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Everything posted by sungoddess_08

  1. Well, it may have cost a little more but at least you are in!!! Wooo!! for two weeks!! That's great. You must be so excited!!! So what day is your actual wedding on again?
  2. We are getting married at the Grand Palladium Punta Cana the week of June 22-29 and going to Dreams Palm Beach for our honeymoon for a week. Has anyone worked with the resort photographer? I want to see if I can set up a TTD session. Also, if anyone has had their honeymoon at Dreams PB I would love to hear all about it!
  3. I like the second one better, for the same reason you listed above!! they will always remember it was your wedding, so the bag is just a nice extra and the saying is perfect!
  4. Awww, I'm so sorry to hear that!!!! That is so upsetting, but Carribeanlover is right guests can continue to check online to see what prices they have. Don't worry about that, but it is unfortunate that they can't go through your travel agent and you can't receive the free trip. BUT...on the bright side, my TA is brutal and not doing anything for us anyways, so I threatened to have everyone book online to my FI. But, keep your head up and maybe things will change...and again, don't worry about people not being able to book because they can go online! Keep us posted on any updates!
  5. Well I've heard the same about Dreams Palm Beach for Weddings, but we know a few people who have stayed there and said everything was great! It's got a good reputation, and the pictures look nice! I'll just be happy to not have to run into my future mother in law for the week! haha. Rick York is not free, he costs 300, however as we are just getting the Renewal of the Vows for 650, the 300 extra is still less than the least expensive wedding package. I would be interested in hearing about the Symbolic Ceremonies more to see if we could save money that way also - however for some reason I do not think they include dinner for the guests, but I could be wrong. If you find out, let me know! The cheapest we could find is the ROV for 650 + Rick for 300. I am stressing about photographers, I just emailed that Julu and he emailed back telling me that's fine and to contact him when I get to Punta Cana, but I am trying to figure out prices for the two sessions I want and do not want to wait until I get there. My FI just booked, so I am really stressed now with all the details and trying to get it all sorted out. The resort confirmed our date, but will not give me a time, which I need to book Rick. haha sorry...I just got going.
  6. p.s. carribeanlover -- definately add the extra week!!!! lol, we are doing the symbolic ceremony!!! I am getting Rick York and he said he will bring a piece of paper for us to sign so none of our guests will know!!
  7. Great info! I was trying to write down the prices and figure it all out. Regarding the photographer, is there somewhere I can go to to look at the full list of prices? Your price was for the platinum package? Are there smaller ones? We are switching to Dreams Palm Beach for the second week (as I mentioned before), so do you think I should contact their photographer to see if they can do a TTD session?
  8. Great!! thanks for the info!! After spending the last 3 days with her though, my FI has decided that transferreing to Dreams Punta Cana is a much better idea for the second week!! No complaints here!! lol
  9. Wow! Thanks for the information!!! I'm so glad to hear about the Royal Suites - we were going to book ahead of time and upgrade, so you think we should wait? I am so confused, because the FI mom is going to be overlapping on our second week, so we thought at least the upgrade (that is exclusive to other guests at the 3 resorts) would separate us a bit, while also letting us go meet them for dinner a night or two. What do you think we should do in that case? Also - the resort photographer would be fine, do you know how I can contact them? I want to know if we can have a trash the dress session a day or two later also ( as well as the ceremony).! Thanks ago!! Very helpful! and Great pics (who did you go with again? photosouvenir?)
  10. I am wondering about getting a photographer - I know we want one, but I am not sure if we will be able to afford the cost of both the photographer for the ceremony AND the trash the dress... Can anyone offer suggestions on this or let me know what you did? Also, did anyone do their TTD later in the week? Our guests are leaving the day after our wedding, so I do not want to be busy doing the photos during that time, I was hoping for maybe the day after or somethign.
  11. That's great! We just have our confirmed date of June 29, 2010 -- they said they would be unable to confirm a time until we arrrive, but we are asking Rick York to come and perform our symbolic ceremony, and I need to book him for a certain time. So I am unsure what to do. I hope the weather will be good too!! I am going all the way there to have the ceremony on the beach...with my toes in the sand also!! When is your wedding?
