Love the dress Adrienne! Its gorgeous!
Ya, the losing the lbs thing is not working for me... My FI, my parents and I are even doing a biggest loser in which we way in every tuesday. We started the first weigh in all putting in 20 dollars, each week when we weigh in, for every lb gained that week, a dollar goes in the put (gain 4 lbs, put in 4 dollars) and at the end of 12 weeks whoever has lost the greatest percentage of weight loss gets the pot. Needless to say, we're not good at it. I think our pot is over 100 dollars in the 8 weeks we've been doing this lol. My issue is food and beer. I love beer, and just cannot give it up YET.
So, have a BM dress issue.... Found one that I just love, and has looked good on 3 out 4/5 bridesmaid and just know will look good on all. I found a 2nd one that I like too, just not nearly as much as the first. The problem is the first one is 200 dollars and the second on is only 100 dollars... All the girls are telling me it is my decision and they will make it work to pay for the more expensive one. I am feeling way guilty about this as a poor college kid myself. I hate making them pay double, before alterations, when they are already paying lots to make it to Mexico (which means the world to me)... I am really easy going, and for me a dress is kind of a dress and I don't feel the wedding will be lacking if I settle for the cheaper one. What are you thoughts??
Sorry I know this got long!