to get married in a church. we will have a celebration and symbolic ceremony down in Mexico but we are not goign to advertise that we got married months ago. We will celebrate our anniversary on the day we got married in Mexico. in the process of getting the paper work for my church ceremony,i had to acquire a copy of my baptism. i just received it in the mail the other day and learned that i am getting married on the same day i got baptized! Nov. 17th!
  13. congrats and we look forward to seeing more pics...pweez
  14. i too would like to know where you got the place card holders
  15. I think we found our song. Your My Inspiration by Chicago. The words are soo fitting. We listened to many other very very good songs but often there are lyrics that just dont fit.
  16. oh dear...it is sad to hear of this type of thing happening here. Thank you for the warning. I strongly believe in karma and it will catch up with her one way or another.
  17. wow that was fast, I'm not surprised, it looks like a beautiful dress. Would you get another knock off from the same people you used? I playing with the idea but leery.
  18. if that is the date you want, be persistent in finding a place that can do it for you. You may have to be flexible with the hotel choice but we just booked last month for our wedding in Nov.. You will find a tonne of valuable info on this site..all the girls are sooo kind, forthcoming with info and sympathetic. Good luck.
  19. Hi ladies, It appears many of you purchase your dresses online. How happy are you with your dress? Did you have to do alterations after you received it or was it a perfect fit? Was it from a retailer or a company that creates replicas? Also did you try on the dress first elsewhere then went online to get it?
  20. thanks ladies, some really good ideas and links to see what you are talking about.
  21. We are having our wedding at Dreams PV. We went there last Nov and fell in love the place!!! it is soo beautiful and the resort is amazing. Send me a msg if you have questions.
  22. IslandBride317, I just looked at the link and it says it costs $161. for one piece. That does not make sense to me at all! it only costs that much? It is a replica? I hope to be able to find it tomorrow when I go dress shopping and it looks as good on me as it does on the model.
  23. Wonderful suggestions! I don't care about the name at all...just love the style. I am watching, Say Yes to the Dress, as I type. It is a rerun..hate that. I am going to check out the link. Tomorrow, is my first day out to the stores to try some dresses on!
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