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Everything posted by JNagan2011

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyTrunck Argh! If I had only known this stupid resort changed prices like they do underwear, I may have rethought choices. I mean- I have read through the thread and knew there were inconsistencies-- but really? My last pricesheet for 2010 that I got awhile back, it said that the mariachis were 560, and now this pricesheet says 785? I know it's only 200 difference, but what if this happens all throughout? We're paying for this wedding ourselves, and need to budget accordingly.... Thanks for letting me rant. Geez. LadyTrunck- do you know if you will get the same prices as the fact sheet you were sent?? Because my 2010 fact sheet is saying that the mariachis were 560 too, and i just got this fact sheet in early Feb. I cannot believe that it would have changed so much already. Also, did much else change, where I should be worried??
  2. Yay Kimmy, I forgot how close April is getting!! You must be excited!
  3. Thanks for the review Alexis! Katie- March 26th is coming right up! When are you heading to Mexico?? Also how many guests are you having; just wondering how far off you were from the under 27 number that they allow to have at the earlier dinner seating.
  4. Dirty Dancing: Jennifer Grey
  5. maid of honor: patrick dempsey
  6. This ones from a few years ago... Maybe I will have a new one from this St. Patty's day in a few weeks!
  7. Mark Wahlberg: Italian Job
  8. neutral- they're awesome, but don't see the point on spending the extra money The Wii
  9. Brad Pitt: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
  10. HEllo to all the newest brides!! These girls will definitely help you with everything you need, i know they have for sure helped me! I love all the puppies!! Jannae- that bandage picture is adorable (hope he is doing okay)! fsuambs- I've tried to start p90x numerous times but have never actually followed through :/... I really like the videos so I will randomly do them, but maybe you are the motivation I need to stick through a full 90 days! However I did just get accepted into Duluth's half marathon (its a lottery process so not everyone does) so I am def going to be needing to hit the pavement, I am not really a runner i am just trying to pretend to be one!! Dana- I was in the same boat as you with photography. My older sister got married in Jamaica just over a year ago and had won a photographer on here. A local photographer who has done all my family hs grad picture heard about the deal she won and offered her the same deal (pretty much fly him down and pay for his stay and get all rights to all the photos, he took over 1000). So that being said, he had allready joked around about doing mine and Kory's wedding. After we decided destination, we couldn't decide if we wanted to spend the money or not. My sister told me it was WAY worth it and even offered to pay for it for me (I couldn't accept though). But I look at her pictures and am really glad I am going to, plus my sister would HIGHLY recommend it. Sorry the response got long! I love all the new chats on this note, feel like I am behind on responding though so have to let as much out in one shot!
  11. Jon Lovitz: The Stepford Wives
  12. Yay fsuambs for getting a date (jan 15 is my birthday actually )! I really don't know much about Riu Palace Las Americas. The reason I liked RPRM is because of the location in Playa Del Carmen over Cancun. Thats all I can really give you. What are you going to grad school for?? Alexis- Hope you have an amazing time, I am sure your wedding will be amazing. Hopefully, your fiance starts feeling better!
  13. Love (too much, may be why I DON"T fit in my dress in december ) Fajitas
  14. jrb- I peaked in the packet I got when my wedding date confirmation went through. So it seems you can have either on Saturdays, it will just cost more if it is after 2 PM.... I believe you can have a friend/relative perform the religious/symbolic ceremony, but you'd have to look into that! CIVIL Monday to Friday 12am to 5pm Saturday: From 11am to 2pm (from 2pm to 5pm the judge has an extra charge of $50 USD) RELIGIOUS & RENEWAL OF VOWS Monday to Saturday 11am-5pm
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