You have lots of time -- if she confirmed that date, she will give you that date! She's amazing thus far -- I'm lucky, I guess because my wedding is getting closer (WE LEAVE IN 2 WEEKS!! ahh) but she has been emailing me back pretty quickly.
It's true -- people will be involved in many ways, good or bad. lol..I didn't get my dress until 6 months before so you can start looking whenever - don't feel pressure because it just sits there anyways! lol and will drive you crazy! PLUS -- don't let people stress you out, a seamstress will do the job with 10 months notice, or 1 week notice! (not that you will leave it that late, but you know what I mean).
I hate tripadvisor - people write terrible reviews, and their reasons are silly. I'm ignoring it until we leave lol