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Everything posted by simplnsweet

  1. congrats! check out the reviews of many of the resorts in areas you are interested in. i'm sure you will decide on someplace soon enough. Welcome!!!
  2. we are expecting 50% as well but who knows. we will see. We want all we invite to come but because of family, work, $, distance..they can't. I you should invite all those that you know you would want to be there... don't try to focus too much on numbers.
  3. thanks for the suggestions. I think i am gonna end up doing a bronzing powder. I like the MAC one I currently have and used last time we were down there. I have done the mystic tan in the past and really liked it but agree, after workign out, I could see my sweat stains being colored on my work out clothes. It came out fine but i don't want it on my dress!
  4. I am gonna sound like a broken record but ....here goes..It looks awesome on you and what a great deal. I tried to read through the posts and see if you told us yet where you found it. ...what a find! more $ to spend on other things!
  5. how about wearing them with another outfit. I love them too but perhaps not with your beautiful dress. Again, they are under the dress and if they are comfy well .... I then I would have to say keep them.
  6. Hi ladies, I hope it is ok to post this thread in this forum as it pertains to photos but also a bit of beauty. I hope to receive some feedback from newlyweds or other brides to be. I am quite fair. Over the last couple vacations, I have decided to save my skin (facial) from the harmful rays of the sun. You see, my melasma Melasma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia gets worse. Fortunately, I don't have a severe case of it but it basically makes me look like I have a dirty face when I tan my face. I have been diligent with using some whitening serum for it on a nightly basis for the last year and a bit and it definitely has improved it. My question here now is my FI is a die hard tanner. Our wedding is 3 days after we arrive in Mexico. I really don't want him to look pretty tanned and I look pasty white. He really thinks I look so much better with a tan and i agree. I have used MAC tanner on my face and chest last year and it looked really good. I have done the spray tans in the past but am concerned that the "tan" will mark up my dress. Any thoughts or ideas on how I can get a sun kissed glow without marking up my dress. Thanks
  7. I finally got to read through all the posts and take a close look at your pictures. You did a fabulous job Geralyn. Now we are all patiently awaiting for your wedding photos.
  8. About the sand ceremony, I read something about it in other threads but not sure exactly when in the ceremony is it done?
  9. thanks Allyson. I see you are getting married at Dreams too! How is the wedding planning with Rebecca coming along? You getting your own photographer or using the resort's? My FI and I decided on Dreams when we went there last Nov. Let me know if you have any questions.
  10. Cabo is an awesome place. As you probably noticed, there is a forum just for Cabo weddings. Take a looky at the reviews, this may help you nail down a location. Good luck.
  11. simplnsweet

    I'm new!

    try not to feel overwhelmed. I did when I first started checking out the forum. There is so much information and options. Do you know where you will be going for the wedding? There are forums for specific locations that also can help you out. Good luck.
  12. Hi all, I am working on creating our invitations and RSPVs. Our wedding is set for Nov17th,2010. We are in the middle of waiting to get quotes from our TA. I have NOOOO idea of what kind of time frame I should give my quests to RSVP. I am thinking mid August. THat should give us time to order favors, tags, chair sashes etc.. that is guest dependent. Or should I factor in the book by...date the TA would likely give us? Maybe I should include both.. as a FYI booking before ....to take advantage of the group rate or ... otherwise we appreciate RSPV by .... I have many relatives that are in Europe (ok all of my mom and dad's immediate family is in Europe; my sis, mom and dad are the only ones here in Canada). So I imagine IF some are to come, they would be booking through their travel agent so I might have to make different RSVP cards for them. Is anyone using their wedding website to ask guests to RSVp? eg. mail out an RSVP but ask if they can reply via the website or by phone to... thanks in advance for the suggestons/ideas and feedback.
  13. great ideas. I never really thought about wording besides the standard. I came searching in this forum to ask what kind of time frame do you give people to RSVP by. 3 months in advance? or close to the "book the trip" date the TA usually gives you to take advantage of the group rate.
  14. i am in the same boat. I don't have my family here but my sister did come to visit me and i scheduled dress shopping in the visiting plans. We went to three places and by the end of the day and 4 hours later, I was bagged. My sister brought her camera, thank God as I completely forgot. One place did not allow us to take pictures. I did not bring any shoes as i still don't have an idea what type of shoes i want but in any case, at the begining it is not necessary I think since most dresses are designed for 5'7 or 5'9 ( can't remember which one now) so... it will have to be hemmed anyway, for most of us. Good luck. ps. be open to trying dresses you certainly think don't look great in a picture cuz...I had poo-pooed one dress i saw in a magazine and the assistant was sneeky and pulled it and it turned up to be one of my short listed choices.!
  15. i love the posted pics. I am still undecided on how i want my hair done; i do know for sure i want it up. i have my hair up 80 percent of the time and when it is down it is down to start with but up by then end of the day/night.
  16. positanobride!!! i have been there! sooo beautiful. We just stopped through when we went to visit my cousin's boyfriend's family just outside of Napoli. All I remember is a long dirt road lined with artists and vendors ...many many beautiful flowers and a beautiful visitor's attraction garden. What a beauuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful place to get married. Are you Italian?
  17. great idea for a thread. i will continue to check it out and see what other great words people have.
  18. thanks Tammy for the post. I see it started back in '06. Good that someone posted a reply and i saw it on the new posting feed. Thanks..i hope my posting will show up and prompt another few brides to view this thread.
  19. thanks Tammy for the post. I see it started back in '06. Good that someone posted a reply and i saw it on the new posting feed. Thanks..i hope my posting will show up and prompt another few brides to view this thread.
  20. done. let us know what the result is when you find out.
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