Exactly! It's hard not to take it personally, especially when I am giving like 6 months notice (we're getting married at the end of June), and people still can't save. Even though I can't afford it, I would definately start saving now or do what I had to do to get to one of my friends weddings. But, I guess you realize who your true friends are!! that is awful about your fiance's friend who went in November! That is so sad, and not very nice.
That being said, we have a few of my fiance's friends who are bringing girlfriends that I have never met, haha so I find it kind of weird that it will be the first time I meet them at my wedding! Oh well.
I still have not gotten a dress! And I have not finalized the date with Kenia (or Carolina), so getting antsy that we have not booked anything! ahhh!!