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Everything posted by michelle10

  1. I think I'm getting married there too! I would love to share info with you!
  2. I would love to get photos too! Can someone PM me, and I will send them my email address? THANKS!
  3. I've been told that the beach at the Iberostar is one of the best in the MoBay area.
  4. We are getting married in January, but won't have our AHR until late spring or early summer ....weather is too unpredictable in Minnesota in Jan! Any tips on how/when to send out the AHR invites?
  5. I've read a lot about people doing luggge tags. Are you going to print off an insert for the luggage tag, or what are people doing with them? I'm not the creative type at all so I'm having a hard time visualizing!
  6. I was able to get a policy through my auto insurer (State Farm) for a very reasonable price and excellent coverage.
  7. Totally laughing at myself right now! I did my first triathlon in Hawaii, so when I think Hawaii, I think about running, swimming and biking. When I saw your post about 5K, I automatically assumed you were running a 5K as part of your wedding, and I thought that was really cool! okay, so I'm a little nuts right now! What part of Hawaii do you want to go to?
  8. So proud of myself.....already down to the weight I want to be for the wedding, and conitnuing to hit the gym every day! Trying to figure out how far in advance I should start my microderm....need to get my skin cleared up. Does anybody know of good skin treatments for the rest of your body? I tend to break out on my arms and back, and I can't have that in a sexy wedding dress!!!
  9. I think I am going to take a leap and try this too. I have read a lot of feedback on eBay, and people seem to be really happy. I will look for Landy. Thanks so much to everyone that has posted an opinion here. It really helps!
  10. Thanks for the warning! So glad to have a place like BDW to check all this stuff out with real people. You never really know who wrote reviews that you see on-line!
  11. I'm getting married Jan 2011 in Jamaica. We are looking at the Riu in MoBay and the Iberostar. I like the wedding packages better at the Iberostar. I've also been told that the Riu is not flexible at all with their packages, so you need to make sure that you don't want to make any changes to them. A friend of mine just got back from a wedding at the Riu and said it was absolutely beautiful.
  12. We haven't started looking at attire for my FI yet (me first!! haha), but this is a great option. Thanks for sharing!
  13. This is awesome! Do you think your mom could create some directions for those of us that are creatively challenged I would love to do some of these DIY projects, but I just really have no idea of how to do them!
  14. OMG! I can't believe everything that you did for your guests. Is this typical
  15. OK...I will sit tight. Guess I'm a little over eager to plan! I'm a project manager and work in financial services (read type A personality and fast paced environment)....money doesn't rest for the holidays. I forget that "normal" people spend time with their families! haha
  16. Hello! Several of you had recommended that I contact the BDW TAs for assistance. I submitted a form first thing yesterday morning, but haven't heard back from them. I don't want to pester them, so just curious if anyboyd know how quick their response time is typically. Not sure if I should reach out again. thanks!
  17. when it comes to weddings, you just have to let things go. Don't stress over the little stuff or you will only remember the stress of the day! Relax and enjoy!
  18. Go to any scrapbooking/craft store and they should be able to help you find exactly what you need. Essentially a corner rounder is exactly what it's called .... it rounds the corner of something that was at an angle.
  19. I agree with the others. ..your wedding, do what you want! My FMIL isn't happy about the beach wedding since its not in a church. I told my FI that she's already had 2 weddings of her own ...this ones ours and we make the plans. He agreed!
  20. I am so impressed with your work!! Your dress will be gorgeous! Where did you find your wedding "logo"? We are thinking of Jamaica too.
  21. This is the dress I am considering. I think it is sexy, but classy! Love the back!
  22. thanks girls! I used Vista Print for my business cards, and was happy with them. I will probably use them for my STDs
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