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Everything posted by moonpalacebride

  1. So did you guys watch BL last night? Hooooly crap those guys really need Jillian and Bob to help them gain control over their lives! I notice that none of you responded to my challenge, anyone doing those pushups or what? Come on, do 'em!!!
  2. Congrats on getting married! I'm also at Moon Palace! Have fun planning!
  3. Very nice! Similar to my FI's band, and I got it on Ebay also. I got both our wedding bands on Ebay as a matter of fact! I'm getting them appraised this weekend, so they better be worth what they said! If not, they look beautiful so that's all that matters (and also not having my finger turn green would be another bonus)!
  4. Yeah I really don't know how I'm going to tell my Dad either... I think that's my biggest dilemma of this whole wedding planning adventure yet!
  5. Oh, and a challenge to all of you ladies: 15 pushups every day this week! They can be modified, but do them! Tone those arms baby!!!
  6. mmmm Lindor chocolates.......!!! Your will power is stronger than mine, that's for sure! All it takes is one taste for me and I go off the wagon big time! I have to keep completely away from that stuff until my blood sugar is back to normal (not having sugar cravings) and then I can gradually allow a cheat here and there. So I don't necessarily have all that much weight that I want to lose before the wedding, but I'm doing a BD shoot at the end of January and I want to be super toned! I'm not going to enter the contest but I'm still going to bug you guys
  7. Hey ladies! So as you can see by the title of this thread, I'm having a hard time figuring out how to have both my Dad and Stepdad walk me down the aisle. Stepdad basically raised me, but my Dad has always been a big part of my life and I want to include them both. I toyed with the option of having neither, but it seems wrong! Should they both walk me, one on each side? I really don't know how to tell my Dad about this either, I'm sure he assumes he'll be walking me.... Any input is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!!!
  8. I think if you do a search you'll come up with some awesome hairstyle advice. I know that the knot has a ton of photos!
  9. Yes Rainfall, these girls said it right. Don't even worry about anyone else in the class because everyone's always focused on themselves and won't worry about what you're doing. Go at your own pace, and definitely let your instructor know so you can make sure the bike is set up appropriately! A good instructor will make sure to prepare you .
  10. You guys started off strong with the weight loss, good job! I forgot to mention Healthy Recipes and Recipe Calculator From SparkRecipes.com, where you can input your own recipes and calculate the calories. I use it all the time!
  11. I always suggest fitday.com to my clients! It's good because it breaks down your macronutrients (proteins, fats, carbs) so you can see how much of each you're eating. The only thing is that you have to input a lot of your own foods in and it can be quite time consuming. I get people to use that site along with sparkpeople.com and calorieking.com. Between all of those you should be able to figure out your food values pretty easily! Fitday's cool too because you can make charts and track your weightloss, inch loss, etc. and there's a journal option. Sparkpeople.com might also have those options but I haven't looked into that one very deeply. Happy New Years everyone!!!!!!! I spent my night playing Just Dance on the Wii with my sister and FI, it was a blast! I sweat A LOT last night, I recommend getting that game for some hilarious exercise!
  12. Oh my goodness am I a bonehead or what? I totally didn't even realize that someone else already posted about this, AND I commented on it!!!! Wow I definitely went post reading crazy when I joined this site and didn't bookmark anything! Sorry Taghan! Can a mod delete or merge this please??
  13. Have you heard of the universal contour wrap? I'm a personal trainer and a nutrition coach, so I'm totally not about quick fixes, but my mom tried it and it worked amazingly for her. It's a natural sea clay mask that tones and detoxifies your skin. You get all bundled up for an hour, and while you're getting the treatment most spas usually give you a facial as well. This isn't dehydration or anything stupid like that. You can find tons of amazing reviews about it online. I think it's like $250 but they guarantee you'll lose a combination of 6" inches all over your body and you'll keep it off for 30 days. Kiss and Makeup had good things to say about it: Kiss And Makeup: Salon Treatment Review: The Universal Contour Wrap No I'm not a saleswoman and like I said, I'm not into gimmicky stuff to lose weight, but if you're really panicking then you could look into it!
  14. That's so sweet Chrissytina! So I have a confession... I was playing around in the vbPlaza, and was wondering how I could go about getting more points, found the thief option and attempted to steal some from a bride who hasn't been on here in over a year. I was unsuccessful and now I have to start alll over! I learnt my lesson, don't worry I won't be trying to do that ever again!!!!
  15. Here's pretty much all their thongs on the Canadian Zappos site: Buy Shoes and Handbags - Canada.Zappos.com - Thongs Dress Sandals You can filter the results by price at the top. Hope that helps!
  16. Hey Tammy, For the life of me I can't access the arcade! That link isn't working for me, do you have to have a certain amount of points to get to play? Thanks!
  17. Any way you could wedge them into a sz9? Womens NEW JUICY COUTURE Frankie Off White 9 Sandals on eBay.ca (item 140371056106 end time 30-Jan-10 10:20:01 EST)
  18. OMG I love these! I'm making them for sure! Thanks to all of you wonderful ladies who contributed!!!! These will look awesome at my AHR!
  19. Very reasonable! I've been trying to find something similarly priced plumerias, but have had no luck at all . Most bouquet makers that I've found say that the plumerias are more expensive than any of the other real touch flowers for some reason! So you must be using what the resort provides for you then?
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