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Everything posted by sungoddess_08

  1. omg love cats waking you up nicely?
  2. I love the idea of the rose petals in place of where he would have stood. It is symbolic and amazing. I am so sorry for your loss.
  3. 1 week today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited!! I wish I had stuff to add, but it seems like all new people in here! lol, and I have no experience yet so maybe when I get back! Anyways -- Carribbealover -- SOOO excited for us and Courtney!! My wedding, your house, Courtney's baby - omg. we are a big bundle of milestones!!
  4. Glad you are back in business carribbealover and woot for the house!! saw on facebook and I am soo happy for you!! ONE WEEK FOR ME!!!!!!!!! soo excited.
  5. need to do - believe in a positive outcome
  6. Just an update! We tried the strips - the 14 day pack (split so 7 days each) and I saw results on the second day!!! I used two strips back to back for 30 minutes each (both top and bottom each time) so an hour total -- after day 2 it was great! I did it again yesterday and my teeth felt sensitive so I am taking today off, but it's great. My teeth were never really yellow, but I definately notice a difference in both mine and my FI's! Plus we got them on sale (regular 30 down to $24!) I would recommend these over professional whitenning, because you can stop for a few days when they get sensitive as opposed to going in 100% at once.
  7. My appointment is next Saturday. I'm doing a modified brazilian haha -- basically just the whole front. I'm a wimp, and as long as the majority is taken care of I will do the rest. I am actually getting excited to try somethign new -- I'm a wax version, and usually prefer to shave (mostly beacuse I've been to scared lol) BUT...since my appointment is next Saturday, when do you suggest I stop shaving and let it go? (I am dreading this...but I know I need to). I've heard not TOO long because it can be more painful, but I've also heard it needs to be long enough so that it doesn't grow back fast?
  8. Yayy!!!! I used to say the same things to upcoming brides! Now I am one of them! I am so excited!! We leave on the 22nd and the wedding is on the 28th!! Thanks so much!
  9. tee hee!! I wasn't going to out you!! and I definately won't on facebook! I was just teasing! SO exciting!! You both must be so happy! Is your husband in the military? Is he home for awhile? Good luck tomorrow carribbeanlover -- I'll be thinking of you! It will all be worth it!
  10. Military Mrs to be!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!! I just happened to check this thread and wow!! I'm so happy for you!!!! You need to share it with us grand palladium brides thoguh! lol. I am so happy for you - great news!!
  11. I feel like I don't have anything to ad - haha, this sucks. BUT I leave in 1.5 weeks! woot! I'm excited -- Carolina has been amazing with emailing me lately. Carribbeanlover -- for HDC, did you give him an idea of some shots you want? I looked at some pictures and there are some artistic ones that I really want! Should I send this to him before hand? Also -- regarding the menus (I may have asked you this but I forget), I saw in one of your pics that they had a menu with your names on it. Did you do this and bring it? Or did Carolina do it for you? I want this and I don't mind doing it before hand -- we alreayd know what we want.
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