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Everything posted by ktnicole

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by aprilmay When are the damn flight schedules coming out for November!!!! Totally agreed!! I want to be getting flights booked!! GAH! We choose DW bc of family. I don't have a lot, and the relationship with my mother is non existant. It was a lot easier to do it this way. Right now working on making my STDs for AHR on vistaprint.
  2. The rhymes are cute but I think I like yours to kRama, good job = )
  3. Let me know what you all think- too plain? font stupid looking? what about using the 2 types of font.. Thanks for your help!! Sorry I'm not sure how to make it bigger
  4. got mine today!! look great thank you again!
  5. THANK YOU again for getting these for us!! Cant wait to see em
  6. What material is the solid pashminas made of?
  7. You can contact your bank if you used a bank card and let them know you need to dispute the charge. I use www.creditkarma.com, its free (you never put in any info to be charged) and it gives an actual score- I just keep in mind that its probably just an estimate but its close enough that you have an idea. plus they have some nifty things to play with to see if a situation would make your score go up or down (ie close a card thats been open for a long time)
  8. I was going to have my friend and moh honor do our TTD pics. Shes creative and likes to take pictures. But it ended up working out that I got a engagement session with my photography package and I can't make it down to FL for that so she is going to do my TTD instead. Find someone with a little creative eye, and collect pics to recreate!
  9. thank you for posting all of this, i LOVE IT!! all of it!!! Where did you purchase the plant thingy (forgot the name) for your centerpiece? I love the natural look btw.
  10. I have been in this same situation. We decided to have a DW but couldn't afford for everyone we wanted to come to get passports. We then choose FL (live in Missouri) and we are extremely pleased with our decision. FI had a lot of family that assumed they would be invited. We just had to tell them sorry, we will be having an AHR for everyone but really only want immediate family there with us. They eventually got the picture.. hope that helps!
  11. Have you found anything yet? Hope it works out
  12. My FI was adament about blue being in the wedding too- I tried to do purple and gray. But yeah I figured I would let him have his way at some point and time = ) We are doing a TTD session- I am just going to wear my dress. If it gets ruined then fine! But I have read a lot of peoples dresses coming out cleaner!!
  13. Glad to get a good response on this! As for my plans- we are having a small wedding too, and have reserved a house in Siesta Key right by the beach to stay in for the week. I find my officiant and actually won a photography package. Pretty exciting! She has had the contest for the past 3 years and does a great job. I'm not sending out STDs for our wedding but will need to this summer for our AHR. We are wanting to have a New Years Eve reception- mostly because we can have a big fun party and no awkward reception without the wedding. I need to find an alter/chuppa for the beach, chair rentals, DIY some stuff and order grooms suit. Our colors are gray and shades of blue. I got a great deal on my dress its sweetheart cut, strapless, full lace and mermaid style. I LOVE IT!! Still lots to do!
  14. Still in the process- just waiting on the brooch I order to arrive. Let me know what you think so far!
  15. Any November 2010 brides out there? I am getting married in Siesta Key FL on November 6th. How about you??
  16. I couldn't attach a picture but if you google the olympic bouquet you'll see what I mean
  17. I can't believe the bottoms are exposed- I can see the wire in the middle! eek! I would take them apart, new leaves (try Hobby Lobby or Michaels) Maybe something like the bouquets the Olympic winners have had. The big banana?? leaves or whatever they are called. Fold them like that, rewrap the stems. Either wrap all the way down or dip the ends in some wax or something = ) I think you can save em! Or atleast try if she isnt going to help you!
  18. ouch!! Thats crazy! Haven't had anything happen like that, but I hope it all works out for you.
  19. I too am a DIY'er. I don't the funds to hire someone else! = ) I haven't gotten as far as I would hope but so far we gutted the bathroom down to the floor joists. replaced the subfloor, tiled the floor and the shower. Having trouble getting the molding done, its a pain in the butt. The rest has been mostly painting, replaced a couple of doors. New front porch. Looking forward to doing more as time goes and funds come along
  20. I will either meet my FI halfway or have him meet me and walk with me. My parents don't speak with me either = ) gotta love family right?!
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