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Everything posted by JNagan2011
Thats really nice!! I'm planning to pick them up in Mexico once we are down there because I don't want to worry about the transport down. Question, are you doing a pair of maracas per person or a maraca per person... I've seen it both ways. I have 32 guests so I'd need 64 (well 68, if I include me and husband to be) if I did a pair... I am worried that it will be harder to get that many down there... Any thoughts?
RIU RM Palace Brides??
JNagan2011 replied to Jaime's topic in Destination Wedding in Riviera Maya, Cancun & surrounding areas
YAY DANA! CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR MORE!... Have a great rest of your honeymoon! Janapana- love the hair pictures! I am thinking of something like that too.. good inspiration pics for me! Wow, I leave for Mexico in 5 weeks!! That is absolutely crazy!!! I cannot wait. Still have some lbs to lose and wedding stuff to get.. We got our wedding bands today though... FI picked them up because I am interning 2 hours away from home, so will have to wait 1 1/2 weeks to see them. -
Oh no that is to bad ... but you're right, you just need to keep perspective. It is your wedding vacation and you just have to make the best of it. You will have a blast I am sure, and all the crankyness will hopefully leave him once you actually get on that plane and start vacation (and the rest of your life together)..
RIU RM Palace Brides??
JNagan2011 replied to Jaime's topic in Destination Wedding in Riviera Maya, Cancun & surrounding areas
So just did some look and both chloe and linds had done semi-private at chilli's and said it was pretty much private. Janae had done boto fogo and said a smiliar thing i believe.. (Sorry its all blurry-ing together). Pretty much I don't think you can go wrong. I saw posts that people said they liked chilli's better and saw posts that people liked boto fogo better. Oh yes on 285 someone who had done a site visit posted pictures of the restaurants.. they were not set up for weddings or anything, but it may help you to get a better visual.. -
RIU RM Palace Brides??
JNagan2011 replied to Jaime's topic in Destination Wedding in Riviera Maya, Cancun & surrounding areas
Not sure when Dana is getting back, but I am soo excite to hear everything too ! We decided on Chilli's because of the open air aspect. I believe Linds and Lisa both did receptions here and said it was good (but I cannot remember for sure who)... I also remember someone saying that they were in an upstairs room and it was pretty much private but cannot remember who or which restaurant, again I feel like that could have been Linds. Have you talked to the wedding coordinator about having it at the earlier time spot since they just changed it to 25? Also, what did you decide about cocktail hour, are you doing one? She only listed one choice on my email, so i asked her if i had choices and if i did if she would send me pictures and/or descriptions of the two... I think your OOT bags will be great DO you have a lot of other stuff to do? Honeymoon, we are not doing a seperate one right away since we are staying 10 days at RPRM... We will have friends/family there the whole time, but depending on time and the money situation we may try to escape to cozumuel for a day just the two of us. We also want to do a "second" honeymoon within the next 2 years just the two of us.. -
RIU RM Palace Brides??
JNagan2011 replied to Jaime's topic in Destination Wedding in Riviera Maya, Cancun & surrounding areas
RIU RM Palace Brides??
JNagan2011 replied to Jaime's topic in Destination Wedding in Riviera Maya, Cancun & surrounding areas
PS has anyone else found then even when they have an incredible amount of work or homework to do, they still do wedding stuff first even when they shouldn't Its just sooo much more fun -
RIU RM Palace Brides??
JNagan2011 replied to Jaime's topic in Destination Wedding in Riviera Maya, Cancun & surrounding areas
Lynn, I just heard from the wedding coordinator today too! I didn't even notice that about the dinner since I am having 34 so I was allready over... that sucks, hopefully they let you get the earlier time. I am going to try to see if I can get any sort of earlier time (even like 730) with my number of 34. Of course the WC contacted me at the worst time possible, I am up to my eyeballs in internship stuff, but oh well . As for the cocktail hour, I was thinking the same thing. I was going to do a scan of the 300 pages on here as well as the other RPRM reviews and see if I find anything. I believe one is outside and one is inside, I will let you know if my research yields any good info ... I personally would rather be outside, so unless I find anything bad about the out door one that is the one I will go with. I think we are goins to do the mariachi band during this time (which is what Linds did) so that is another reason I am leaning towards outdoors. Although, they've already raised the price almost 100$ from the original info I got back last January. Hopefully they don't raise it up any more in the next month and a half! On a similar note, I plan to research the food places too.. I can't remember if people said Chili's or Bota Fogo was better?? Again, I liked that Chilli's was open air, but I'd rather have a better food! Anyone remembering if one place was better then the other? -
Yay Dana!! Everything looks GREAT! So excited for you, can't wait for you to get back and hear all about it..
RIU RM Palace Brides??
