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Everything posted by JNagan2011

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyTrunck Congrats Samira!!! Sorry about the small mishaps- but thank you so much for letting us know that it still was a wonderful time. I picked up my dress tonight! I wasn't supposed to do my final fitting for a few weeks, but since we're moving, I had to get it. I had some drama because they ordered it too small, and didn't want to let it out. OH they also made me pay for the hollow to hem, but then I was to find out that it wasn't able to be made that short.... Anyway- it's a little tight, but I'm so happy overall with how it looks compared to when I first tried it on!! Here is one with the seamstress showing me how to do the bustle: Thats too bad about the little bit of drama you had to go through with the dress, but atleast it looks GREAT on you
  2. Yay congrats Mrs.! Glad to hear things went well OVERALL, its to bad about the hiccups that occurred but you seemed to have the right attitude about it all ... I just added you on fb too
  3. I read eat, love, pray over christmas and loved it too I've been holding out on buying committed because I don't have much time to read during the school semester and was hoping it would come out in paperback (i don't know why I like it better in paperback, but I love carrying my books with me everyone and its easier in paperback ).... Glad to hear a good review on it, i just may have to go out and get it in the next few days!
  4. It has been quiet! I have been uber busy with school lately, so thats my excuse ! We have 6 weeks of summer classes (last in-class part of the program) in which we are taking 4 different courses for 11 credits. Needless to say everything is being crammed in there which keeps us busy. I'm also getting ready to leave for an 8-week internship in Vegas in July too which I am SUPER excited about, but a little nervous. So if any of you end up having a trip to Vegas between July 8- Sept 3, let me know, lol On a wedding note: We are going to meet with our likely DJ this weekend for our AHR to make she we like her .... Hopefully another thing to check off the list! How about all you girls- anything new and exciting in your life or regarding wedding stuff ... Other then all the great promotions and new jobs we've been hearing about (congrats again to all of you)
  5. We are carrying our mugs with us, with the help of my family too
  6. I am not doing OOT bags either due to budget and the pain in the butt they are to bring down there! I know it may sounds selfish, but my sister did them for her wedding 2 years ago. At first I felt like I had to do them because she had, but when I really thought about it was a nice gesture (and i appreciate it and love her for doing them ) but honestly we didn't use barely anything in the bag. The only thing I really heard/saw people used were travel mugs. So I put travel mugs into my budget and will give those to my guests as a sign of my appreciation along with a welcome letter!
  7. Thanks for the comments everyone!! I also just heard back from discount mugs and they said it was their artists fault about the "carmer" instead of "carmen" and they'd re-making our mugs and rush ordering them to us. So that was exciting
  8. exercise: still need to today
  9. I agree Linds... I am glad to hear they did resend them for you....I was wondering if my complaint would actually hold up so after reading this hopefully they will do the same for me so I don't have to hand out mugs that read playa del carmer
  10. So CeeCee see my above comments about the quality or artwork. I just filed a complaint about the mis-spelling and if I am reading right, you can request a proof prior to them actually making the mugs. This just may take longer but maybe it would have prevented the misspelling from occurring!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by hockeymom97 They look great! I definitely want to do mugs, but have been debating where to order from and since some people had posted having issues with discount mugs I was a little hesitant but yours look fantastic...can I ask how much they cost? I don't mind, with shipping and a 10% off it was 200 for 50 of them... I thought 4 bucks a mug wasn't too bad... Quote: Originally Posted by ~Angela~ They look awesome!!! How long does shipping take if you pick the normal shipping option? Does anyone know? I just got them today, and ordered them 5.18 (so a tuesday) night. So it was like 2 1/2 weeks... I think i did that math right, lol! Quote: Originally Posted by *Linds* They look fantastic! I love the colors! Does it say Playa del Carmer? Or is it just how the photo looks? The only reason I ask is because we had Mexico misspelled on ours.. Sure shows how close i looked, lol... Yes it does, oh well its pretty small and we had pushed our graphics pretty close together but i just looked at what I sent them and you definitely could tell it was a n not r. Did you email them about it or anything?? ~~~So I guess the graphic upload didn't go to great, and that seems like a common occurrence with this company so brides beware of this. I guess am just glad it was the smallest writing of the mug and hopefully people don't notice it too much
  12. Thanks everyone I am very happy to be able to give my guests a great gift!!
  13. Our mugs just came in today and I couldn't be happier. I will admit its a little nerve racking using discount mugs because you submit your artwork separately and can't REALLY tell what they will look like until you get them. I love the color we chose, and although the white isn't as bold as I would hope for writing I still LOVE them Here they are:
  14. V- i love your logo! That will look awesome on a mug... Well we just used discountmugs.com; there is lots of different styles and pretty good prices. However, its hard to tell how big the logo is really going to show up as and we never saw a preview of what the mugs were going to look like so it was kind of scary. About the straws, i know that we got straws into the lids of the mugs for my sister's wedding. I don't think they were made for straws but they still worked Good luck in deciding, let us know what you end up choosing!
  15. So my mugs came in today and I am very happy! I was a little nervous about how the sizing was going to come out but it turned nice. The white on orange contrast is a little harder to read then I was hoping but I think you definitely can read it. Here they are:
  16. Dreaming- congrats on booking! Its so exciting to be booked because it just feels more official that way... We are doing a similar thing with taking out honeymoon later. With me being in grad school and him just graduating from college means we have very limited funds. I will be happy to do our honeymoon later when we can do it right :)plus its something to look forward too later! Its too bad to hear about your FI gma's.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by saza175 From what I've read, and seen myself... the scale goes up in the first month because your gaining muscle. (Muscle weighs more than fat) The second month is where you start to see yourself get lean and shredded One of my best friends said the same thing... I borrowed her insanity videos and burned them. I am training for a half marathon right now, so am thinking I will start the DVDs after I complete the half (its on June 19th) so wanted to see what you girls thought about the videos. Be ready to motivate me in a couple weeks, I've never been one to stick to a plan to well
  18. 10 mile run with the FI yesterday (just may be abel to complete this half in 2 weeks ) and work out video today due to pouring rain, might have to try Jillians yoga!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by mexico102 ocean wonderland thank you for all the info!! Awesome post. I second that
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