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Everything posted by sungoddess_08

  1. This thread ACTUALLY cracks me up. I was reading them out loud to my FI haha. I have to add mine -- I am a huge neat freak and I can't leave my house if there are dishes in the sink, or on the counter -- or anyhing else out of place (sad I know, I'm working on it lol). Well I leave before my FI most days, and he's always running late in the morning so he'll sometimes make a piece of toast with peanut butter to eat on the way to the car. Well, I come home to a peanut butter knife in the sink (side note -- I HATE peanut butter). And whenever I run the hot water first on it, it smells soo bad, like wet, hot peanut butter. EW. I'm getting sick thinking about it. Minor I know, but so predictable.lol
  2. Oh that's so cute!!! I saw ones similar at La Vie en Rose...but they were more than I wnted to spend at the time. I agree -- bathing suit stores are too expensive to do that. I have a ton, but I thought if I could find a white one it would be cute! I wonder where you get those iron on things -- I saw "Bride" ones at Michaels - but I didn't see Mr. and Mrs. If you find them, let me know -- and I will too! I'm having a hard time getting motivated to get toning - lol, I went to the gym twice this week but our healthy eating is in full gear!! I just need to tone up and it's 5 months away (which will go fast I know) but I'm having a hard time with it -- how do you guys motivate yourself?
  3. Has anyone gotten any "wedding week" outfits -- tee hee, like a white bathing suit, or other white cute dresses. I am trying to find some, but there are NO bathing suits in stores right now. The only one I found was one of those white ones that are SO not flattering lol.. Just curious!! Also -- happy weekend!! WOOO.
  4. Thanks for the welcome!! I am in teachers college right now, so my weekdays are pretty flexible for going to the gym. I am going 3 times this week, and hope to go 3-4 next week. Days I don't go, I still do yoga or sit ups, or some running on the spot in my house. I have still not FULLY gotten into the swing, but the food is managed and we're on a good salad, sushi, fruit diet -- well not exclusive, but those are the things we love the most and manage to make them healthy. Don't worry about being a hypocrite and telling your members what to do -- I find that sometimes that's the way it goes. As a student teacher I have my primary kids do a lot of work, but when I go back to my university course work I HATE being told by the professors what to do. hahah...it's just the job I guess.
  5. I just caught up on this thread - because I thought I would have something comparable to add to it. However, I am shocked and so upset for you that you MIL is acting this way. It is unacceptable, and does not sound like it will be going anywhere. I felt so proud of you after your post where you stood up to her -- did you go to the travel agent and book her a standard room? That is beyond unbeliveable that she would even THINK it was okay. I can relate to the passive FI, my MIL has her quirks and after 3 years still does not acknowledge me in a room. She was also trying to change our Destination Wedding plans, telling everyone to use a different site than our TA because it was 20 dollars cheaper. UNBELIEVABLE. Further, she is not contributing at all. My FI managed to control that before she switched everyone away from our TA. She is just a not very nice person, and seeing that my FI doesn't feel comfortable around her either has (unfortunatey) made things a little easier. All I hope is that your day yesterday went off without a hitch! I hope you will update and say how everthing went...and whether or not your MIL laid low (in her hopefully non-white dress). Congrats to you and your FI, you are the only ones who matter now!
  6. Hi all! I just noticed this post and it caught my eye. I have not been to WW, but we follow some of the recipes, and eat very healthy. While we go through phases (usually more intensely before a Caribbean vacation lol), we have started 2010 determined to eat well and lose some pounds. As the food is pretty consistent, my focus needs to be on excercise. I would LOVE to be in on the motivation that you guys provide, as I am finding it hard to get back in the work-out groove!! lol..I did go twice this week though.
  7. okay great!! Thanks...wanted to check before I booked him!! haha, I'll wait for a friend request for him lol.
  8. Hi Girls!! I am 99.98% we are going to be booking Arnaud tomorrow -- did he ask for a deposit for those who booked him? Or how did the process work?
  9. Great Advice - thanks Tracey. Unrelated -- I saw a post earlier about someone saying Dreams does not have wristbands which are better for pictures. I know GPPC does, but do they interfere with the pictures much? The whole reason for going away was to NOT stress, lol...but I'm just curious.
  10. We're leavint he next day!! But I guess depending on what time my guests leave - and when we have to check out by, we could always extend checkout maybe!!
  11. Are they reliable though? I just would be worried about giving some random person on the beach cash and hoping they come back with the pictures.
  12. Carolina just emailed me back and "confirmed" June 28, 2010 at 5:00pm. I am sooo excited and hope that it doesn't change!! lol. Also - just an update, my sister has decided to come!! haha and she even bought a dress!!! It's beautiful!!! Tha's my update! lol
  13. Well different days -- The ceremony picutres on June 28, 2010 at Grand Palladium, and then July 1 at Dreams Palm Beach for the TTD. That's where we'll be for our honeymoon June 29-July 6.
  14. We are getting married at the end of June for reasons already mentioned -- we have teachers in our family, and also it is still before hurricaine season!! The weather is supposed to be great, and I have never been on a caribbean vacation where there wasn't a little rain (5-10 minutes at night to cool down the temperature). It's expected, and I would not stress too much about the time of year.
  15. Yeah! that would be a lot!! I'm just trying to figure out the best (and most affordable) plan for a photographer. Because we are going to be at two different resorts, I will have to pay two seperate day passes for him to come. I'm just trying to figure out the best way to do it.
  16. Do you know where I can find this? I'm trying to book a photographer to come for one hour for a Trash the Dress session but I cannot find the information on half day passes.
  17. Scratch that!!!! I'm sorry - Tracey you already posted it! I just didn't read it carefully enough!! Sorry!
  18. Hi Girls!! just wanted to check something again -- we are about to book Arnaud from HDC photography - do you know how I can find out how much a HALF day pass is? I know Tracy gave me the full day, but I figure we will only need him for half the day! (evening)
  19. So, I am assuming the guests won't even know -- by looking from their seats what the "papers" look like? Do you think we could easily pull it off? Or is Rick York worth the money? I'm just worried about it being too fast, or seeming too simple. But, again the money is something we would prefer to use on photographs if possible. Having never done this before I'm just a little nervous on what to expect - it would be horrible to be down there without Rick and have fake looking papers!! lol
  20. Oh really? You think I could just get her to do it? I never thought about that -- I would definately want to save the 300. I have not confirmed anything with him yet, but he seemed REALLY easy to work with. Perhaps if I ever get a hold of Carolina I will ask her what she can do to make people think it is real. Hmmm.
  21. I never thought of asking Carolina - we are using Rick York and he said that he will bring "fake papers" that can be signed so that no one will know it is not real! He sent us the ceremony written and it was so nice! We are really looking forward to having him, and feel that he is worth the 300. That being said, I did not know that Carolina may be able to do it - perhaps I will look into that first.
  22. Does everyone know thier flight times? Becasue we booked so early (as I'm sure most people did on here), we won't know our flight times until 3 months before! I'm stressing because a) I HATE flying, so the not knowing is making me more nervous and some of our guests are coming from Montreal and flying out of Toronto so we need to help arrange accomodation if it is early in the morning!! What are your flight times? and when did you find out?
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