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Everything posted by PaperBagPrincess

  1. Thanks ladies! Cynlaf I got my machine from Six Cent Press in Vancouver BC. Custom Buttons, Make Buttons, Pinback Buttons, Campaign Buttons, Promotional Buttons, Do It Yourself Buttons, Canada Button Makers - Six Cent Press They had the best price and shipping wasn't too bad. In fact I just ordered 1000 more button pieces and shipping was only $17, I thought that was pretty good. I also found them very helpful when I was researching and trying to decide what size to buy. I bought my circle cutter on ebay, they are pricey but you have to have one ($80-$160). I tried a few different scrapbook ones and they just didn't "cut" it Overall I would say you are looking at a $400 investment. Being in Toronto you can also rent one for a day, includes circle cutter ($45, plus buying the parts) from here... Button Makers, Complete Button Parts I debated buying from this person, but they wanted a US exchange rate of 30%, I nearly lost my mind. Sometimes he has used ones as well. I've also heard that the Workroom on Queen St (the workroom - toronto's first sew & craft by the hour space) has a 1 inch and a 1.5 inch button maker and you can go in and use it if you pay the workroom fee. I haven't personally checked it out yet, think I saw it on a blog somewhere? But plan to find out more when I go in and take a sewing class at the end of the month. Magnets I have been buying at Staples as I found they are the best quality for the price, $7 for 50. Good luck! If you have anymore questions let me know.
  2. I'm not quite finished, but was too excited not to post. Loved the ideas of magnets for our STD, but my finance and I wanted them to be a little more discreet when placed on someone's fridge. His parents already have a 100 pictures of us up, they really didn't need another one So after some searching I found this and used it my inspiration... Dot Girl Blog: Save the Date! Here is how mine turned out... colors look better in person, camera was giving me a hard time... I have a lite version of photoshop so I searched through istock.com until I found a pattern in our colors (blue and orange) and that I thought was "us", it took ages. When i finally found it I was thrilled, I decided the pattern was best for the magnet designs. Then I got some help from my brother and we designed the actual card (he's video editor and btter at photoshop than me). To make things easy, we sized it to fit on half a sheet of paper. For the flower design on the side, my brother taught me a neat trick, turns out you can download brushes for photoshop that make a pattern with a quick dot of the brush, works like a stamp. So we found a flower set of brushes and two minutes later we stamped two we liked in and added the text. To make the magnets I invested in a button maker. It was pricey but I knew I would use it for tons of things! I love crafts! I picked up a few contract hours to cut down on the guilt and made it feel more like a treat. So far I made a magnetboard for a friend's baby shower with little letter magnets and buttons for another friend's band. Plus all the save teh date magnets. With al my projects I am 600 button/magnets down and continue to make more! Future projects are napkin ring holders and personal name tags for towels and beach bags in our OOT bags. Then I attached the magnets to the Save the Date with tacky blue stuff teachers use to put up posters. I tried rubber cement and a few other things, but the tacky stuff was by far the best. Now I need to work on the letter for the back and envelopes..... oh, and continue to dream of a job where I make butons all day! It's really a lot of fun. If you want to see how the button machine works here is a youtube video... YouTube - Button Maker Machine Combo
  3. woohoo! my pillows came in from Outinstyle.com I ordered a case of 50, the case pillows were a smaller sizethen ordering the individual ones. Overall I am happy with them. They are a little different than I expected. Almost more paper/plastic, I was expecting pool toy plastic, but I have blown one up three times and deflated 3 times no problem. The paper/plastic makes them super lite, which is excellent for packing! Each one has a straw stuck to it, you use it to blow it up, bit strange, but whatever. Shipping to Canada was a little pricey, but I used USPS which seems o reduce the surprise charges (only $1. They worked out to just under $2 a pillow. Here are some pictures. You can see the pillow is the size of my laptop, and how wonderfully small the box of 50 is.
  4. Old navy has some cute thin dresses (bathing suit covers, what do you call these? is there a name?) for $5.95. Thinking I'll pick some up for my bridemaids OOT bags. If I manage to find their sizes today i'll post pics.
  5. Really in Dollarama? oh man, I have been there like 2 times a weeks for months looking at stuff and never found them. figures.... oh well. I'll check again here in Toronto, incase anyone else needs them. There is a store by my work, very easy to go over at lunch time
  6. woohoo! It's exciting to see this thread pick up. I'm hoping to finish my save the dates this coming week and will post pictures as soon as I do!
  7. They look great! I really love the blue color you used. The starfish on the corner of the rsvp is also super cute!
  8. I just ordered from out in style. Should get them in a week or so. I will let everyone know how the quality is.
  9. islandbride317 Thanks for the website, your jewerly looks perfect! I will defintely check them out.
  10. Love them, super nice! Also thrilled to see another bride with Blue and Orange as her colors. Personally I like the blue envelope... because when I see a color envelope in the mailbox I don't even open my door, I just know it's a wedding invite that must be opened NOW!!!
