Welcome Jerzshortstuff and congrats!
Carribbeanlover is AMAZING at giving answers -- she's been my go-to person up to this point! lol..Also, I have heard of that -- but I am confident your surgery will go smoothly and get you all better!
The ROV Ceremony is just renewal of the vows...I am doing that in 1 month. You can have the ceremony on the beach, and as mentioned there is a semi private reception!
DEH83 I'm interested to know what time your ceremony was (sorry if you alreayd answered). I want to have ours at 6 - It's currently 5:00, but I really only care about having our dinner as late as posisble (8 is perfect!!) I just want to know what to do between that time...drinks at the location, dancing I guess...but I don't know if it will fill up 2 hours! Anwyays, love to hear how your timeline went!
I forget who is leaving soon -- but I am so excited for you! Are you all packed? lol..Carribbeanlover and I think alike.
P.s. I'm still jobless so I'm home bored too -- luckily I have lots to think about, but I don't want to be an unemployed newlywed! lol