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Everything posted by momichele

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Katie~ panic panic panic.... BD shoot is on Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!! keep going through waves of being really excited and then waves of panic...guess which one I'm going through now?! lol and hen night (think you guys call it something else!) is in 3 weeks....can't wait but I can't even remember the last time I got drunk. I'm seriously thinking I need to practice drinking before then or I'm going to be a state before we've even got to the club!! and don't know what to wear!! argh! something else to sort out!! lol HAPPY FRIDAY LADIES!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!! You girls are really making me want to do a BD shoot. I think if I loss a few lbs, I may want to. I have spring break in a few weeks so I am hoping to get a few things done and hit the gym. Thanks for all the great advice on writing our vows.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert Sammy< we did both sand and HAND ceremony. My favvvvv part of ceremony was the hand ceremony! There was not a dry face in the crowd, everyone thought it was soo sweet... We had a family member read it to include her in the ceremony. The whole ceremony total was less than 30mins! Sooo quick. What photographer did you use? Also, what is the hand ceremony? I am hoping to have more time tomorrow to catch up on this thread. I have so much to read.
  3. I am in the process of making my passports. Thanks for the great ideas. I love the photo album idea. Very different
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by meghan We are writing our own vows but I have no idea where to start lol....I guess I should get on this ...any suggestions? I guess I need to start this also. I am excited to write my own vows but I know it will make me stress out. I am really bad at this stuff.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by taylorwd Even if a bride left stuff there they would charge you to use it! That's what we're dealing with at AB. We wanted to use some umbrellas a bride left at the resort for future couples to use. The hotel charges $6 per umbrella plus a $50 hanging fee. While $140 is not much in the grand scheme of things, it's the principle of it that really pisses us off, so we will not be using the umbrellas! That's crazy it is not even AS stuff. I don't blame you, I would not use the umbrellas either.
  6. Is everyone writing their own vows? My dress has come in so I am hoping I can pick up this week. The store is close to my 98 year old grandmom so I would hate to go pick it up and not visit but she goes to bed so early.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by meghan I am buying 2 pieces of fabric, but I was quoted $75 for each piece...this was before christmas though. Some people are bringing their own fabric, however, be careful with this, because they charge you a set up fee which is around $100 dollars. They will not let you set anything up yourself, so if you bring fabric you need to give it to them and pay them to set it up. Thanks for the information. It may not be worth bringing your own. I may just ask for them to set-up a piece of white fabric from the hotel. In a perfect word, the hotel would have a wedding closet with stuff from previous brides for future brides to use. I am sure some of the stuff I am brining down I wont care about returning with and it is only going to be used once. This is my cheap and not wasting mind thinking.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by taylorwd Good luck AmyKH! You're so positive all the time, I think you truly deserve it! Today is the day I officially start tanning! I'm excited b/c I've been waiting for this day for months. Not so much the tanning part but b/c it means we leave for Mexico in exactly 5 weeks!! Has anyone tried the spray on tan yet. My FI niece just did it for a dance and it looked good on her. WOW 5 weeks to go! Time will go so fast.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda Wow 5 weeks! That is motivation to get everything done! Then you can focus on packing and beauty treatments. Speaking of, Lolo must be due back soon, right?? I am in shock b/c I realize I leave in 11 weeks for Mexico! 2 months plus 2 weeks sounds so much longer!!!! And I stepped on the scale this morning and am down a total of 14.2 pounds - which makes my goal 10.8 pounds away! That is so motivating!!! Quote: Originally Posted by taylorwd Hey ladies, what's your Something Blue? I'm struggling with this one. I'm not wearing a garter so I can't fall back on that one. My dress is too form-fitting and it would show through the material (silk). 14.2 lbs is great. You are more then half way there. Keep up the hard work. I wasn't planning on wearing a garter either but I have not thought that far ahead about something blue. Maybe you can put something small in your flowers.
  10. momichele

    First Post

    Welcome and congrats
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Crista-Lee~ Alright ladies... Groomzilla struck again!! This time it's on the timing of the invitations... We are 8 months out, I was hoping to have them in the mail by end of March, early April. FI thinks I am way behind on this... But is 6 months out not the norm? Even then, I'm a month ahead.... He doesn't see it this way. I'm trying to calm the Virgo Groomzilla... How far out did everyone else do them? I think it is whatever you feel comfortable with your situation since all of our wedding details are different. We got engaged in the later part of Nov and decided on AS by the middle of December. We emailed and contacted as many people as possible. This was our STD. By the time the invites were done and sent out it was the middle of Feb. I wish I could of given my guests more time but the way it worked out was fine. Hope this helps.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart OMG!!!! My photog contacted the software company to see if they could recover my comments and he just wrote me and he got all my changes back!!!! WAAAHOOOO!!! Oh I'm such a lucky kid... thank you all for the support! I was seriously down for a bit! I am so glad everything worked out for you.
  13. Michele's to do: 1.) Finish center pieces 2.) Pick up dress 3.) order shoes 4.) figure out what to wear under my dress 5.) still lose 10 lbs. - I need to get my a** moving
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsVaughn2B Hey girls i am starting catch up on the thread. Sorry I have been so MIA. Wanted to share some really amazing photos with you from our photogs's. Jason & Andrea: The Polaroids Hawes Photography Blog Those picture are AMAZING. I love vintage photos.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by egsarah We're looking at doing this too but may have waited too long. My ring is a special order and won't be here till the end of November <eek..waaaaaay too close for comfort for me!>> Anyways this site had a TON of ideas...there were actually quite a few that I liked. Favorite Wedding Band Engravings Thanks-Great site
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