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Everything posted by PaperBagPrincess

  1. Looks like the Canadian Tire 20oz Bubba Keg Travel Mugs are on sale this weekend. From 11.99 down to $4.79. If I knew how many people we had coming I would go get some. http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/8/KitchenBath/DrinkStorage/VacuumBottles/PRD~0423659P/Bubba%252BMini%252BKeg%25252C%252B20%252Boz..jsp?locale=en
  2. I find that I am less likely to pay brokerage fees if I have it shipped through USPS instead of UPS. Anyone else find that? Â
  3. I love the lounge chair covers, I might have to do that. I got my BMs, my mom and FMIL these jewelry travel cases (ebay $20).I also paid for my BMs dresses and my mom's dress. Â Â
  4. $11 isn't too bad. Looking forward to them! If you mark as a gift to the CDN girls shouldn't be any duty.Thanks for organizing.
  5. Â Good point, I will keep an eye out for that. Good thing beach clothes don't weigh too much Â
  6. I think I am going to split them up between my extra suitcase and my mom's extra suitcase
  7. I can't say I haven't considered it! Maybe when I have more time I'll open a small etsy shop or something? I did make buttons for a friends band and made $100, so that was awesome. Plus it was super cool to see all these people around the bar wearing them!
  8. I didn't know and am still struggling a bit with the machine. I think I might take a class, just so I know how to trouble shoot. I seem to tangle it all the time. I think I am getting the tension wrong, or maybe have the wrong thread. Â But I think if you can stop the tangling it'd be very easy. You only have to sew a few edges and it doesn't have to be all that straight Â
  9. Here is my thread on the beach pillows, enjoy http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/thread/60720/diy-inflatable-beach-pillow-for-oot-bags
  10. I got terry cloth on sale at Fabricland for $4 a meter to make beach pillows. Normally it was $12, but I went every couple weeks and my way home and sure enough it went on sale. Might be an option instead of towels?
  11. Josie, love your dressed they are really cute! Woohooo I got my dresses too, finaly felt like I searched forever! Here are some of my new blue and orange details. Very exciting to see so many couple choosing these colors! Came out shiny with the flash, it is a teal color and we got them from BCBG half price. I think they will look great with white and orange flowers. Here are the luggage tags I am going to send out as thank you for booking... ...and my jewelry case for my trip... also got them for the bridesmaids in other colours Going to have a pimp your cupcake table. With blue and orange candies in wine, champagne and martini glasses. Will post pictures soon. Anyone been working on centerpeices? That is my next project, will post pictures as I come up with ideas.
  12. I found the paper soap, which it says on the back can be used on your hands or small amounts of laundry at Dollarama this week. I've never seen them there before so I am guessing they are new. I think (but could be mistaken) it was in the travel section. Or maybe near the hand sanitizer? I also saw it in a trendy shop here in Toronto but it was $5 for 10 sheets... Dollarama (I love you) it was 25 sheets for a dollar.
  13. JR14 - I forgot to mention in my post, she marked them as a gift, so there was no duty!!!!
  14. I got luggage tags from the US but they still worked out pretty cheap so I thought I would post the link to my post here... http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/thread/62715/1-25-luggage-tags-off-ebay-that-s-with-shipping-to-canada#post_1381673 I also got these awesome jewelry travel cases from Korea, free shipping. She also marked as a gift, so no DUTY! I know we are all looking for vendors like that. http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/thread/62907/travel-jewelry-case-wallet-for-birdesmaid-gift-from-ebay-love-them Enjoy!
  15. yes I ended up buying them after a weekend trip and my necklaces got all tangles and my watch scratched. I got myself one too, now I just need a trip..... Oh I also liked it was small enough to put in your purse. Last time I came back from mexico my bag was broken into and I lost a necklace and earrings. Now I will have them all on me.
  16. They just arrived today and I love them!!!! They came all the way to Toronto Canada from Korea, the amazing power of ebay never stops amazing me. I plan to give them to my mom, my future mother in law and my bridesmaids and I think soon to be sister in law (aka brother's gf). They are a soft, suede like material and it's a great size. See the picture below with a CD beside it. The seller lets you pick what color you want and they shipped super quick. She was great. Here is the seller's page on ebay http://shop.ebay.com/namee017/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340 and the link to what I bought... http://cgi.ebay.com/Travel-Jewel-Pouch-Bag-wallet-Protect-/180530401125?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a08734f65 ...and of course the pictures I took Sorry not the best picture, glare from the plastic boxes they came in, which are super cute! My FMIL is Korean, she is going to love to see the Korean on the sticker on the box! so excited! Here is one outside of the box... the inside... beside a cd so you get an idea on size.... How am I going to keep these a secret from the girls for 10 months? I just want to give them to them now
  17. let's trying posting again...still adjusting to the awesome new forum!
  18. My luggage tags came in today, woohoo! I ordered them from ebay, the seller was luggagetag0. Here is the link... http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170243900610 I ordered 125 which was $123, shipping to Canada was $28 and freaking duties/taxes came in at $21.....which means $1.25 each. Not too shabby They aren't large (se picture with blackberry), but they are nice and bright. The edges are a little rough, you can see the brown on the edges, and on the inside of the strap too, I tried to get a picture. But for $1.25 I am happy with them. Going to send them out with a getting ready for your trip letter about a month before the wedding. The vendor was really nice, let me decide how many of each colour I wanted (mostly orange and blue for me) and they always got back to me quickly. Enjoy!
  19. wooohooo! Looks fantastic,really looking forward to it. Thank you for creating such a great space for all of us.
  20. Sweet I love them! Sending you a pm, see how sending them to Canada could work out
  21. Not sure if this is out of your price range, but I found this shop and they have nice ones for about $1. I am just waiting for them to re-stock their orange and I'll be ordering from them. Luggage Tag Name Tag Crafts Leather items - Get great deals on Yellow Neon Luggage Tags items on eBay Stores!
  22. Thread for recommended photographers in Punta Cana http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...raphers-61466/
  23. One other thread I found in here, some nice wedding pictures... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...-2011-a-56765/
  24. Thread with some nice pictures of the resort http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...c-heavy-57564/
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