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Everything posted by momichele

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by taylorwd OMG that is so awesome!! I can't think of a better way to have a second ceremony. For our legal ceremony, we're going to the JP on April 1st. April Fool's Day seemed like an appropriate day to us! Those in our family who have asked know that we'll be going to a JP and that Mexico isn't our legal ceremony. We're putting so much into the Mexico ceremony (we've asked my brother to officiate in Mexico and we're writing the ceremony ourselves, for example), and we're putting nothing into our legal ceremony. So, our families have been okay with it thus far. We're treating Mexico like it is our legal ceremony; it's the one with meaning in our books. However, no one knows when we're actually going to the JP. That's our little secret I love that your legal ceremony will be on April Fool's. My FI spoke with his mom and she was fine with just her and my mom coming to the ceremony before hand. Wow-that was an easy conversation.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by erinandbrent2010 Hi Girls-I'm Erin and I'm getting married at Azul Sensatori May 14th 2010. I've been reading some of the posts on here and it's been very helpful. I do have a question about what everyone is doing with decorating the gazebo. It's pretty expensive to buy those colored sheets. Is anyone bringing that from home? Also-bridesmaid boquets. I have seen that some people make silk boquets to match the 'real' brides boquet and bring those. Any thoughts? -Erin Welcome Erin. I am actually starting to think about the decoration for the gazebo. Not sure what I am going to do. I only have my mom as my MOD and I am going to make a her bouquet to match mine.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsVaughn2B I am still gathering pictures from people from the wedding but at least wanted to share this link with you. Of course when I get my link from the photog's I will post it as well. Welcome Wow-You look gorgeous & I love your dress. I can't wait to see the rest of your pictures. what restaurant are the hanging shell shells from? They are so cool.
  4. For all the girls getting married before hand, are you telling your immediate family or not? What are you doing if people ask questions regarding making it legal in Mexico since some couples have problems with the paper work.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Crista-Lee~ We've decided to keep our legal ceremony a complete secret, even from our parents. We want our wedding at the AS to be our wedding and everyone else to look at it that way also. My FI was having a conversation with a coworker who mentioned that they went to DW and the couple had already gotten married, some of the guests we're pretty upset when they found out. I guess you just never know how some people will react. I want to do something fun like a cheesy wedding chapel in Niagara Falls or Las Vegas. My FI just wants to do city hall. I'm still trying to win this argument! I wish now we did keep it quiet but the big question from our parents was if it was going to be Catholic. Originally we were going to go to the Justice of the Peace by ourselves then Mexico. We figure we would get it blessed later once we got back. It was alot and our priest is so cool and said why do all that. I also think my FI mom has told people we are getting married first in the church since she was not for the DW.
  6. Hi Girls I wanted to see what everyone is doing about the wedding ceremony. Who is making it illegal before going down and are you telling your immediate family? My FI & I wanted our marriage recognized by the Catholic Church. Our priest is awesome and said he would marry us before we went to AS. The ceremony will be very simple like getting blessed and going to the Justice of Peace. We are going to invite our moms but are thinking we should invite our siblings. People especially our families, have questioned us about making it legal in Mexico and we have just avoided the answer. What do you girls think and how would you answer your guests questions about making it legal? I feel bad not telling the truth especially to our immediate family.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by lolo Helloo ladies!!! I have a HUSBAND!! I am a married woman....secretly. it was amazing,too many tears LOL We are leaving to mexico in13.5 hrs. Don't know how anyone sleeps the last night. we are having our wedding on wed...I am so excited and a bit better prepared. I know what to expect now. Girls the best advice I can give is stay calm and don't stress out! Eerything will be amazing. Our ceremony today was unorganized,but once we were up holding eachothers hand nothing else mattered!! Talk you girls in 2 weeks......Can;t believe we we finally going!!! Have a great 2 weeks!!! Congrats Mrs. LOL! Have a great time.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Sandra&Mario I'm back from our wedding...it was AMAZING! We ended up purchasing our maracas in Mexico! There were shops right in our resort...$2 for a pair (2). We only had 24 guests so we spent less than $50. They were all white with various designs. We attached a tag that said "Shake for a Kiss". Our guests loved them and shook them all night! They were a great hit and made for a nice souvenir. I suggest not bringing them from home and buying them in Mexico...they're everywhere in every color imaginable! Thanks for the information. I really did not want to carry anything more down with us.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Thank you!! The secret for me was, working out like a mad woman the month before and eating really well. I even did a cleanse too. I brought my MOH/BF with me at the last second which was a great idea, helped me have more fun and my photog also greeted us with 2 double shots of Patron and made sure to continue filling up our wine glasses the whole time. That definitely made it easier! LOL! Yeah... that's the thing with weddings, ask a lot of questions like exactly what things come with in detail, you'd be surprised at what they make you pay for. For example, I'm renting different chairs than the ones that come with the Sky Deck wedding and I obviously want those chairs at my reception so I asked if they could move the to the reception while we're having the cocktail hour... nope, I have to rent a whole NEW set of chairs!! So annoying. HAHA-I was just thinking that we need to start drinking more tequila. I would also need some support.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by jamisoncollette Wedding Planning at MoonstoneWeddings.com has several options. Great site. I have been looking for shoes and I really like a pair on this site. Thanks for sharing
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by renee1811 Okay, after hearing Taylor's story, I'm a little bit worried. If you go to the Karisma hotels website, and click on the weddings, then the private event banquet package, they have completely changed all of the menus, and they are over double/triple what I had been planning on paying (I was using one of the set menus). The reason I was concerned was because I sent in my details sheet last week with the menu on it, and when Tiffany sent it back, she had taken it off. So I resent it to her again, and now I'm just waiting to hear from her. I haven't paid off my balance, so I hope she doesn't tell me that the menus have changed--I really don't think I could afford to have a private reception with the new prices posted.... I also started to panic b/c I saw the price changes and wanted the $14 pp meal for the private event. I called and spoke with my WC today to make sure b/c I knew it would be on my mind all weekend. She confirmed that I still can get the $14 pp meal since I have already started the process. She also sent me an email to confirm this dinner menu. So girls give your WC a call and have them put it in writing for a peace of mind. I actually feel alittle bad for the WC (mine is awesome) b/c it seems that Karisma is consistently changing the rules on them without any notice and they have to be the bearer of bad news to us brides. lolo-have a great time.
  12. Good Luck with everything. Stay positive.
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