JNagan2011 replied to Jaime's topic in Destination Wedding in Riviera Maya, Cancun & surrounding areas
Thanks Dana, I will send her an email then Jenna- when is your wedding? Dreamingofsunshine- have you head from the resort wedding coordinator yet? -
RIU RM Palace Brides??
JNagan2011 replied to Jaime's topic in Destination Wedding in Riviera Maya, Cancun & surrounding areas
Linds- it is called the "La Bamba Program"... It is through Herbalife. I don't know about elsewhere, but Minnesota has really been hit by the herbalife shake craze (lots of nutrition clubs have opened up across the state that sell their products). My mom got into herbalife and had done this La Bamba 3-day program, so that is where I heard of it. I am sure you could google it and find out more info though. -
RIU RM Palace Brides??
JNagan2011 replied to Jaime's topic in Destination Wedding in Riviera Maya, Cancun & surrounding areas
thanks vlvetter , i actually feel healthier too! Dana- I have not talked to the wedding coordinator yet, and hoping to get earlier. But am preparing myself for worse case scenario.... I am just under 2 months away form the wedding and have not heard from her yet... I am thinking I give her 1 more week until I contact her. -
RIU RM Palace Brides??
JNagan2011 replied to Jaime's topic in Destination Wedding in Riviera Maya, Cancun & surrounding areas
Celestial- I also hope you have fun dress shopping and find the one! Dana- WOW, i cannot believe that it came up to be that much at the make up counter... Crazy, I didn't even know make up could cost that much, lol....I am so jealous you leave in a week, i CANNOT wait to see your pictures!!! Also 54 people is great... We have 34 and I am soo excited about that. Although, we don't have enough for a private reception (which i really didn't want to spend the extra money on anyways) but we have over that 27 number so we are going to be stuck with that late dinner at 8:45. I'm kind of worried about how late that is with our 3 oclock ceremony! Well, I did that whole 3-day cleanse this week. I lost 5.4 lbs! Now I just need to work hard and make smart decisions to not gain that back. Oh yes, I also created my programs for my raffia fans and maraca tags on vista print last night!! Can't wait to get them in! -
RIU RM Palace Brides??
JNagan2011 replied to Jaime's topic in Destination Wedding in Riviera Maya, Cancun & surrounding areas
Thanks! That is good to know, because I was starting to look through the ceremony script thread and trying to put stuff together. And I was just going to have the officiant read the sand ceremony script but now I know to have one of our party members or guest read it -
RIU RM Palace Brides??
JNagan2011 replied to Jaime's topic in Destination Wedding in Riviera Maya, Cancun & surrounding areas
oh yea... for all you already married ladies- Did you bring your own script for the wedding?? That is the next thing I am thinking about. Also, if you did, how did the officiant due with reading (ie was his english okay?) So I am starting today with my eating healthy and working out more regime!! My goal is to lose 10 lbs in the next 8 weeks before the wedding. I am doing a body cleanse through herbalife to start this out ( my mom has done this and lost 4 lbs, pretty much of just water weight so has gained it back but i hope to use it as my starting point and keep it off!). So wish my luck. Pretty much have to drink 2 gallons of fluid today, which doesn't seem like a lot but i guess it is! -
RIU RM Palace Brides??
JNagan2011 replied to Jaime's topic in Destination Wedding in Riviera Maya, Cancun & surrounding areas
yay Dana!! So excitinf! I am soooo jealous you leave so soon. We leave in 7 weeks and 6 days and that just feels too long. I am starting to worry about all the little stuff now. Like should i book a hair appointment at the salon or should i just have my sister do it for me. She has never got training but is good with hair. She did my hair at my sister's wedding in Jamaica. This is what it looked like:<a I plan to do something like this so it should be be fairly easy for her to do -
RIU RM Palace Brides??
JNagan2011 replied to Jaime's topic in Destination Wedding in Riviera Maya, Cancun & surrounding areas
Lynn- bring my photog with me from MN.... They are staying for 5 days at the resort so as paying guests i am saying they are family friends who just happen to take good photos I also want the video but don't want to pay the 400$ so am borrowing fi's brothers camera and having my uncle video for us! Dana- super cute cake topper!! Also thanks for all the info and the advice about the location... I forgot about the extra price of the huppa -
RIU RM Palace Brides??
