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Everything posted by JNagan2011

  1. Nicola- love the dress! Its gorgeous... V- yay on the photog.... Kim's pictures are amazing, so I am sure you will have some amazing pictures too
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by wemkulaf My wedding is July 24, 2010, and I will have 20 tangerine orange organza sashes and 1 organza table overlay. PM and let me know if you want them. I will send them once I return. PMing you
  3. Seeing as I missed the last orange and fushia sashes, if anyone else has bought them and is willing to pass them on or sell them to me for our December 2010 wedding please let me know ... We'd need around 30!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyTrunck Awww poor Adrienne! I know I've been totally MIA lately, as I've said before. I literally went from being on BDW 8 HOURS a day to 0 hours a day Leaving for the wedding in 9 days!!!! For you Linds- finally got a pic of me in my TTD-oh, and Jen- don't worry your pretty little head about sending any money. I'm glad you like the pails! KimmyG- GORGEOUS PICS!! So I got word from the new RPRM gal that she will not put up my chairbows, dinner candles, and cake topper. Anyone have this problem? I'm not gonna stress about it, but that seems kind of ridic. Miss you guys so much! Best of luck to everyone that's coming close!! TTD: Well thanks for the pails ... and YAY for leaving in 9 days!! That is soo exciting. Starting to get packed up yet?? Hopefully the new gal will set up that stuff for you because it does seem a little silly if she wouldn't. And lastly, LOVE the TTD it looks great!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by *Linds* Amanda- I hope you have an amazing wedding! How are all you ladies doing?? Doing good, staying busy!! Finals and papers due for the next two weeks, then leaving for my internship in Vegas in 2 1/2 weeks (haven't even thought about packing).... Plus we still need to get the rest of the GM's outfits and sign our AHR DJ's contract. I am so ready to be done planning the wedding ( i just want to be married already :) and done with school. Oh well less then a year til both come true.... Kimmy- did you order the raffia fans from the OTC?? I was thinking about ordering from there but was nervous about how they say sizes can vary (which through the reviews, it seemed they varied by a lot).
  6. Love your pictures! Everything looks gorgeous. It makes me so excited for my wedding!
  7. Facebooked you kim! The ones from here are awesome, excited to see more! Whiteheadwedding- YAY!! Just enjoy yourself and relax. Everything will go great!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by KimmyG I love hearing how everyone's planning/big days are going! Samira, I'd love to see your pictures but I can't find you on FB! Any tips? Can I search for you by email? I don't know if I ever saw any of your photos Kim.. Did you post any on here or do you have some on facebook where I could add you? Quote: Originally Posted by *Linds* ugh we have been SO SO busy and I have been so swamped at my new job that I STILL have time for nothing! We are doing a lot of work around our house plus the new job...its taking over which means so little time for BDW!!!! I want to go back to RPRM NOW!!!!!!! I am sure you want to go back to RPRM, from all the pictures I've seen I can't wait to get there! Officially less then 6 months until our wedding day! But just stick it out, you will get back into the swing of things at the new job soon enough.
  9. fast food nation: bruce willis
  10. Ran a half marathon today!!! Man it was work, but worth it
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by DreamingofSunshine Hi Everyone! I cant believe how fast time is going by! i think i hit the 6 month mark a couple of days ago and was like WOW..... jen -- you must be getting super excited too!!! anyways got the tickets for my parents to come so they will be making their way across the world to come to mexico. super excited. we will be having a small familiy trip to tulum before meeting up with everyone at the RPRM. Linds- thanks for the facebook add, i LOVE your pictures Samira -- thanks for the great review. I love that your guest wore saris!!! Paige- thanks for your review too.. all the reviews really help give me an idea of what to expect! Whiteheadwedding -- have a great trip and a great wedding!!!! Yea its almost friday! Yes are 6 months is on Sunday!! When is your wedding and how long will you be at RPRM We'll be there from Dec. 15- Dec. 25.
  12. Yay, new shipment of mugs came into! And they got everything right this time! So excited
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Whiteheadwedding Hello Ladies ! I am 11 days away and I still haven't found a dress I love that is reasonably priced for the TTD ! Any ideas? Yay, 11 days is soooo close! Hm, have you thought about just using your wedding gown... My sister did, and her dress didn't get ruined at all. But I know how you feel, I am still deciding if I want to get a TTD dress. I feel like if I find one that I love and for the right price, I would definitely get it since I am worried about wrecking my dress before the AHR. Oh, have you looked on here at all under the buy, sell, and freebies section??
  14. Jannae- Yay, got the pails today!! They are so cute and will be perfect ... Thanks so much. Want to message me your address so I can send ya some money (I think I have the address from the package, but don't have a last name)
  15. Thanks for your great review Paige!!! I was just thinking about what I was going to do for makeup, and now I know that its is best to do it yourself. My little sister is pretty good with hers, so I might make her practice over the next 6 months so she can do mine lol ... Taking a break from doing homework, so no questions right now! I am sure I will have some soon though
  16. Thanks for the great review!!! It is soo helpful and makes me even more excited to get married at RPRM! Congrats again!
  17. And thanks everyone for all the compliments ... I am so excited to give them to our guests!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by natalie1987 JNagan2011 I was wondering what program did you use to design the graphic on your mug I love it!!! I actually just used powerpoint and then saved the slide as a jpeg file to upload it to discount mugs. It was pretty easy but if you wanted I could try to figure out how to upload the template, not sure if I can upload powerpoints, I will look into it!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Whiteheadwedding I am right around the corner! Im so excited !! I have 45 guests plus the bride and groom!! Yay congrats!!! You are very close and it sounds like you have a good sized group ... All ready to go?
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