  12. That's great! We just have our confirmed date of June 29, 2010 -- they said they would be unable to confirm a time until we arrrive, but we are asking Rick York to come and perform our symbolic ceremony, and I need to book him for a certain time. So I am unsure what to do. I hope the weather will be good too!! I am going all the way there to have the ceremony on the beach...with my toes in the sand also!! When is your wedding?
  13. It does make sense!! My parents are paying for my FI and I go to for the whole 2 weeks, so I would NEVER ask them to pay for my sister and her son. My sister may be struggling, but she knew it was coming and as you said, could have budgeted accordingly. I am sorry to hear about your FI family, that is not nice, but good for him for standing up to them. My mom told me last night that of course it is awful, but try not to focus on it and maybe she will come around closer to the date, but if not, oh well...the people who want to be there, will be. And that's all that matters. How many people are in your group? It is mostly people on my FI side (family and friends), I didn't invite too many friends because I did not want to put them in an awkward position, and it is just my parents coming now. So I'm happy at this point. But still wish we had a big group to share the day with!
  14. Hi there!! I wanted it on a Sunday also but the Grand Palladium does not do weddings on Sundays! I hope you find one that does! Good luck.
  15. Good luck!! there are so many to choose from! But try not to get distracted, and just remember that it's your wedding day --- and no matter where you are, what package they have, what time it's at, it will be perfect!!
  16. Thanks for the support!!! I'm just angry, and feel like they should just be there -- it's family after all. It wouldn't be a question of me missing their wedding. My fiance and dad both tell me it's their loss. I guess they are right. Did you call after your lunch to see if you can add the extra week?
  17. I need to vent - so I called my parents to let them know about the date and to tell them we would be putting the deposit down for everyone today or tomorrow. My dad hesitated and then told me that my sister was humming and hawing over the price. She called me an hour ago to tell me she can't afford to come. I am SO hurt and don't know what to do....I can't believe she would do this, she is a single mom but I looked for resorts where children had a special rate. She's known for over a year that we were doing this, and backed out before but then changed her mind after she thoguht about it. My dad also warned me that my brother is doing the same thing -- so to prepare that he may not come either. I was expecting that because he lives out west and cannot afford to get home, plus he is starting a new job. But my sister...she was my MOH...I am SOOO hurt and can't believe this is happening. Plus, I need to see her at my parents for Christmas, I do not even feel like going anymore. I can't stop crying Sorry, I had to vent because I do not know what to do.
  18. Ohh to add the extra week it's only a few hundred more each!! Such a good deal!! We weren't sure if we could afford it also - but it was 1293 for one week, and will be around 2000 for the two weeks! That includes the updrade to the Royal Turquesa Suites! I am happy to have the chance to relax after the wedding. The resort confirmed our date of June 28!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited, and frantically trying to contact everyone to tell them deposits will need to be made!! I feel bad that it's RIGHT before Christmas!!
  19. I loved seeing your pictures!!!! I forget - did you stay for one week or two? If one, did you feel like it was enough? I am so excited! June can come right now! lol
  20. Does anyone know how much photosouvenir charges for packages? I would like both TTD and the ceremony. Thanks!
  21. Is anyone getting married in Punta Cana in June 2010? I am hoping to confirm our date of June 28, 2010! So excited!
  22. I love checking in on this!! I am so excited for all of us! We went to pick out wedding bands today!! I am in the process of deciding between 2 dresses, one straight, long with beading around the top (simple), and the other is short with a beaded top. I am unsure, the short one is SO me, but it's my wedding and I'm not sure if I should skip it and go more wedding-like. We are waiting to hear back from the WC about confirming our date of June 28. I am disspointed to have to do it the day before everyone leaves - but the FI mom is not coming until the 26th (the rest of us arrive the 22nd). So that's the only day we could do it. Has anyone had the renewal of the vows? We want our guests to think it is the real deal, but I'm not sure if we'll be able to pull it off. ALSO - lol sorry...did anyone stay/or going to stay an extra week for their honeymoon? Our TA recommended moving over to the Royal Suites Turquesa? My FI mom will be at the punta cana part for the majority of our honeymoon, but the TA mentioned that she would not be able to come over to that part...but we could go over to her part. Any info on this?
  23. I was looking all over for one like this!! I love the back! Where did you find it?
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