Quote: Originally Posted by LadyTrunck Argh! If I had only known this stupid resort changed prices like they do underwear, I may have rethought choices. I mean- I have read through the thread and knew there were inconsistencies-- but really? My last pricesheet for 2010 that I got awhile back, it said that the mariachis were 560, and now this pricesheet says 785?
I know it's only 200 difference, but what if this happens all throughout? We're paying for this wedding ourselves, and need to budget accordingly....
Thanks for letting me rant. Geez. LadyTrunck- do you know if you will get the same prices as the fact sheet you were sent?? Because my 2010 fact sheet is saying that the mariachis were 560 too, and i just got this fact sheet in early Feb. I cannot believe that it would have changed so much already. Also, did much else change, where I should be worried??