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Everything posted by sungoddess_08

  1. FI's sister is a real estate agent in the west island!!!! I would totally recommend talking to her when you are ready! Unless you know someone, but she's super nice! That's so exciting - I can't wait until we are ready to buy a house! I want more space!!!!! lol. I can't wait to hear all about it. Once we are all married this should turn into a "house buying" thread! When is your AHR Carribbeanlover?
  2. Ugh!! That is so frustrating -- it seems like such a hassle and I hope you get a straight answer soon!! holy cow. Yes...I'm not blessed in that department area, (a also) sooo tape will be needed! lol...! Well tomororw is also my graduation from teachers college, so we are having the legal ceremony in the morning, going out for lunch to celebrate (with my parents - our witnesses) and then going to my grad! woot! full day! very excited! House - so exciting! when/where are you looking?
  3. prices for vacation packages - frustrating
  4. Well these are the gel ones though -- like not fabric, so I can't sew them in. But they stay in the cups that already exist in the dress ('I'm just worried if I start dancing they will fall out or move around or somethign lol)
  5. Thanks for the nice dress comments!! I am so stoked! I keep looking at it, but have to restrain myself. I bought like those gel cups to put in the dress, but I'm wondering how I am going to make them stick -- haha does anyone know where I can get double sided tape, or what did you guys do (if anything) I lost weight since January, but unfortunately it is ALL in my chest...so yeah, this is a last minute back up plan. Our legal day is tomorrow!! I am so excited, we are playing it down, no rings, no vows...etc., just a brief word by the man and then the "I wills" and signing! But, tomorrow I will be a Mrs!!! I'm so excited/nervous! haha.
  6. Hi!! Thanks! Yes, I will be using it for my TTD also! I got a really good deal - it was a knock off, but I was at a bridal store and saw the same one for 1140!!!! So I saved 1000! lol...and the quality, was ACTUALLY the same!! I was happy...so I'll stick with that for both. Our TTD is 2 days later at Dreams! I'm so excited - how long was yours? We only have an hour, but it should be fine -- and we added another hour to our ceremony (so 3 now instead of 2!) It will be less rushed! Carolina emailed me today -- SHE' BACCK!! she wants my guest names, do you know why? I sent them but I'm just curious! p.s. thanks about the bed comforter haha - it's so hard to take pics of yourself! all awkward and stuff!
  7. I can post my dress-- but I'm not sure how to do it! lol on here! I went and bought some honeymoon lingerie last night, lol...and I too am thikning about packing just to make sure it all fits!
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