  11. Wondering if anyone else has used Yummie Cups in Playa Del Carmen? They were recommened by our photographer, but I wouldn't mid additional recommendations if they are out there Thanks! Here is the site I have for them. San Valentin - Yummie cups Playa del Carmen - Fotolog
  12. For the Canadian girls, if you go through the OOT bag shopping for Canadian girls thread a few girls list out the duty and taxes. It's pricey, but seems the cups work out to around $6, still cheaper than buying them here. I also like the have and to hold saying. I was thinking of putting that on a tag attached to them. Then just having the cup say Playa Del Carmen 2011.
  13. I love the idea! and I think you can make it look classy opposed to superbowl-ish. The pictures from autojo are a great example! The right bucket and table setting will totally help carry this off. Also the right beers... nicer bottle like corona (avoid budweiser or others like this). I also like the idea of different drinks in it, wine, champagne and beer, yum! I like the idea of stuff int he ice, like flowers or limes, could also add some led throwies to have them have a nice glow. I'm with you, we did want flowers or candles. So we are doing a pimp your cupcake centerpeice, blank cupcakes, icing bags and candies. There is nothing i love more than searching for stuff on google...what I found while i had my morning coffee Table with Wine bucket centerpiece...love the monogram painted on it!!! http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_n3yX95AP0D...photos+345.jpg Here is a beer bottle with a custom label, it's cute! Lorraine & Daniel - West Park Winery A little ribbon around this would be fantastic.. Monterey Quattro Laser Engraved Acrylic Wine Cooler,Wholesale China Love this DIY decorated Bucket, but would need to consider the bucket sweating from the ice, use something other than paper if bucket is metal Decorated Tin Bucket DIY Project – Dreams Weddings on a Budget Dream Weddings on a Budget Enjoy! Good luck, please post pics if you craft up anything at home to see how it looks!
  14. I had the same problem. In the end I decided I needed to know rough costs to help people decide if they wanted to go or not, so I talked to a TA. For the resort I wanted she told me I only needed 10ppl for the group rate. So I had her get a quote for that. Then the resorts lets you book the wedding date, without booking your room yet (at least where I am). We are in the process of booking this. In the next few weeks we are going to send our Save the Dates asking people to provide a tentative RSVP to help us with planning. That's as far as we have got Hopefully this helps, it is rather confusing and sometimes frustrating. I switched TAs after 3 months, what a difference a good one makes! I understand the process much better now, as my new TA explains these things to me I highly recommend contacting a few and asking all your questions then deciding who to go with. Good luck!
  15. Too bad about the dolphins, that would be amazing!!! Maybe a snorkling trip? I hear it is one of the best places for that. Or instead of a trip, maybe a gift she can keep. Years ago I was in a wedding, the bride gave me a really nice wood photobox to use for when I got married. Matches my bedroom set. I was really pumped to pull it out when we got engaged and had the plate on the front engraved with out names. Put our dating and engagment pictures in it. Even the cork from the champagne when we got engaged. Can't wait to add our wedding photos. Best gift ever (in my opinion, hehe) Bombay & Co, Inc.::Accessories::Memorabilia/Keepsake::Memory Box
  16. Really like them, great color combo! getting stuff in the mail is so awesome!!!
  17. Thanks! I am so happy, just love it. Thank you for all the responses, I will go with a simple necklace and a more crazy big birdcage I think. The Dress is by Enzoani and the style is Emanuele. For those ladies in Toronto I got it at Becker's Bridal. They were so helpful! I highly recommend them.
  18. Hey Ladies, I saw travel mugs at Dollarama (Coxwell and Gerrard in TO) for $1.25 or $1.50 today. They were pretty small, but maybe that would make them easier to pack?
  19. Sorry to hear that. At least you got out of there with your dress! Now you have to believe in word of mouth. I am sure you are not the only one who had problems and I am sure many other brides will spread the word!!! Sooner or later, what goes around comes around
  20. I got my dress, I so love it!!! I think they make you wait months for it so you don't wear it around the house I plan to wear a birdcage veil, I think the one in the picture might be a little too big... anyways... this leaves me wondering what jewerly to wear? I am thinking just a very simple pearl necklace, I think long earrings and the veil might be too much? Also any ladies you wore a birdcage/french veil, any complaints? Did you wear it all night? Thanks Ladies! Here are the pics of my dress...
  21. Anyone see that it is the $1 flipflop sale at Old Navy in the US? Anyone know if it is here this weekend as well?
  22. I have wanted to buy a sewing machine for awhile, but i am overwhelmed with the range of prices and features. Can anyone recommend a good one for under $200 that would make learning fairly easy? I have so many DIY wedding ideas, just need the machine Thanks!
  23. hmmm I'm not very good at this, but I would think "two" or "pair" needs to be in there... all I can think (sing) is "it takes two to make a thing go right" hahaha I will try to think of something else, good luck. Love the cuff link idea!
  24. hmmm... anyone know if Canada has this too? I'll try calling a store tomorrow and see.
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