Hello Friends!
I know many brides here felt the same way but why are people so rude? My FI & I got engaged during Thanksgiving weekend on a cruise & waaay before we got engaged we always said we wanted a destination wedding. It doesn't necessarily have to be in the Caribbean but we definitely DO NOT want it here in NYC. My friends are totally for the destination wedding (well at least that's what they led me to believe), my mother & FI parents loves the idea. But other family members are totally throwing all their negative comments & telling me where, how & when I should do my wedding. Let me give you a brief bio on the FI & myself... we are very very private people. We do not let people get into our business. We have a very small circle of close friends. So to have family members who we do not interact with in THAT level tell us how we should do our wedding is pretty much rude. I've never needed anyone to help me guide my life. Im the only child (nope..never been spoiled. I had to EARN everything I got from my parents..lol) & I've always been a self-thinker & goal getter. No one never had to tell me, you have to go to college & get a good career or had to school me on relationships. So why now after 32 years is anyone telling me how to run things. As soon as I told family members that we were getting engaged & said it won't be in NY..there it went..well NO ONE IS GOING TO COME. Well, as far as we're concern You don't have to. No one is obligated to come. These are the same people who has screwed up kids that they can't regulate but TRYING to regulate me & rain on my parade..UMM I think not! Honestly, I don't except alot of people to come to my wedding especially from my father's side. My father passed away about 7 years ago. When he was alive they called to talk to him & after he passed away they don't call us at all. Not even for the holidays. My mother & I try to keep the communication line open but why continue that if its not reciprocated. MY FI sister just told her mother that she don't think she will be able to afford to come. What I don't understand is she makes a six figure salary, always traveling, buying luxury item this & that & brought her 7 year old a cell phone for Christmas. But you can't afford it? Are you serious? I think 11 months is enough time to save up a least $100 a month (not saying that it would be that much but you get me right?).
I would NEVER tell someone how to have their wedding. I have a very close girlfriend of mines whose also one of my bridesmaids whose getting married in August & she was stressing that the guest list was getting too big. I just told her maybe she should really look it over again & eliminate people that aren't that close. There was also one point where she was worried cause I after she booked her site people was saying that the place is ugly & the food sucks. HOW RUDE IS THAT??!! My job hold their Christmas party at that location every year & the place is lovely & the food is great. I told her those people are called HATERS & pay them no mine.
Honestly, if I were to have in NY, I would still invite the same amount of people about...30-40. There would be no additional people added. This has nothing to do about money cause if I was loaded I would still want it to be same. I do not believe a wedding should be a big production just so people can see a show. Its about my FI & I & the MOST important people in our lives to share it with.
After all is said & done I know people are going to say... she's such an 'ITCH' but those are the exact people that are being negative anyways so that is expected. But I am getting to point that I want to share quiet of few nasty words with the haters.
Thoughts? How can I kindly say, don't f'ing come & keep your negative vibe to yourself! Or excuse me but are you paying for my wedding in anyway? How about you pay the whole wedding cost to have it in NY & I would go off elsewhere & do it the way I want it? LOL