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julie channon

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Everything posted by julie channon

  1. Hi Just wanted to say I'm honoured you've cut and pasted my Secrets Maroma review! Interesting you had a similar experience with the photographer - they were seriously cheaky - tempting you by showing you the rest of the photos then telling you how much they want extra. Anyway we did some great haggling and managed to get a total of 1200 photos for about £700.00 which was a result! If you would like to see a few of my wedding pictures you can go to 'photobucket' username - babydell280, password - 3pmpinacolada. Kind regards x
  2. julie channon


    Just wanted to say HI. Im getting married at Secrets Maroma Beach in Mexico on the 15/04/2010. Any tips/ advice gratefully received!! LOL x
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