JNagan2011 replied to Jaime's topic in Destination Wedding in Riviera Maya, Cancun & surrounding areas
Dreaming of sunshine- sounds like you had a wonderful legal ceremony! Congrats!! What day is your wedding again?? And no I have not heard from the wedding coordinator yet. I have been so busy though, I have not really had time to think about it. Hopefully they get in touch with us soon Dana- wow, your dress is gorgeous , love it!!! What kind of questions does Nancy ask when she gets in touch with you? Then I can be prepared as well! So girls, what are everyone's thoughts on gazebo vs. beach for the ceremony site?? I cannot decide which one I want, they are both so gorgeous!! My FI's sister has a moderate disability (and she is a BM), so if I don't have to chose until we get there and have our meeting I might just wait and see if one location is easier for her to walk on. Also, what are your ceremony times? Ours is from 3-4, and I am second guessing whether that is too early or not. Since it does seem we have more then the 27 guests which will put us at the 2nd seating for dinner -
RIU RM Palace Brides??
JNagan2011 replied to Jaime's topic in Destination Wedding in Riviera Maya, Cancun & surrounding areas
Quote: Originally Posted by Nicyx I knew i shouldnt have gone dress shopping..... girls i have fallen in with another dress...... Ok so in the pictures of it, it dosent actually look that special, but i tried it on today and i DIDNT wana take it off, I just loved it..... In fact the more im talking about it the more i think im going to get it.... It was gorgeous, fitted PERFECT too & & & & & i always said i didnt want a veil but now i do.... i was looking for an aqua flower for my hair now i just want a hair comb with some bling flowers... i tried on the whole "shbang" I really really wanted my mum or sis there. I went on my own today as i couldnt get anyone to go with me ( My family live miles and miles away) But i must say, I Looked Gorgeous :-) Infact reading back on this I dont think i have a dilema after all............ I nearly cried, didnt cry, but nearly i had a tear in my eye for sure.... I just wish the picture of it looked like it did when it was on!!!! You will probably notice it is VERY VERY simliar to the one i originally wanted so i defo know the style is right :-) I am so so glad i held off buying the Maggie dress.......... HERE IT IS : http://www.benjaminroberts.co.uk/4017-p-329.html HERE IS "MY" ORIGINAL ONE to compare : http://www.maggiesottero.com/dress.aspx?page=8&style=A3283 PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK Honestly :-)xox Nic- both are gorgeous!!! however i think i prefer the way the top of the benjaminroberts looks ! I say go for that one, since it is gorgeous and feels right! Quote: Originally Posted by dana I don't know girls, I'm having a really hard time with this legal thing. I don't want it to seem at all like a wedding to take away from our real day in Mexico. My mom is making it harder on me b/c she wants to make it this big thing and have flowers/decorations etc.... At first I was going to hire a minister to come to the house on a Saturday, then my dad called my godfather b/c his brother is a judge and he agreed to it. The problem is I don't think he really wants to do it b/c of his schedule, but felt guilted into it. He hasn't called me back in two days to set up the date/time. I don't know what are you opinions, am I crazy for not wanting to make it a bigger thing? I have an ivory short dress I got at david's bridal that I am going to wear for my welcome dinner so if I do a bigger thing I will wear that or if we just do a private thing probably just jeans. Dana-- I completely agree with you about the legal thing. I was having a hard time with it too. I am not making a big deal of our legal day; I am thinking of it as just the paperwork to make the wedding in Mexico complete. We plan to wear jeans. The only thing we are doing is one of my bridesmaid can't make it to mexico due to money (her wedding is the week before ours at home) and her husband will have class, so i thought I would make it special and ask her to be our witness. I thought that was a good idea because she will feel special for getting to be our witness. And then our parents won't be apart of the paperwork, so the only ceremony they will attend is our REAL one in Mexico. -
Sorry, I do not have pictures of them and I am actually living 2 1/2 hours from home on internship right now. So I cannot take any pictures and post them. Hm, I think the tangerine was a good color. It definitely had a brighter tone to it, however since it is organza it did appear to be a little bit lighter in color when you are looking at it each sash separately. I feel that with the white chair cover, the contrast will make it stand out more.
I just ordered organza sashes from http://weddinglinensdirect.com/8xorsapa.htm in fushia. I am out of town so haven't personally seen them but my mom said they looked good. I also had purchased 20 tangerine organza sashes from another BDW bride who had ordered from this site and have seen these. They look good! Right now the organza sashes are only 59 cents a piece Â
Share your ceremony script!
JNagan2011 replied to aeroo's topic in Wedding Etiquette, Traditions, to dos
Thanks everyone for sharing these! I am slowly going through and trying to create our ceremony script. I will be sure to post when I finish -
RIU RM Palace Brides??
JNagan2011 replied to Jaime's topic in Destination Wedding in Riviera Maya, Cancun & surrounding areas
I am flying my photographer down and putting them up for 4 nights, so they are "family friends" who happen to be taking pictures, but they are being included in my guest count and as my guests! I know that has worked in the past... Â Not sure otherwise; I know Jannae used Elizabeth Medina, so she might know!