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Everything posted by moonpalacebride

  1. There's nothing like a group of like-minded people to help you reach your goals! I'm a personal trainer and nutrition coach, so if you ever need any tips or quick workout ideas let me know, I have TONS of ideas.
  2. Wow great blog!! I LOVE that dress, I'm going shorter also. It's custom so I don't have any pics yet. I gotta say, I was definitely under the impression that you meant 2010, and I was thinking you're pretty insane but brave hahaha! Silly me! My family is all over Canada also, so that's why we chose to do a DW as well. They'd have to pay to come to our hometown anyways, why not pay a little bit more and have some fun in the sun and sand!! Keep up your great work, I'll be watching to see what other great ideas you come up with!
  3. So I have a question about the birdcage veil. I've seen them at all different lengths, and am wondering if the groom flips this veil like a traditional one when you have your first smooch?? I feel like this'd take some practice, as the veil is much more structured!
  4. Yes we've decided to send out a quick reminder, and I'll bring some extra wedding favours for the guests who come from the other resort to our ceremony, but no OOT bags! Thanks ladies!
  5. Hey Abby! Congrats on the engagement, how's it coming so far?
  6. You can totally do it, just keep on top of everything and make that dress your #1 priority!!! Congrats!
  7. Hey guys, don't forget that calories aren't your only enemy when it comes to alcohol. Alcohol creates something called acetate, which when in your bloodstream becomes your body's first choice of fuel. That's before carbs, proteins and fats! That means you'll never use fat as a fuel, always the booze..... Just keep that in mind if your main goal is weight loss. Otherwise, drink up!
  8. Awesome awesome stuff! Thanks for sharing, you did a great job!
  9. 13 years! Well you guys know for sure that this is what you want hey?? Congrats! Happy planning
  10. Congrats on your engagement Sam! Just search the forums for wedding checklists, that can help you get a better idea of everything you need to do... Have fun planning, you'll be sooo happy to have found this forum, I know I am!!
  11. Congrats on such a beautiful wedding, I LOVE that lounge furniture!
  12. That's awesome you finally heard from them, mine's now on holidays until next week at some point. Question to you ladies, are you doing your legal stuff at home or doing it down in Mexico? We're doing a symbolic ceremony, and I'm contemplating have a family member officiate for us. I haven't asked if this is acceptable, do any of you know if it's ok?
  13. 4imprint Canada Promotional Products, Promotional Items, Advertising Specialties and Imprinted Promotional Products will do any logo that you like, check them out!
  14. I just played with Powerpoint until I got something I liked. If you haven't used powerpoint, you can google whatever effect you want to do and you'll find step by step instructions quite easily. Hopefully that works for you!
  15. I also found some reasonable men's stuff at Studiosuits.com, Custom Suits | Designer Suits.
  16. It's absolutely rediculous!! Apparently he's still seeing one of them!!!!!!! What a LOSER. Aren't they calling him "Cheatah" Woods these days??
  17. I fully agree with you, and if it ends up feeling like they are "stealing your thunder" just remember that it's fully up to you what you want to do, and their reviews/opinions aren't that important. They could be helpful but just make your own decisions based on what you want! Remind the FI and your mom of this, and hopefully they'll see that it's not that big of a deal! You don't need any more stress on your big day, so don't let it bug you
  18. Hey Kelly! I have a small wedding party, but to make things easier I plan on ordering the men's stuff from studiosuits.com all at once, and the ladies have been sent swatches of the colour they need to go for. I'm expecting pics beforehand so I can make sure they're correct! If all else fails I'll get the style they like and pick them out myself. I guess you figured out that I'm paying for their outfits (there's only a couple BM and 1 GM).
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