Hi all,
I am working on creating our invitations and RSPVs. Our wedding is set for Nov17th,2010. We are in the middle of waiting to get quotes from our TA. I have NOOOO idea of what kind of time frame I should give my quests to RSVP. I am thinking mid August. THat should give us time to order favors, tags, chair sashes etc.. that is guest dependent.
Or should I factor in the book by...date the TA would likely give us? Maybe I should include both.. as a FYI booking before ....to take advantage of the group rate or ... otherwise we appreciate RSPV by ....
I have many relatives that are in Europe (ok all of my mom and dad's immediate family is in Europe; my sis, mom and dad are the only ones here in Canada). So I imagine IF some are to come, they would be booking through their travel agent so I might have to make different RSVP cards for them.
Is anyone using their wedding website to ask guests to RSVp? eg. mail out an RSVP but ask if they can reply via the website or by phone to...
thanks in advance for the suggestons/ideas and feedback.