Quote: Originally Posted by Princess402 This forum makes you want to do everything!
I am doing palm fans for the ceremony (bought at OTC) that will have the handle wrapped in ribbon and a program attached.
We are also doing OOT bags, not too over the top or full but will probably include playing cards, first aid supplies, gum, golf balls for the boys and starfish necklaces for the girls, etc. Also thinking of putting mugs in these, but from what I have heard about Dreams it seems like the glasses are big and they refill them often enough that your drinks don't get cold. Still I think cups are a cute idea, like maybe stadium cups, which would also be easier to pack. Alternately I was thinking custom water bottles (like that they could use for excursions off the resort).
Not sure if we are going to also do favors at the table. I love the idea of doing maracas, or I have also seen starfish wine bottle stoppers that are lovely. But on top of the other things I'm sure guests won't be wondering where their favor is at, and I'm not sure we can afford more gifts (or have room to bring them all!). Remind me again of what OTC is... I have been thinking about doing fans but haven't looked into them. Were they fairly reasonably priced??
And I definitely agree that with doing the OOT bags, the guests won't be wondering about favors.