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Everything posted by JNagan2011

  1. Nic- I love the invites and evening acceptance!! They do look really nice. I have to say my eyes were drawn to the evening acceptance because those are my colors, so I might be "borrowing" that look for a potential invite look for us. Paige- Congrats again. Glad to hear everything went well. Looking forward to the review and some pictures I don't feel like I have any questions right away, but will be thinking of some!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by vlvetter7 Nic and Linds - I'd love to see some of the stuff you've made. Do you have another thread or something with pictures? Can you post some stuff here? I would love to see as well
  3. diane keaton: Because I Said So
  4. Linds and Nicola- way to go for being creative and crafty ... I give you sooo much credit because that is an area I have very little talent in! Girls like me need girls like you to help them through their weddings I love it!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by samira26 Jnagan, you are making such good progress! so much done already! Ladies I will share info/ review as soon as I get back. I will be back June 11th night. YAY for you!! Hope everything is amazing!
  6. Bummer about your HS, but good for you about maintaining your weight! I was able to get out and run 9 miles today, but got sunburnt doing it
  7. Thanks Nicola... just had 2 more book today AND we got our photogs booked
  8. Samira- that is exciting that you leave in 2 days!! I am so jealous, only 200 days until I leave lol! So lots of exciting wedding stuff going on with me. We found Kory's suit (so also the pants the GM will where), we are signing the papers for our AHR to reserve that for March 26, and my aunt found some good deals so we had 11 people book their trips today! This is pretty good for us since we are anticipating 20-30 guests . Oh yes, our mugs should be here on Friday as well. I love getting wedding stuff done, I feel like its closer that way
  9. Wow great planning thread!! So much awesome information! Everything looks great, I am sure your wedding will be amazing. I am also wondering where you got your BM shoes from
  10. Any of you girls doing this dress in the citrus ombre (orange and pink).... what color shoes are you doing?? I am struggling to find a orange or pink pair that I want to, so was thinking silver or gold? Any thoughts?
  11. Yup...thats what I got out of it. That the island was real and that really happened. The in between place was the "flash sideways" where the plane never crashed.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by *Linds* I am promising my reviews and planning thread by memorial day! I've just been swamped since we've been home. My house is a complete trainwreck. The "just married" was painted on the parasol. I bought it off etsy. Let me know if you want the sellers information. Thanks for the love girls! I want more pictures NOW! haha I am repainting our master bedroom to better coordinate with the wedding pcitures that I will be putting up. Crazy- I know! Yes I would love the sellers information. I was already looking into parasols, and i thought the just married painted on was soo cute! I love that you are re-painting to coordinate with the wedding pictures. That is so something I would do too.
  13. Just noticed when I re-read my post that I was "stocking" Linds FB, not even sure how I could do that lol... Oh boy, glad I am not an english major
  14. Linds- Is that Just Married writing really on the parasol or did the photographer add in your siggy... Also just FB stocked your latest pictures, they are awesome. Makes me soo excited
  15. haha i know what you mean Nicola... I am sooo lame, I keep thinking about it even though I am happy with the ending .
  16. 8 mile with the best guy ever (my FI), he really pushes me!
  17. Lindsey- i was the same way... I made myself unsearchable too but found you through another BDW bride (can't remember who, lol). Adrienne- I love your invites to! They are great! Amanda- Congrats, you're are coming right up! When are you leaving to Mexico?
  18. I watched it!!! And have to admit I was not happy immediately following the ending. I felt I had questions left unanswered and a little confused at what I had just seen, lol. But after sleeping on it and thinking about it more, I really liked the ending. I too am at peace, and thought they finished it brilliantly. I will miss it though! GREATEST SHOW EVER!
  19. Freddie Prince Jr.: She's all that
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