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Everything posted by sungoddess_08

  1. Agreeed!!! The review can wait! One month for me!!!! so excited... I just wanted to thank all the brides who were married -- I thought this thread would be DEAD after your weddings, and I really appreciate (as I'm sure the others do as well) you coming and checking/giving us answers!! I don't know what I would do without you all! It's so nice to hear stories, and have an idea of what to expect!! Just wanted to thank you!
  2. FI and I are having company this weekend -- and we're headed out to a patio by the water for some drinks!
  3. love wine samples at the liquor store? lol
  4. I agree -- I would never choose to go around spring break, as a lot of people take vacation there -- but it depends on what you are looking for. I like quiet and when places aren't overly busy, but if you like a "happening" place lol..I'm sure there will be lots going on! Those who just got back -- I wanted to ask about the rooms. I guess the standard rooms are the "deluxe" rooms, so those who stayed in the Punta Cana section, were there jacuzzis in the room (like the pictures)?
  5. Welcome Jerzshortstuff and congrats! Carribbeanlover is AMAZING at giving answers -- she's been my go-to person up to this point! lol..Also, I have heard of that -- but I am confident your surgery will go smoothly and get you all better! The ROV Ceremony is just renewal of the vows...I am doing that in 1 month. You can have the ceremony on the beach, and as mentioned there is a semi private reception! DEH83 I'm interested to know what time your ceremony was (sorry if you alreayd answered). I want to have ours at 6 - It's currently 5:00, but I really only care about having our dinner as late as posisble (8 is perfect!!) I just want to know what to do between that time...drinks at the location, dancing I guess...but I don't know if it will fill up 2 hours! Anwyays, love to hear how your timeline went! I forget who is leaving soon -- but I am so excited for you! Are you all packed? lol..Carribbeanlover and I think alike. P.s. I'm still jobless so I'm home bored too -- luckily I have lots to think about, but I don't want to be an unemployed newlywed! lol
  6. So I have to boost my own ego here -- after I watched the previews I was talking to my FI before it started and I was trying to figure out who the shooter was/who gets shot -- AND I TOTALLY CALLED WHO THE SHOOTER WAS!! haha, I was like...they brought him back for a random episode, it's got to be him. I was pretty proud of myself (even thoguh others may have suspected too!) It was a CRAZY episode -- I bite my nails the whole time! Soo good...and I want Lexie to get over Alex and back with Sloan. Hmm...Christina and Owen can stay broken up, that's fine. I'm dissapointed about Meredith, hopefully they try again!
  7. I am almost packed haha, without being packed -- if that makes sense. I have things like "hung together" in my closet, and all of my wedding accessories/bathing suits together in a bag! lol.. I'm just waiting....patiently. I know it will come fast, but I want it to come now. I realized today we are getting legally married in 2 weeks! omg. I didn't know about your surgery...did you find out once you got back? That's good that there's no planing though, you don't need the stress!!
  8. May 20 @ 9:33am - Enjoying my time off, but stressing that I need a job soon! (but no one will hire me once I tell them I will be away for my wedding in 2 weeks!! bah)
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